Meteorology - Altimetry Flashcards
What does an altimeter’s barometric setting control adjust?
The altimeter reads heights above differing datums.
What are the four main datum settings for altimeters?
QFE, QNH, Standard pressure, QFF.
What is QFE?
A reading of station pressure taken on an accurate barometer and adjusted for any difference in height between the barometer and the field elevation. If QFE is set, altimeters should read zero on the ground at the airfield.
What is QNH?
The station pressure (QFE) adjusted down to mean sea level (MSL) using ISA values for the temperature between the station and MSL. An altimeter with QNH set should read station elevation on the ground at the station.
What is the standard pressure setting?
1013.2 hPa above a set altitude called the transition altitude. Heights indicated are called pressure altitudes, and they may also be given in an abbreviated form by knocking off the last two zeroes, called a flight level (FL).
What is QFF?
The station pressure adjusted down to MSL using the actual station temperature and the actual lapse rate, taking into account any surface inversions, in the calculation. It is not set on aircraft altimeters but used by the meteorological service as an accurate value for MSL pressure. QFF is displayed on surface isobar charts.
What is QNE?
Not a pressure setting but the touchdown height indicated on the altimeter if the standard setting, 1013 hPa, is set. Used at high airfields where QFE would be too low to set on the altimeter subscale.
How is the adjustment of the station pressure to sea level under QNH and QFF known?
The “reduction of measured pressure to sea level.”
What happens if the temperature at the station and lapse rate to sea level are in accordance with the ISA?
How does QNH compare to QFF for stations above sea level if it is warmer than ISA?
QNH is greater than QFF.
How does QNH compare to QFF for stations above sea level if it is colder than ISA?
QNH is less than QFF.
How does QNH compare to QFF for stations below sea level if it is warmer than ISA?
QNH is less than QFF.
How does QNH compare to QFF for stations below sea level if it is colder than ISA?
QNH is greater than QFF.
What changes when the pilot changes the altimeter sub-scale setting?
The reading on the altimeter changes because the altitude is being referenced to a different datum.
What is the altitude change per hPa for altimetry problems?
27 ft (8 m) per hPa.
What does using QFE indicate?
Height above an airfield.
What does using QNH indicate?
Altitude above mean sea level.
What does using the standard setting indicate?
Pressure altitude or flight level.
What is barometric error?
If an incorrect pressure setting is left on the altimeter, it will indicate higher or lower than it should.
How does temperature affect true altitude?
In high temperatures, true altitude is greater than indicated altitude. In low temperatures, true altitude is lower than indicated altitude.
What is the altitude error due to a temperature deviation from ISA?
4% of height difference for every 10°C of temperature difference or 4x(Height in Thousands of Feet) x ISA Deviation
What is QFF?
Station pressure adjusted to mean sea level using actual station temperature and lapse rate.
What happens when QNH is set below the correct value?
The altimeter will under read, indicating a lower altitude than actual.
What is the mnemonic for barometric error?
“High to low, careful go” means the altimeter will over read when flying from high to low pressure.
How do surface pressures affect altimeter readings?
Incorrect surface pressures lead to barometric errors: over reading when flying from high to low pressure, and under reading when flying from low to high pressure.
What is the general altitude correction for temperature error?
4% of the height difference for every 10°C of temperature difference or 4x(Height in Thousands of Feet) x ISA Deviation
How is barometric error calculated?
Barometric error can be calculated separately and should be dealt with first.
What is QNH?
The station pressure (QFE) adjusted down to mean sea level (MSL) using ISA values for the temperature between the station and MSL. Altimeters use ISA values for internal calculations, so an altimeter with QNH set should read station elevation on the ground at the station.
What is QFE?
A reading of station pressure taken on an accurate barometer and adjusted for any difference in height between the barometer and the field elevation. If QFE is set, altimeters should read zero on the ground at the airfield.
What is the standard pressure setting for altimeters?
1013.2 hPa
What happens if QFE is set on an altimeter?
The altimeter should read zero on the ground at the airfield.
What is the pressure altitude?
Altitude indicated by a barometric altimeter when set to standard pressure (1013.2 hPa).
What is the effect of temperature deviation from ISA on true altitude?
In cold air, true altitude is lower than indicated altitude. In warm air, true altitude is higher than indicated altitude.
What is the rule of thumb for altitude correction in temperature deviation?
4% of height difference for every 10°C of temperature difference.
What mnemonic helps remember altitude changes due to temperature deviations?
“High to low, careful go.”
How to calculate the altitude error for barometric pressure difference?
Altitude error (in feet) = Pressure difference (in hPa) x 27 ft/hPa.
What is density altitude?
The altitude in the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) at which the air density would be equal to the actual air density at the place of observation.
What is the relationship between QNH and QFF?
QNH is calculated from station pressure on the assumption that ISA conditions apply. QFF is the actual sea level pressure. QNH will differ from QFF when the temperature is different from ISA.
What happens to QNH compared to QFF in colder air?
QNH will be less than QFF (higher).
What happens to QNH compared to QFF in warmer air?
QNH will be more than QFF (lower).
What is the effect of temperature on QNH when setting on the ground?
The altimeter is calibrated to ISA. If QNH is set, it reads correctly on the ground but may need temperature correction when airborne.
How is density altitude calculated?
Density altitude = Pressure altitude + (120 x Temperature deviation from ISA).
What should be considered in high wind conditions over high ground?
Airflow over high ground can affect atmospheric pressure, causing the altimeter to over-read. Additional height margins should be allowed.
What is the drift and altimeter error when flying from high to low pressure?
The altimeter will over-read, leading to starboard or right drift in the northern hemisphere.
How does the altimeter error affect terrain clearance in high to low pressure flight?
True altitude decreases; therefore, it’s important to calculate the minimum useable Flight Level accurately.