Mental Status Exam Flashcards
What are the subheadings of the MSE?
1) General Appearance
2) Psychomotor behaviour
3) Mood and affect
4) Speech
5) Cognition
6) Thought Patterns
7) Level of Consciousness
General Appearance category includes what?
Appearance in relation to age Accessibility
Body Build
Hygiene and grooming
Facial expression
Friendly, hostile, alert, confused, indifference are all descriptors that can be used in what MSE category?
patient’s clothing
Appropriateness to age, season, occasion,and setting. Clean/tidy. Worn correctly.
eye contact
Indirect, fleeting, fixed, glaring, no contact, and darting
Hygiene and Grooming
does the person appear clean, dirty, un-bathed? Meticulous? are they neat, dirty, or well groomed?
Perspiration, alcohol, etc.
Facial Expression
sad, perplexed, fearful, worried, scowling, excited, elated, preoccupied, bored, suspicious, smiling, responsive, interested, animated, blank, dazed or tense
Mental Status Exam
provides a way to structure data about aspects the individual’s mental functioning. It typically follows a specific form followed by all health professionals with observations recorded under headings. It may be necessary to include some technical terms when writing up the MSE but where possible verbatim accounts of the person’s speech and thought content should be used.
Psychomotor Behavior Category Includes what?
Abnormal movements
Rate of movements
Coordination of Movements
What are the 3 areas to look at?
Person, Place, and Time