mental health Flashcards
What lies at the two ends of the mental health continuum, and what cultural factor influences its perception?
Normal human experience, and extreme psychological stress, when people’s mental health is negatively affected.
What factors enhance wellbeing, and how is it measured?
How satisfied people are with their individual lives; quality of lives is measured by subjective measures like happiness and life satisfaction, and objective measures like income and educational resources.
What roles do schools play in addressing mental health, and how is this linked to safeguarding policies?
Schools have a duty of care for children, should detect mental health issues early, incorporate knowledge about mental health into the curriculum, and ensure support processes are in place. This links to safeguarding as mental health issues may indicate abuse.
What three factors should be considered when assessing the severity of a mental health problem?
Severity, complexity, and persistence.
How does resilience affect individuals who experience adverse situations?
Some individuals are very resilient and respond well to adverse events, while others may struggle even with minor events.
What trends were identified regarding mental health in children, and which age group showed the highest rates of disorders?
NHS Digital, 2018 Increased levels of low wellbeing in children compared to previous years, with higher levels observed in boys. Emotional disorders increased, and rates were higher in older age groups, particularly 17-19- three times more likely to have a disorder than children aged 2-4. over a third had sen
How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the mental health of SEND families?
asbury et al 2020 asked to respond to the question: how does the coronavrius outbreak affect yours and your childs mental health, SEND families were most affected by the lack of structure and support, leading to higher parental reported anxiety and stress compared to neurotypical families. exhibited more behavioural issues, including self harm and violence, sometimes required police intervention
What patterns were observed in mental health outcomes between boys and girls, and how did GDP and gender equality influence these outcomes?
campbell, bann and patalay 2021 Girls showed higher mental health problems than boys, which increased with age.
used a large cross national dataset for 73 countries, range of income groups
survey at 15 years old, from representative children of that country
life satisfaction and psychological distress, assessed gender equality and gdp
increased GDP= decreased life satisfaction
How does the learning environment in primary school predict later wellbeing, and what are the differences between boys and girls?
GUTMAN ET AL 2010 Happier primary school experiences predict contentment in secondary school; boys focus more on behavior, while girls focus on social wellbeing.
What were the findings regarding English children’s school experiences compared to other countries?
Good Childhood Report 2015, assessed happiness in 10-12 year olds in 15 countries. English children aged 10-12 were among the unhappiest, with significant bullying experiences reported. 2 children per class disatisfied with asepcts of school life
What individual and school-level factors influence the likelihood of bullying? PISA
PISA: Wang and Chen, 2023. added survey of bullying experiences for the first time in 2015, uses at least 150 schools from each country. Factors include repeated grades, truancy, and being late for class; boys suffer more from school-related bullying than girls. high levels of teacher and parent perceived support= lower school bullying
What percentage of children with mental health problems had not accessed a service after 20 months, and which service was most commonly consulted?
meltzer et al 2000 46% of children with mental health problems had not accessed a service after 20 months, with CAHMS being the most commonly consulted.
NOWADAYS 400,000 children are stuck in limbo on a list, waiting for treatment. These children could fill Wembley stadium four times over. Of this number, 17,991 of them have been waiting for more than a year. NHS England has a zero-tolerance policy for 52-week waits, so it is deeply concerning that these targets are being missed. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PAEDIATRICIANS AND MENTAL HEALTH, 2023
What are the differences between a tiered system and a non-tiered system for accessing mental health services?
CAMHS currently has different tiers for support; a non-tiered system may allow direct access to needed support.
What are the UK government’s three pillars for mental health support in schools?
department for education, 2017 Incentivize and support schools to train a senior lead for mental health, fund new mental health support teams, and pilot a 4-week waiting period for specialist services.
Name the four models used to understand mental health and briefly describe one.
The four models are medical, social, educational, and psychological. The medical model suggests individuals have a problem that needs to be ‘fixed’.
What is the main criticism of the medical model of mental health?
It suggests that individuals have a problem that needs to be ‘fixed’, rather than adapting to meet the individual’s needs. systematic disease names created, emphasis on pharmalogical interventions (Szas 1979)
How can schools reduce stigma around mental health according to the social model?
By increasing exposure and education about mental health difficulties. young people use more negative terms in everyday language and are less likely to seek help (Chandra et al, 2007) young people more likely to face stigmas
-schools teach about mental health and resilience
What are the five key social and emotional skills outlined by the DfES (2007)? in educational model
Self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.
-want to build individuals knowledge of mental health so they know how to cope
What does the Interactive Factors Framework link to mental health?
It suggests that individuals with mental health problems need support from various outer systems that must work together.
take a holistic view, considering biological, cognitive and behavioural factors
What are the layers of influence in the eco-systemic theory?
Teacher, peer group, school policies, and national policies.
Name two ways educational psychologists can support children’s mental health in schools.
Provide access to CAHMS services and train teachers as part of continuous professional development.
What is a public health issue for mental health?
A sustained increase in mental ill health among young people suggests a broad and growing public health issue. NHS Digital 2020
Who suggested against the medical model of mental health?
Billington et al, 2021, argued for a comprehensive understanding of mental health considering individuals’ complex relational and social contexts.