Menstrual health 1 Flashcards
What is the function of the Liver in WM?
there are four main functions of the Liver in WM
* Digestion: Liver filters blood from the digestive tract before filtering it and sending it through the rest of the body
* Metabolism: protein and enzyme synthesis
* Immunity – removes bacteria from the blood stream
* Storage – nutrients and minerals stored in the Liver
What are Liver function tests?
- Elevated levels of Liver enzyme may be an indication of Liver damage or liver-related diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis and cholecystitis
- Main liver enzymes tested are: bilirubin, ALT, AST, ALP, GGT
What is the CM connection to the Liver?
- The WM function correspond perfectly with the Liver’s CM function of storing blood.
- The primary pathway of the Liver channel encircles the uterus (and genital region) and intersects the conception vessel at CV2, CV3, CV4.
What is the WM function of the Spleen?
Four main functions.
* Largest organ in the lymphatic system, which is an integral part of the immune system.
* Digestion: the Spleen filters blood, removes unwanted RBC and platelets
* Immunity: detects pathogens and produces WBC and antibodies to fight infection
* Storage: stores iron and emergency blood cells
What is the CM connection to the Spleen?
- Aligns with the WM function and connects to CM function of transformation and transportation
- The primary pathway of the Spleen channel intersects the conception vessel at CV3, CV4, CV12 and SP4.
What is the WM function of the Heart?
- On average beats 100,000 times per day and pumps 10,000,000 litres of blood through the body
- The heart performs more physical work than any other muscle in the body over a lifetime.
- Located in the thoracic cavity between the Lungs, in the middle of the chest. The heart pumps blood throughout the cardiovascular system.
- Upper chambers: right atrium and left atrium
- Lower chambers: right ventricle and left ventricle
- Two atria receive blood from the veins: the right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the systemic veins.
- The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins.
- The two ventricles pump blood out of the heart to the rest of the body.
What is the CM connection to the heart?
- WM functions correspond with the hearts function of governing blood and blood vessels and its role in circulation.
- The heart directly connects to the uterus via the bao mai vessel
What is the function of the Kidney in WM?
- Located between the transverse process of T12- L3 vertebrae
- Three main functions.
- Blood pressure regulation (balances fluid levels in the body)
- Hormone production (calcitriol and erythropoietin)
- Filtration (acid-base regulation)
What is the CM connection to the Kidney?
CM connection
* WM functions correspond with the Kidney’s CM function of storing essence (jing)
* The modern interpretation of essence (jing) closely corresponds with DNA
* The primary pathway of the Kidney channels intersects the conception vessel at CV3, CV4 and shares ten points with the penetrating vessel (KID11-KID21), KID6 is also the master point of the CV.
What are some prescribed medications for PMS?
Prescribed medications for PMS:
* Antidepressants – SSRIS, Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft
* Diuretics to ease PMS bloating, swelling and weight gain
* Hormonal contraceptives – to prevent ovulation and avoid PMS
Symptoms of PMS:
* Abdominal bloating
* Weight gain
* Fluid retention
* Breast tenderness and weight gain
* Fatigue
* Food craving
* Hot flushes and sweating
* Joints and muscle pain
* Depression
* Poor memory
* Anxiety
* Libido fluctuation
* Irritability
* Anger outburst
* Weeping and teary
What is PMS?
- Is a combination of physical and emotional symptoms experienced by some women between ovulation and their period
What is the treatment for Liver Qi stagnation in menstrual conditions?
LIV3, GB34, GB41, TE6, SP6, PC6
Xiao Yao San
What is the treatment for Liver heat stagnation in menstrual conditions?
LIV3, LIV2, GB34, GB41, TE6, SP6, PC6, PC7
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San
What is the treatment for Phlegm Fire stagnation in menstrual conditions?
PC7, ST40, ST8, GV24, LI11, SP9, SP4, PC6, CV12, BL20
Wen Dan Tang
What is the treatment for Liver Blood xu in menstrual conditions?
CV4, CV6, LUU7, KID6, SP6, ST36, GB34, PC6, LIV8, BL18, BL20
Xiao Yao San
What is the treatment for Liver and Kidney yin xu in menstrual conditions?
LIV8, LIV13, SP6, CV4
Yi Guan Jian
What is the treatment for Spleen and Kidney yang xu in menstrual conditions?
BL23, BL20, CV4, ST36, SP6, KID3, LU7, KID6 + MOXA
You Gui Wan
What is Liver Blood Xu?
Scanty menses (pale, dilute), pre-menstrual breast distension, dizziness, blurred vision, insomnia, palpitations, tiredness, poor memory, dull, pale, complexion
T: pale
P: choppy or fine
TP: nourish liver blood, regulate periods.
What is Liver Qi stagnation?
PMS (physical or emotional), dysmenorrhoea, irregular or delayed menstruation (dark, scanty with clots), sighing (chest distension)
T: normal (maybe slightly red on sides).
P: wiry
TP: eliminate stagnation, pacify liver
What is Liver Yin Xu?
