A ___________ is a biochemical substance,
produced by a ductless gland, that has a
messenger function. ___________ serve as a
means of communication between various
There are two major classes of steroid hormones:
(1) sex hormones,
which control reproduction and secondary sex
(2) adrenocorticoid hormones,
which regulate numerous biochemical processes in the body
The sex hormones can be classified into three major groups:
- Estrogens—the female sex hormones
- Androgens—the male sex hormones
- Progestins—the pregnancy hormones
__________ are synthesized in the ovaries and adrenal cortex and are responsible for the development of female secondary sex characteristics at the onset of puberty and for regulation of the menstrual cycle. They also stimulate the development of the mammary
glands during pregnancy and induce estrus (heat) in animals.
___________ are synthesized in the testes and adrenal cortex and promote the development of male secondary sex characteristics. They also promote muscle growth.
____________ are synthesized in the ovaries and
the placenta and prepare the lining of the
uterus for implantation of the fertilized ovum.
They also suppress ovulation.
The best known types of synthetic steroids are ___________ and _______________.
a. oral contraceptives
b. anabolic steroids
_____________ is a hormone your pituitary gland releases that plays a large role in how your body responds to stress. The release of ACTH triggers your adrenal glands to produce cortisol, the “stress hormone.”
Adrenocorticoid Hormones
small organs located on top of each kidney, at least 28 different hormones have been isolated from the adrenal cortex
adrenal glands
There are two types of adrenocorticoid hormones.
a. Mineralocorticoids
b. Glucocorticoids
_________________ control the balance of Na1 and K1 ions in cells and body fluids.
The major mineralocorticoid is ____________,
and the major glucocorticoid is ___________.
a. aldosterone
b. cortisol
____________ control glucose metabolism and counteract inflammation.
__________ is the hormone synthesized in the largest amount by the adrenal glands. ________ and its synthetic
ketone derivative cortisone exert powerful anti-inflammatory effects in the body.
An ___________ is an oxygenated C20 fatty acid derivative that functions as a messenger lipid.
The metabolic precursor for most eicosanoids is _________.
arachidonic acid
The physiological effects of eicosanoids include mediation of:
- The inflammatory response, a normal response to tissue damage
- The production of pain and fever
- The regulation of blood pressure
- The induction of blood clotting
5.. The control of reproductive functions, such as
induction of labor - The regulation of the sleep/wake cycle
There are three principal types of eicosanoids:
A ________________ is a messenger lipid that is a C20-fatty-acid derivative that contains a cyclopentane ring and oxygen-containing functional groups.
Prostaglandins are involved in many regulatory functions, including raising body temperature, inhibiting
the secretion of gastric juices, increasing the secretion of a protective mucus layer into the stomach, relaxing and contracting smooth muscle, directing water and electrolyte balance, intensifying pain, and enhancing inflammation responses.
Aspirin reduces inflammation and fever because it inactivates enzymes needed for prostaglandin synthesis.
A _____________ is a messenger lipid that is a C20-fatty-acid derivative that contains a cyclic ether ring and oxygen-containing functional groups.
_____________ are produced by blood platelets and promote platelet aggregation. An important function of it is to promote the formation of blood clots.
A __________ is a messenger lipid that is a C20-fatty-acid derivative that contains three conjugated double bonds and hydroxy groups.
Leukotrienes are found in ____________________.
leukocytes (white blood cells)