define relaxation
An activity undertaken to reduce tension and the effects of physical and mental stress
list at least 4 methods of personal relaxation
- Progressive muscle relaxation
- Breathing techniques/controlled breathing/centred breathing
- Music
- Autogenic training
- Thought Stopping / Self-talk
- Massage
- Floatation tanks
- Meditation
- Matching Hypothesis
elaborate on relaxation and motivation
Athletes who are very highly motivated can experience a decline in performance often associated with trying too hard to achieve their optimal performance – often referred to as “choking under pressure”.
elaborate on relaxation and concentration
An athlete who loses attention or who focus their attention on the wrong cues will under perform.
elaborate on relaxation and arousal
Over aroused athletes do not perform at their optimal levels as they can experience difficulty shifting their attentional focus and miss important cues in the environment e.g. an unmarked team mate.