Content Area 1 Flashcards
only use truthful and accurate representations of intervention efficacy and one’s prof. competence in ABA
Practice w/in one’s limits of professional competence AND obtain consultation, supervision, training and make referrals.
Maintain Competence
Engage in ongoing professional development
- continuing education units
- conferences
- professional reading
- peer review
Informed Consent
When the potential recipient of services or a participant in a research study gives his explicit permission BEFORE any assessments/TX is provided
- Full disclosure of effects/side effects
- To give consent: 1. demonstrate capacity to do so 2. do so voluntarily 3.have adequate knowledge of salient aspects.
ID Life style, systems changes, goals & targets
- Applied Dimension (socially significant behavior)
- Applicable Laws
- Ethical/Prof. Standards
- direct/frequent measurement (right to effective tx)
- reversal design (irreversibility, w/drawing effective tx)
- Negative R+ (aversive events–>can generate new behaviors.
- Ethical Considerations
- Professional Standards
Ethical Considerations (Punishment)
Can be used if behavior causes physical harm, if R+ can’t decrease beh., and/or R+ can’t be ID’d and withheld.
- Clients right to safe & humane Tx
- Least Restrictive Alternative
- Right to Effective Tx
Clients right to safe and humane Tx
- Do no harm (physically safe)
- Humane Tx
- Designed for therapeutic effective
- Delivered in compassionate learning manner
- Assessed formatively and terminated in not effective
- Sensative to physical, psychological, and social needs
Least Restrictive Alternative
- Try less intrusive Tx first
- R+ first
Right to Effective Tx
-use of punishment allowed if it is effective
Ethical Considerations (Time Out)
- free from unnecessary & restrictive isolation (can be used if closely monitored)
- locked room=illegal (unless in Tx plan + closely monitored)
- Duration=Brief
Professional Standards
- Ethical Principals APA
- Right to Effective Tx
- Guidelines for Responsible Conduct for Behavior analysts
- BCBA Tasklist
Monitor Treatments/Plans
- initiate, continue, modify or discontinue services only when the the risk-benefit ratio of doing so is lower than the risk-benefit ratio for taking alternative actions
1. Right to safe and humane tx
2. Least restrictive alternative
3. Right to effective Tx.
4. Clear guidelines and safeguards
Conflict of interest
- Dual Relationships
- Personal Relationships (avoid ethical tangles)
- Teacher SHOULDN’T provide outside services
- Teacher SHOULDN’T have romantic relations w/ clients and/or their families.
Describes a situation of trust where any information regarding a person receiving or having received services may not be discussed with others or otherwise made public unless that person has provided explicit authorization for the release of such info.
Dignity, health & safety of one’s clients
- prioritize target behaviors
- punishment policy & procedural safeguards
- Dignity
- Maintain records
- advocate for client (provide necessary/needed services)