- Individuals, families, institutions or communities in need of health care
- Comfort is achieved when the patient’s pain needs are met
Person: Kolcaba
Optimal functioning, as defined by the patient, group, family, or institution
Kolcaba: HEALTH
- Any aspect of the patient that can be manipulated to enhance comfort
- A calm and comforting environment will allow the patient’s anxiety level to decrease
It is the intentional assessment of the patient’s comfort needs and creation of a specific care plan to address and readdress those needs
Kolcaba: NURSING
- A whole or complete being in the moment that continually grows and changes as response to different personal conditions and experiences
Locsin: PERSON
The surroundings use technology (e.g., a critical care unit) to understand the person as a complete moment by moment
Locsin: Environment
- A discipline and specialized practice that uses technology to individualize care to the unique needs of the person
- The function of a nurse is to be challenged to be technologically proficient while responding to the calls for nursing
- The nurse acts as the “midline” between the person and technologies, in order to fully know the person and help them understand the role of technologies as part of their care
Locsin: Nursing
The enhancement of humanhood, allowing a person to continually grow and develop from moment to moment
Locsin: Health
- Integrates the concepts of both self and others, and recognizes individuals as having unique biological, psychological, emotional, social, cultural, and spiritual attitudes
- An open system with a set group of rhythmic behaviors
- Thrives on honor and dignity, self-evaluation and growth and development
Fitzpatrick: PERSON
- A dynamic state of being resulting from the interaction of person and the environment
- It can vary from wellness to illness, disease, or dysfunction
- It changes continuously throughout the person’s life span
Fitzpatrick: HEALTH
- The actualization of both innate and obtained human potential obtained from rewarding relationships with others, goal-directed
Optimum Health
Social construct that surrounds the patient and its effects on the patient
Fitzpatrick: ENVIRONMENT
A practice discipline and a profession that is based upon a synthesized body of knowledge, which is derived from inquiry and clinical evaluation promoting wellness and diminishing illness
- Nursing practice centers on the application of this body knowledge in an effort to maintain, restore and enhance the interactions between people and their environment
Fitzpatrick: NURSING
- Inherently caring by virtue of their humanness
- Are whole or complete in the moment
- Live caring, moment to moment
- Unique being constantly growing and unfolding within relationships
Boykin and Schoenhofer: PERSON
- Process of living life grounded in caring
- This implies that the fullness of being human is expressed in living caring uniquely day to day and is enhanced through participation in caring relationships
Boykin and Schoenhofer: HEALTH
Includes the context of caring interactions, shaped by the relationships and experiences of the individuals involved
- It is where authentic caring relationships between the nurse and the person occur
Boykin and Schoenhofer: ENVIRONMENT
- Both a discipline and a professional practice focused on nurturing caring relationships
- It is an “exquisitely interwoven” unity of aspects of the discipline and profession of nursing
- As a discipline, nursing is a way of knowing, being, valuing, and living in the world, and is envisaged
as a unity of knowledge within a larger unit
Boykin and Schoenhofer: NURSING
It is composed of 2 major systems: the biological and behavioral system. It is the rolevof medicine to focus on biological system, while nursing focuses on the latter
Johnson: PERSON
- Opposite of illness
- “Some degree of regularity and constancy in behavior, the the behavioral system reflects
adjustments and adaptations that are successful in some way and to some degree… adaptation is functionally efficient and effective.” - An elusive state that is affected by social, psychological, biological, and physiological factors
- Reflected by the organization, interaction, interdependence, and integration of the behavioral subsystems
Johnson: HEALTH
It implied to include all elements of the surroundings of the human system and includes interior stressors
“An external regulatory force which acts to preserve the organization and integration of the patient’s behavior at an optimum level under those conditions in which the behavior constitutes a threat to the physical or social health, or in which illness is found.”
- Help the patient maintain his/her equilibrium
- The goal of nursing is to maintain and restore the person’s behavioral system balance and stability or to help the person achieve a more optimum level of balance and functioning
Johnson: NURSING