Metabolic Diseases Of Bone Flashcards
What is the primary role of bone beyond its supporting function, as described in these notes?
Beyond its supporting role, bone acts as an important organ in controlling the metabolism of calcium and phosphate in the body. This metabolic function is critical for overall bodily function.
Explain the term “osteopaenia” and give three possible causes.
Osteopaenia is a low bone density resulting from a decrease in osteoid formation. It can be caused by factors such as age, genetic predisposition, and deficiencies in vitamin D or calcium, amongst others.
Describe the typical clinical features of rickets in children, mentioning at least three skeletal deformities.
Rickets typically presents in children around the age of one and can cause deformities such as bowing of the legs, an enlarged head, and a chest deformity called “pigeon chest” along with thickened costochondral junctions.
What is the key difference between osteopaenia and osteomalacia?
Osteopaenia is characterised by reduced bone density due to decreased osteoid formation, whereas osteomalacia involves a failure of bone mineralisation, leading to weakened and painful bones.
What are Looser’s zones and what condition are they associated with?
Looser’s zones are translucent zones of bone with surrounding sclerosis, usually running at right angles to the margin of the bone. They are associated with adult osteomalacia.
What is osteolysis and what is the most potent factor causing it?
Osteolysis is the loss of mineralised bone due to osteoclastic resorption in excess of deposition. The most potent factor producing this is over-activity of parathyroid secretion.
Outline the three types of hyperparathyroidism.
The three types of hyperparathyroidism are primary (caused by a gland adenoma or hyperplasia), secondary (usually in response to renal disease or osteomalacia), and tertiary (where an overstimulated secondary gland over-secretes even if the underlying cause is resolved).
Describe the clinical presentation of primary hyperparathyroidism, referencing at least two relevant symptoms and one potential complication.
Primary hyperparathyroidism is characterised by general bone pain, indigestion, weakness, and anorexia. It is associated with the potential complication of renal calculi (kidney stones).
What are three cellular processes involved in the pathology of osteoporosis, according to the notes?
The processes involved in the pathology of osteoporosis are apoptosis (programmed cell death), autophagy (self-consumption of body tissue), and changes due to non-coding RNA and DNA methylation, as related to cellular processes.
Explain how a DEXA scan is used in the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis.
A DEXA scan is a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry device used to measure bone density. It is used as a screening technique to detect patients at risk of osteoporosis, especially post-menopausal women.