Metallic Structures Vocab Flashcards
A colorless flammable gas widely used as a fuel in oxy fuel welding
A colorless, odorless gas that is totally inert to other substances
Bend Allowance
The amount of material consumed in making a bend
Bend Radius
The inside measurement of thebend and its limits
Blind Rivet
A rivet that can be completely installed from one side. Mainly used in applications where there is no access to the rear of the joint.
The process of joining metal with a filler rod that melts at a temperature below the metal being joined
Carburizing Flame
A flame where there is more Acetylene than Oxygen used.
A process that creates a V-shaped edge near the surface of a hole, allows rivets to be installed flush to the surface
A piece of sheet metal used to strengthen and stiffen a repair in a metal structure
Edge Distance
The distance from the center of the rivet to the nearest edge of the metal
Used to connect two tubes together or to connect a pipe to a valve, tee, choke or other component
Inert Gas
Used to connect two tubes together or to connect a pipe to a valve, tee, choke or other component
A small offset near the edge of a piece of sheet metal
Lightening Hole
Holes that reduce weight of structural members while retaining durability
Neutral Flame
A flame with a balance of oxygen and acetylene
Nut plate
A stamped sheet metal nut that is usually riveted to a workpiece.
Oxidizing Flames
A flame burning with an excess amount of oxygen
Pressure Regulator
Reduce a supply (or inlet) pressure to a lower outlet pressure and work to maintain this outlet pressure despite fluctuations in the inlet pressure
Rivet Length
Equal to the thickness of both objects you are fastening, plus 1.5 times the diameter of the rivet’s stem
Rivet Nut
A captive nut that is able to attach onto a steel sheet surface for bolting purposes, where a hole opening is not possible because the material can’t hold a bolt or a screw
Rivet Diameter
3 x the thickest sheet of metal being joined
Rivet Spacing
The distance between the centers of adjacent rivets
The skeleton or the frame of an aviation wing.
Torch Tip
A specialized nozzle that when attached to a cutting torch, generates a focused flame for cutting metal
Process of joining two metallic surfaces to make an electrical contact by melting solder (usually tin and lead) across them