Mesolimbic Reward System Flashcards
What does the Mesolimbic Reward System do?
Evaluates, regulates and reinforces appetitive behaviours through dopaminergic signalling and is a core brain system for processing reward value
- it transports dopamine from the ventral tegmental area to dopaminergic neurons in the nucleus accumbens and amygdala
In the Mesolimbic reward system, what dopaminergic pathways are used?
Lateral septum
medial extended amygdala/ basolateral amygdala
Which areas of the brain interact to motivate sex-typical social behaviours?
Preoptic area (POA)
Mesolimbic dopamine circuitry
Which area of the brain receives dopaminergic input from the VTA (Ventral tegmental area)?
Subregions of the BNST (bed nucleus of the stria terminalis)
Young and Wang (2004) integrated reward basis in which two brain systems?
Mesolimbic reward system
Reproductive behaviours of the SBN
Which regions of the male tu’ngara frogs’ brain, responds to females’ calls?
hypothalamic and dopaminergic regions of the brain
(Hoke et al, 2007)
Give 2 pieces of evidence that show the SBN and mesolimbic reward system are linked
Any of:
a) important interactions between the POA and mesolimbic dopamine circuitry for the motivation to engage in sex-typical social behaviours (Greenberg and Trainer, 2016)
b) subregions of the BNST receive dopaminergic input from the VTA (Hasue and Shammah-Lagnado, 2002).
c) work in monogamous voles has integrated the rewarding basis of being with a mate in the mesolimbic reward system with reproductive behaviors of the SBN (Young and Wang, 2004)
d) tu ́ngara frogs: male neural response to conspecific calls in females: both hypothalamic and dopaminergic regions respond to an attractive call (Hoke et al., 2007).