Metabolism: body temperature & regulation Flashcards
at 41°C ____, and at 43°C ____
- Convulsions occur
- protein denaturation & nervous malfunctions occur leading to death
enumerate types of thermoreceptors in the body
- Peripheral thermoreceptors
- Deep thermoreceptors
- Central thermoreceptors
types of receptors of peripheral thermoreceptors & their sensory pathway
- Ruffin & Krause receptors
- In C fibers
- In lateral spinothalamic tract
sites of Deep thermoreceptors
- Spinal Cord
- Abdominal Viscera
- in and around great veins of thorax & abdomen
Site of Central thermoreceptors
pre-optic Area of Anterior hypothalamus
shell temperature is also known as ____ & is detected by ____
- Skin temperature
- Peripheral receptors (ruffin & krause)
Oral temperature
37 °C, axillary temperature being 1/2 a degree less
Core temperature is higher than oral temperature by ____ and is represented by _____
- 0.5 °C
- Rectal temperature
Factors affecting Core temperature
- Circadian fluctuations (lowest at night/early morning, highest in the evening)
- Males show higher core temp. due to higher muscle mass
- Females core temp. increase by 0.5°C at post ovulatory phase
- young children have** 0.5 °C** higher core temp than adults
- physical activity increases core temperature
- Hyper & hypothyroidsm
- Emotional excitement
- Constitutional (some adults have higher than others)
Describe role of hypothalamus in regulation of body temperature
- Anterior hypothalamus acts as the Central thermorceptor
- Posterior hypothalamus recieves & integrates temperature sensory signals
- hypothalamus is adjusted to a standard core body temperature of 37.1°C (set-point) above it, hypothalamus sends signals to increase heat loss, below it, it sends signals to increase heat gain
Enumerate Anti-rise measures (regulation mechanisms upon exposure to high environmental temperatures)
- Vasodilatation
- Decrease heat production
- Non-evaporative heat loss
- Evaporative heat loss
Explain how non-evaporative heat loss occurs during Anti-rise measures
* transfer/ loss of heat by infrared electromagnetic rays
* 60% of human heat loss
* heat exchange intitiated by kinetic energy
* there is thermal gradient between surface of body & solid object touching the surface
* 15% of human heat loss
* Replacement of heated air layer around the body with unheated air produced by air currents
* 15% of Energy heat loss
Explain Evaporative heat loss during antirise measures
Insensible prespiration:
* Continuous diffusion of water molecules through skin & respiratory surfaces
* Cholineregic sympathetic Nerve fibers
* slight stimulation: slow flow rate with complete NaCl reabsorption
* Rapid stimulation: rapid flow rate with half NaCl reabsorption
* Stimulated by Aldosterone
* more aldosterone=more Na+ reabsorption
Enumerate Anti-drop measures
- Vasoconstriction
- piloerection
- increase thermogenesis
Center of Shivering is inhibited by
Heat signals from Anterior hypothalamus
Center of Shivering is Stimulated by
Cold signals from skin & spinal cord (deep & peripheral thermoreceptors)
Describe Charactaristics of Shivering Center signals
- Occurs during short exposure to cold
- non-rhythmical
- do not cause actual muscle contraction
- increase muscle tone
- maximum shivering increase heat production 4-5 times
Describe sympathetic Stimulation of heat production (chemical theromgenesis)
- norepinephrine acts on beta adrenergic receptors on brown fat
- causing oxidative phosphorylation in special mitochondria of brown fat & release of heat energy
Brown fat is found in infants in inter-scapular space
Describe Non-shivering thermogenesis (Thyroxine stimulating heat production)
- Anterior hypothalamus stimulates Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH)
- TRH stimulates secretion of pituitary TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)
- increases thyroid hormone secretion
- increase cellular metabolism & heat productionn
Explain mechanism of fever
- bacterial cell membranes release pyrogens
- pyrogens are phagocytosed, causing release of Interleukin-1 (IL-1)
- interluekin 1 increases synthesis of PGE2
- PGE2 increases the set point made by hypothalamus
- this stimulates Anti-drop measures
- Increasing Heat production
Describe how asprin is an antipyretic
prevents synthesis of PGE2