Gallbladder Points (CAM) Pt. 29-44 Flashcards
At the junction of the lateral third and
medial two thirds of the distance
between the prominence of the greater
trochanter and the sacral hiatus of the
GB 30
In the depression of the midpoint
between the ASIS and the prominence of
the greater trochanter
GB 29
On the midline of the lateral aspect of
the thigh,2 cun below GB 31 or 5 cun
superior to the popliteal crease,
between vastus lateralis and biceps
GB 32
On the midline of the lateral aspect of
the thigh, 7 cun superior to the
popliteal crease. When the patient is
standing erect with the hands close to
the sides, the point is where the tip of
the middle finger touches.
GB 31
3 cun above yang liang quan (GB 34),
lateral to the knee joint, in the
depression above the external
epicondyle of the femur.
GB 33
In the depression anterior and inferior
to the head of the fibula
GB 34
7 cun above the tip of the external
malleolus, on the posterior border of
the fibula
GB 35
In the depression distal to the junction
of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones,
(posterior to the fourth
metatarsophalangeal joint) lateral to
the tendon of m extensor digiti minimi
of the foot
GB 41
4 cun above the tip of the external
malleolus, slightly anterior to the
anterior border of the fibula, between
the m. extensor digitorum longus and
the M. peroneus brevis
GB 38
7 cun above the tip of the external
malleolus, on the anterior border of the
GB 36
5 cun directly above the tip of the
external malleolus, on the anterior
border of the fibula
GB 37
3 cun above the tip of the external
malleolus, on the anterior border of the
GB 39
Anterior and inferior to the lateral
(external) malleolus, in the depression
lateral to the tendon of extensor
digitorum longus
GB 40
Posterior to the fourth
metatarsophalangeal joint, between the
fourth and fifth metatarsal bones, on
the medial side of the tendon of the m.
extensor digiti minimi of the foot
GB 42
On the dorsum of the foot, between the
fourth and fifth toe, proximal to the
margin of the web, at the junction of
the red and white skin
GB 43
On the lateral side of the 4th toe,
approximately .1 cun from the corner of
the nail
GB 44