- Seen as pattern of consciousness
- Constantly changing and evolving
- Identified by patterns
Newman M.: PERSON
- “Pattern of the whole” of a person
- A continuous process of expanding awareness, not just the absence of illness
- Health is about growth, understanding, and becoming more aware of oneself and one’s environment over time.
Newman M.: HEALTH
- Includes both the physical surroundings and the life experiences that influence a person
- It is constantly interacting with the person’s consciousness.
- The process of helping individuals recognize and understand their own health and consciousness
- Nurses support patients in expanding their awareness and integrating mind, body, and spirit
Newman M.: NURSING
- The needs of each patient encompass the physical, emotional, spiritual and social facets
Larrabee: PERSON
- Concerned with the level of wellness of an individual throughout the period of care.
- Dynamic, dependent on several influences.
Larrabee: HEALTH
The patient’s health and wellness can be affected by the actual and social environments that surround him or her.
This includes what nurses do and know-the concept of nursing process and collaborative role in patient care
Larrabee: NURSING
An individual with peculiar needs and expectations of themselves, which are largely related to his or her behavioral patterns
Resnick: Person
State of a person that can be described as overall well-being, both physical and psychological
Resnick: Health
Social and cultural surroundings of a person can influence his/her ability to feel self-efficacious
Resnick: Environment
- Helps patients in improving self-efficacy through communication, physiological contact, and self-
Resnick: Nursing
- A self-interpreting being
- The person does not come into the world predefined but gets defined in the course of living a life
- A creative, generative being who lives in the context of meaning and whose actions and
understandings form a comprehensible whole
Benner: Person
- Not just the absence of disease and illness
- Lived experiences of being healthy and ill
- All treatment for disease and illness must make sense within the context of the lived human experience
Benner: Health
- She used the phenomenological terms of “being situated” and “situated meaning”, which are
- An “enabling condition of connection and concern”, suggesting a relationship based on caring
- Nursing science is guided by the art and ethics of care and responsibility
- Nurses promote healing through assisting the patient to maintain human ties and concern, and it is the human connection that gives people the courage to weather their illness