General Navigation - Directions & Coordinates Flashcards
Directions & Coordinates
What are two terms for the shape of the earth? What do they mean?
Oblate spheroid
The earth is slightly fatter at the equator
What is the Geoid?
The shape that the ocean surface would take under the influence of gravitation and the Earth’s rotation alone, if other influences such as wind and tides were absent
What is the history of the Geoid?
It has been an important concept for 200 years, but has been defined to high precision only since advances in satellite geodesy
What’s a reference ellipsoid?
A mathematically defined surface that approximates the geoid
What are Reference Ellipsoids used for?
As a preferred surface on which geodetic network computations are performed
What’s the most common geodetic reference system?
World Geodetic System of 1984
WGS 84
How are the poles defined?
The extremities of of the axis of the Earth’s rotation
What is the direction of Earth’s rotation?
Anti-clockwise from above
What is true north?
The direction from any position on earth to the north pole
How might ‘East’ be defined? And West?
The direction is which Earth rotates
The opposite
What are Rhumb lines?
Lines of constant track
The Rhumb Line Track between two points of the same latitude would follow…
What would be the track?
A parallel of latitude
What would be the shortest route between two points of the same latitude?
a) The rhumb line
b) A Great Circle Track
What is another name for parallels of latitude other than the equator?
Small circles
What would your track be if tracking along a meridian?
000T or 180T
What are lines of longitude called?
What’s a meridian’s opposite on the other side of the Earth called
How many parallels of latitude are there?
Parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude are a…system
Position reference