define concentration
Concentration is the ability to focus on task at hand whilst ignoring irrelevant cues or distractions.
concentration has 4 main factors
- Selective
- Shiftable
- Maintain
- Situational
define what Selective Attention
Focus on important cues and ignore distractions which will affect your performance e.g. footballer kicking at goal must focus only on relevant cues.
define what Shiftable Attention
Athletes are constantly required to shift their concentration from broad to narrow throughout a game or activity
define what Maintaining Attention
Being able to concentrate for the duration of the event – one error can cost the match – dropped catch, missed putt.
define Situation Awareness
The ability of the performer to consider the game situation, positioning of team mates and opposition and then make appropriate decision on course of action
what is Nideffer’s Model of Attention
determined that different sports have different attentional requirements and viewed attentional focus along two dimensions;
list 2 components with Nideffer’s Model of Attention
- Direction: Focus on whether cues are internal or external to the performer
- Width: Focus on whether cues are broad – many cues available at once – or narrow where there are limited relevant cues to attend to.
Broad – External refers to what type of cues?
Attention paid to a large number of cues in the external environment.
Required for open skilled team sports.
Narrow – External refers to what?
Focused targeting which is the ability to block out distractions and focus on specific cues.
Required for target sports
Broad – Internal refers to what?
Attention paid to internal thoughts and images.
Analysis, problem solving, visualising, determining strategies.
Narrow – Internal refers to what?
Focus on a specific image, thought or coaching point with few other cues.
A golfer might focus on getting his putt past the hole.
Used to rapidly assess a situation e.g. player running with the ball looks downfield for options
refers to what component in Model of Attention
Broad – External
Used to focus on one or two external cues e.g. the ball or target
refers to what component in Model of Attention
Narrow – External
Used to analyse and plan e.g. develop specific game plan or strategy
refers to what component in Model of Attention
Broad – Internal
Used to mentally rehearse an upcoming performance e.g. mentally rehearsing a gymnastics routine.
refers to what component in Model of Attention
Narrow – Internal
A goal shooter in netball uses *which component to focus on the ball and the movement of the other players on the court.
broad – external
When she has the ball, her focus changes to *which component as she concentrates only on shooting the ball at the target.
narrow – external
*which component is used for attention is used to visualise the ball going into the goal.
Narrow – internal
Concentration problems can be draw into 2 conclusions
- Internally caused
- Externally caused
Strategies to improve concentration and reach the ‘Zone’
list at least 4
- Practice with distractions present
- Use key words to focus on present demands
- Establish consistent performance routines
- Simulate game specific situations during training
- Break the contest into smaller blocks of time
- Confident of game plan/tactics
- Positive feedback
- Imagery
define influence of age
Typically the younger the individual, the more likely they are to lose focus on a regular basis
- as a result older children learn faster than younger children because of longer attention and concentration span
define influence of skill level
The ability of an individual to attend to relevant stimuli is influenced by their skill level
i.e less skilled poeple need more closed environment, & predictable type training
high skilled need more open environments, & allow them to develop the ability to filter out distractions and focus on relevant cues
define influence of activity type
Activities that provide constantly changing stimuli are more likely to maintain the attention and focus of an individual