Meridians II Final Study Guide Flashcards
Within the hairline of temporal region, at junction of the upper 1/4 and lower 3/4 of the curved line connecting ST 8 and GB 7.
GB 4
Within the hairline of temporal region, at junction of the lower 1/4 and upper 3/4 of the curved line connecting ST 8 and GB 7.
GB 6
On the head, at crossing point of the vertical posterior border of the temple and horizontal line through the ear apex.
GB 7
Superior to apex of the ear, 1.5 cun within hairline.
GB 8
1 cun anterior to GB 22, at the level of the nipple, in 4th intercostal space.
GB 23
When the fist is clenched, the point is on the dorsum of the hand between the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones, in the depression proximal to the fourth metacarpophalangeal joint.
SJ 3
Anterior to the intertragic notch, at the posterior border of the condyloid process of the mandible. Located with the mouth open.
GB 2
When knee is flexed, the point is at the medial end of the transverse popliteal crease, posterior to the medial epicondyle of the tibia, in the depression of the anterior border of the insertions of m. semimembranosus and m. semitendinosus.
In the center of the mastoid process, at the junction of the middle and lower third of the curve formed by SJ 17 and SJ 20 posterior to the helix.
SJ 18
4 cun above the medial epicondyle of the femur, between m. vastus medialis and m. sartorius.
Anterior to the medial malleolus, midway between SP 5 and ST 41, in the depression on the medial side of the tendon of m. tibialis anterior.
At the center of the palm, between the 2nd. and 3rd metacarpal bones, but close to the latter, and in the part touching the tip of the middle finger when a fist is made
PC 8
(distinguish this from HT 8 - bet 4th and 5th meta)
On the lateral side of the abdomen, on the lower border of the free end of the 12th rib.
GB 25
Directly below the nipple, 4 cun lateral to midline, in 7th intercostal space.
GB 24
Posterior and superior to the mastoid process, at the junction of the middle third and upper third of the curved line connecting GB 9 and GB 12.
GB 10
In the depression anterior to the supratragic notch and behind the posterior border of the condyloid process of the mandible, located with the mouth open.
SJ 21
7 cun above the tip of the external malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula
GB 36
Where does the DU channel originate?
In the lower abdomen
Where does the UB channel originate?
At the inner canthus of the eye
Where does the KD channel originate?
The inferior aspect of the small toe
Where does the PC channel originate?
From the chest
Where does the Gallbladder channel originate?
From the outer canthus
Where does the Triple Burner/ San Jiao channel originate?
The tip of the ring finger (The lateral side of the ring finger)
Where does the Liver channel originate?
The dorsal hairy region of the great toe.
Where does the DU channel terminate?
The columella of the nose.
Where does the UB channel terminate?
The lateral side of the 5th toe
Where does the Kidney channel terminate?
At the root of the tongue.
Where does the Pericardium channel terminate?
Along the middle finger right down to its tip.
Where does the Triple Energizer/ San Jiao channel terminate?
At the outer corner of the eyebrow.
How many point does the DU channel have?
28 OR 29 incuding Yin Tang
How many point does the UB channel have?
67 points
How many point does the Kidney channel have?
27 points
How many point does the Pericardium channel have?
9 points
How many point does the San Jiao channel have?
23 points
How many point does the Gallbladder channel have?
44 points
How many point does the Liver channel have?
14 points
Which points are leveled with the umbilicus?
Ren 8 (0), KD-16 (0.5), ST 25 (2), SP 15 (4 cun), GB-26 (11th rib)
What points are level with the the fourth ICS?
Ren 17 (0) , KD-23, ST-17, PC-1, Sp 18, GB 23, GB 22
Points .5 cun withing AHL
DU 24, UB 3, UB 4, GB 15, GB 13, ST 8
points line the upper border of the pubic symphysis, or 1 cun below it, or extend through the anterior border of the ASIS
Ren-2 (0), K-11 (0.5), ST-30 (2), LV-12 (2.5 and 1 cun below ST 30), SP-12 (3.5), GB-28, GB-27
Points level with the 4th ICS Vertical axis
ST-12-ST18, LV-14, GB-24, SP-12-16
Point at same level on the anterior scalp
(1 cun, 2.5, 4)
● 1.0: Du-23, UB-5
● 2.5: UB-6, GB-17
● 4.0: UB-7, GB-18
Point at same level on the posterior scalp
(.5 cun, 1, 2.5)
● 0.5: Du-15, UB-10
● 1.0: Du-16, GB-20 (roughly)
● 2.5/Superior to EOP: Du-17, UB-9, GB-19
Points 5 cun above the medial and lateral malleoli
K-9, LV-5, GB-37
LR-9 is located 4 cun above the medial epicondyle of the femur, between which two muscles?
m. vastus medialis and m. sartorius
5 cun directly above the tip of the external malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula.
GB 37
On the level of the 4th posterior sacral foramen, 3 cun lateral to the median sacral crest.
When knee is flexed, the point is at the medial end of the transverse popliteal crease, posterior to the medial epicondyle of the tibia, in the depression of the anterior border of the insertions of m. semimembranosus and m. semitendinosus.
In the depression between the tip of the external malleolus and Achilles’ tendon
BL 60
In the depression directly below the external malleolus
BL 62
In the depression below the tip of the medial malleolus.
KI 6
Anterior to the medial malleolus, midway between SP 5 and ST 41, in the depression on the medial side of the tendon of m. tibialis anterior.
LV 4
At the junction of straight lines drawn along the anterior and inferior borders of the medial malleolus
SP 5
Anterior and inferior to the lateral (external) malleolus, in the depression on the lateral side of the tendon of m. extensor digitorum longus.
GB 40
Level with the lateral malleolus, in a depression between the tendons of extensor hallucis longus and extensor digitorum longus.
ST 41
2 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of m. palmaris longus and m. flexor radialis.
PC 6
2 cun proximal to the dorsal crease of the wrist, on the line connecting Yangchi (TE 4) and the tip of the olecranon, betweeen the radius and ulna.
SJ 5
Directly below LV 13 at the crossing point of a vertical line through the free end of the 11th rib and a horizontal line through the umbilicus
GB 26
On the lateral side of the abdomen, below the free end of the 11th rib.
LV 13
Directly above the posterior border of the ear, 2 cun within the hairline, about 0.5 posterior to GB 8.
GB 9
On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression distal to the junction of the first and second metatarsal bones.
LV 3
Directly below the nipple, in the sixth intercostal space, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
LV 14
SJ-4 is located on the transverse crease of the dorsum of the wrist, in the depression lateral to the tendon of which muscle?
m. extensor digitorum
m. extensor carpi radialis
m. palmaris brevis
m. palmaris longus
m. extensor digitorum
SJ-18 is located posterior to the ear, at the junction of the upper and middle third of the curve formed by SJ 17 and SJ 20 behind what landmark?
Anterior hairline
Which point is located between m. extensor digitorum longus and m. peroneus brevis?
In the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula
GB 34
Which point on the Gallbladder meridian is located medial to the tendon of m. extensor digiti minimi?
GB 42
LR-9 is located 4 cun above the medial epicondyle of the femur, between which two muscles?
m. vastus medialis and m. sartorius
m. vastus medialis and m. gracillus
m. vastus lateralis and m. sartorius
m. vastus medialis and m. sartorius
The location of LV-7 is posterior and inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia, in the upper portion of the medial head of which muscle, 1 cun posterior to SP-9?
Peroneus longus
Peroneus brevis