Mental Disorders in the Developmental Period Flashcards
What are the four neurodevelopment disorders?
1) Intellectual disability
2) Autism Spectrum Disorder
3) Specific Learning Disorder
4) Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
The first neurodevelopment disorder is intellectual disorder (intellectual development disorder). What are some features of this disorder?
1) Deficits in intellectual functions
2) Deficits in adaptive functioning
3) There are different levels of severity based on adaptive functioning (mild, moderate, severe and profound)
The second neurodevelopment disorder is autism spectrum disorder. What are some features of this disorder?
1) Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction
2) Restricted repetitive patterns of behavior
In general what are the levels of severity for autism?
Level 1 –> some support needed
Level 2 –> Substantial support needed
Level 3 –>Very substantial support needed
What disorders are included in the autism spectrum?
Autistic Disorder
Pervasive Development Disorders (Aspergers, Retts, childhood disintegrative)
The third neurodevelopment disorder is specific learning disorder. What are some features of this disorder?
1) Difficulty learning and using academic skills
2) NOT a intellect difficulty just learning a specific skill
The fourth neurodevelopment disorder is attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). What are some features of this disorder?
1) Inattention –> lack of attention to details, difficulty in remaining focused, may seem not to be listening, lack of follow through
2) Hyperactivity and Impulsivity –> Fidgets, squirms in seat, leaves seat, when being seated is expected, runs about, inappropriately, talk excessively, etc.
Some hyperactive-impulsive or inattentive symptoms that caused impairment in ADHD were present before what age?
12 years old
Some impairment from the symptoms is present in how many settings in ADHD?
two or more settings
In order to diagnose ADHD, there must be clear evidence of clinically significant…?
Impairment in social, academic or occupational functioning
Finally symptoms in ADHD do not occur exclusively during the course of what?
another mental disorder
What are the two anxiety disorders?
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Selective Mutism
In separation anxiety disorder, what are some feature of this?
1) Recurrent excessive distress
2) Persistent and excessive worrying about experiencing separation
3) Persistent and excessive worrying about losing attachment figures
4) Persistent reluctance or refusal to leave home
5) Persistent and excessive fear or reluctance about being along
6) Persistent reluctance or refusal to sleep away from home
7) Repeated nightmares
In selective mutism what are some features?
Failure to speak in specific social situations
remember this is anxiety related not language related
The two disorders in the trauma/stressor category that are most likely to occur during developmental period are precipitated by what?
What are the two trauma/stressor related disorders?
Reactive Attachment Disorder
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
The first disorder in trauma/stressor is reactive attachment disorder. what are some features
Manifested by BOTH:
1) Child rarely or minimally seeks comfort when distressed
2) Child rarely or minimally responds to comfort when distressed.
The second disorder in the trauma/stressor is disinhibited social engagement disorder. what are some features?
Child approaches and interacts with unfamiliar adults and exhibits at least 2 of the following:
1) Reduced or absent reticence in approaching unfamiliar adults
2) Overly familiar verbal or physical behavior
3) Reduced or absent checking back with adult caregiver after venturing away
4) Willingness to go off with an unfamiliar adult with minimal or not hesitation.
What are the three disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders?
1) Intermittent Explosive Disorder
2) Oppositional Defiant Disorder
3) Conduct Disorder
Disorders in the disruptive, impulse-control and conduct disorders involve problems in the self control of what?
emotions and behaviors
The first disorder of the disruptive, impulse control and conduct disorder is intermittent explosive disorder. what are some features?
Recurrent behavioral outbursts manifested by either:
1) verbal aggression or physical aggression toward property, animals or persons.
2) three behavioral outbursts involving damage to property or injury to animals or persons.
In intermittent explosive disorder what is the onset of age?
most common in late childhood, and persists for many years
The second disorder of the disruptive, impulse control and conduct disorder is oppositional defiant disorder. what are some features?
pattern of:
1) angry/irritable
2) argumentative/defiant
3) vindictiveness
How do you determine when a pattern exists in children with oppositional defiant disorder?
persistency and frequency
The third disorder of the disruptive, impulse control and conduct disorder is conduct disorder. what are some features?
basic rights of others or major age appropriate societal norms are violated
can an adult be diagnosed with conduct disorder?
yes, if antisocial personality does not fit
Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a common precursor to what disorder?
conduct disorder, childhood onset
Does every child with oppositional defiant disorder develop conduct disorder?
of course not
Lastly what are the two elimination disorders?
The first disorder in the elimination disorder is enuresis. what are some features?
repeated voiding of urine into bed or clothes
The second disorder in the elimination disorder is encopresis. what are some features?
repeated passage of feces into inappropriate places