Mentoring 2 Terms Flashcards
Rule-Governed Behavior
A verbal statement of a specified ABC contingency that indirectly controls a temporally distant or remote consequence.
Contingency-Shaped Behavior
A behavior that is controlled by directly coming in contact with its consequences (reinforcing/punishing)
Extinction (operant)
No longer reinforcing a previously reinforced behavior (responses no longer produce reinforcement)
Extinction (Respondent)
Repeated presentation of a CS in the absence of the US; the CS gradually loses its ability to elicit the CR until the conditioned reflex no longer appears in the individual’s repertoire.
When a previously taught behavior occurs beyond the initial training conditions (across behavior, time, subjects & settings)
Multiple Exemplar Training
Providing learner with practice with a variety of stimulus conditions, response variations and response topographies to ensure stimulus control.
General Case Analysis
Systematically selecting teaching examples that represent the full range of stimulus variations and response requirements in the generalization setting.
Program Common Stimuli
Including typical features of the generalization setting into the instructional setting
Teach Loosely
Randomly vary non-critical aspects of the instructional setting within and across teaching sessions
Mediate Generalization
Arrange for some thing or person to act as a medium that ensures the transfer of the target behavior from the instructional setting to the generalization setting.
(Contrived mediating stimulus)
Train to Generalize
Reinforce response variability & Instruct Learner to Generalize
Discriminative Stimulus-
Discriminated Operant-
Respondent Conditioning
S-S pairing procedure (Click & Air Puff)
NS + US → UR (eye blink)
NS + US → UR (eye blink)
NS→CR (eye blink)
Respondent Extinction
Presenting the CS w/o the US (repeatedly) will weaken and cease the CR
Operant Conditioning
The basic process by which operant learning occurs; consequences (stimulus changes immediately following responses) result in and increased (reinforcement) or decreased (punishment) frequency of the same type of behavior under similar motivational and environmental conditions in the future. (A-B-C)