Channel Intro + Lung Flashcards
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Where is the kidney channel located?
arm / leg
Where is the lung channel located?
arm / leg
Where is the large intestine channel located?
arm / leg
Where is the stomach channel located?
arm / leg
Where is the spleen channel located?
arm / leg
What 3 yin channels are located on the arm?
Lung Tai Yin
Heart Shao Yin
Pericardium Jue Yin
What 3 yang channels are located on the leg?
Stomach Yang Ming
Gallbladder Shao Yang
Urinary Bladder Tai Yang
What is the distance between the axillary fold and the transverse cubital crease?
9 cun
What is the distance between the transverse cubital crease and transverse wrist crease?
12 cun
What is the full name of the Lung Channel?
Hand Tai Yin Lung Channel
What is the externally paired channel of the Lung Meridian?
Hand Yang Ming Large Intestine Channel
What is the 6-level channel pair of the Hand Tai Yin Lung channel?
Foot Tai Yin Spleen Channel
How many points are on the Hand Tai Yin Lung Channel?
11 points
Where does the lung channel originate?
In the middle jiao
The lung channel ascends to the _ _ _ _ region, before passing obliquely downwards towards Lung 1, where the channel emerges.
What is the distance between Lung 5 & Lung 6?
5 cun
Lung 5 is located in the depression on the **[ulnar / radial] **side of the tendon _ _ _ _ _ _
Radial / biceps brachii
Lung 11 is on the radial side of the _ _ _ _.
Lung 9 is located on the radial end of the _ _ _ _ _ _ in the depression on the lateral side of the _ _ _ _ _.
Transverse crease of wrist / radial artery
What is the name of the point Lung 10? Why do you think it was named that?
Fish Border (Yu Ji)
Because it looks like the belly of a fish
How many cun above the transverse crease of the wrist is Lung 8?
1 cun
How many cun are there between Lung 5 and Lung 9?
12 cun
Why do you think Lung 7 is named Lie Que / Broken Sequence?
This point is off of the lung tai yin channel and the channel branches off here and connects with the large intestine 1
How many cun are Lung 1 and Lung 2 from the anterior midline?
6 cun
Which two lung points are on the upper arm?
LU 3 and LU 4
Lung 8 and Lung 9 are both on the _ _ _ _ side of which artery?
Lateral / Radial Artery
How many cun below the axillary fold is Lung 4?
4 cun
What is the distance between Lung 3 and Lung 4?
1 cun
What is the name of Lung 1?
Zhong Fu / Middle Palace
Why do you think Lung 1 is called what it is?
It originates in the middle jiao (stomach) where the spleen channel connects with the lung channel. It’s a reminder that earth generates metal.
What is the source point (yuan source point) of the Lung Channel?
LU 9
What is the earth point of the Lung Channel?
LU 9
What is the fire point of the Lung Channel?
LU 10
What is the Wood point of the Lung Channel?
LU 11
What is the water point of the Lung Channel?
LU 5
What element is the tonifying point for the Lung and Large Intestine Channels?
What element is the sedation point for the Lung and Large Intestine Channels?
What is the sedation point of the Lung Channel?
LU 5
What is the tonifying point of the Lung Channel?
LU 9