Early menses which may be scanty or heavy, 5 hearts hot, night sweats, tinnitus, feeling of heat in the evening
T: red without coating
P: floating-empty, fine and rapid
What is Liver Heat?
Early menses with heavy, bright red or dark red flow, pre-menstrual symptoms (painful periods), anxiety, mental restlessness
T: red with yellow coat
P: wiry, rapid, full
What is Liver Fire?
Early menses with heavy dark blood clots, throbbing headaches (around temples or eyes before or during period), abdominal pain, breast distension, irritability, bitter taste, dry throat
T: red, redder sides
P: wiry, rapid
What is Liver Yang rising?
Pre-menstrual symptoms (severe headaches / migraines), menopausal symptoms, pre-eclampsia, irritability, red face
T: red
P: wiry (esp LHS)
What is the treatment for Liver Yin Xu?
TP: Nourish yin, clear empty-heat, regulate periods
Acupoints: LU7, KID6, KID3, KID2, CV4, LIV8, SP6
Herbal formula: Liang Di tang, Qing Jing San
What is the treatment for Liver Heat?
TP: Clear and calm Liver, move Qi, Clear heat, cool blood, regulate menses
Acu: LIV2, LIV3, LIV14, LI10, SP10, KI2, SP6, SP8
Herbs: Qing Jing San
What is the treatment for Liver Fire?
TP: Clear Liver, drain fire, move qi, cool blood, regulate menses
Acu: reduce LIV2, LIV3, LIV14, LI10, SP10, KI2, SP6, SP8
Herbs: Long dan xie gan tang, dan zhi Xiao Yao san
What is the treatment for Liver Yang rising?
TP: subdue liver yang, nourish liver yin
Acu: reduce LU7, KI6, CV4, SP6, KID3, LIV8, TE5, PC6, GB43
Herbs: Tian Ma Gou teng yin, Qi Ju Di huang wan
What is the treatment principle for the Spleen?
Strengthen Spleen Qi
Build Blood
Raise Yang
What is Spleen Qi Xu in menstrual conditions?
Early, long or heavy menses (pale and dilute), tiredness, bloating, loose stools, pale complexion, poor appetite
T: pale
P: weak
What is the treatment of Spleen Qi Xu in menstrual conditions?
TP: strengthen Spleen, tonify and raise Qi, contain blood
Acu: reinforce: ST36, SP6, CV4, CV6, CV12, BL20, GV20
Herbs: Gui Pi tang, Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
What is Spleen Yang xu in menstrual conditions?
Amenorrhoea, tiredness, loose stools, feel cold, poor appetite, lower back ache, weak limbs
T: pale, swollen
P: weak, slow deep
What is the treatment of Spleen Yang xu in menstrual conditions?
TP: tonify Spleen yang, warm the uterus
Acupoints: reinforce CV12, ST36, SP6, BL20, BL21, BL23, BL52, CV6, CV17, ZIGONG
Herbs: ?
What is Heart Yin Xu in menstrual disorders?
Amenorrhoea, palpitations, insomnia, mala flush, depression, anxiety, dizziness, dry mouth
T: red, no coat, dry, cracked
P: rapid
What is the treatment for Heart Yin xu in menstrual disorders?
TP: nourish heart Yin, clear empty heat, calm shen
Acu: reinforce HT7, PC7, BL44, CV15, CV14, CV4, KID3, SP6, LU7, KID6
Herbs: Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan
What is Heart fire in menstrual disorders?
Early menses with heavy, bright red menses, anxiety, mental restlessness, red face, thirst
T: red with yellow coat, red tip
P: rapid
What is the treatment of Heart fire in menstrual disorders?
TP: drain fire, clear heart heat, calm shen
Acu: Reduce HT8, HT5, PC7, CV4, KID16
Herbs: Qing Xin Ping Gan Tang
What is Kidney Yang xu in menstrual conditions?
Amenorrhoea, irregular or late periods (scanty, pale blood), sore back, dizziness, frequent, pale urination, feeling cold, weak knees
T: pale, swollen
P: weak, deep
What is the treatment of Kidney Yang Xu in menstrual disorders?
TP: Tonify Yang, strengthen Kidneys, warm the uterus
Acu: reinforce BL23, GV4, CV4, LU7, KID6, KID3, ST36, SP6
Herbs: You Gui wan, Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan
What is the treatment principle for Kidneys?
Replenish essence, tonify yin and tonify yang
What is Kidney Yin Xu in menstrual disorders?
Amenorrhoea, irregular, long or early menses (scanty or heavy), molar flush, dizziness, blurred vision, dry throat, dry stools, tinnitus, night sweats
T: red, no coat
P: fine, rapid
What is the treatment of Kidney Yin Xu in menstrual disorders?
TP: nourish yin, clear empty heat, regulate periods
Acu: reinforce LU7, KID6, KID3, KID2, CV4, LIV8, SP6
Herbs: Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Zuo Gui Wan
What is the importance of Kidney function in reproduction?
Kidney stores jing > jing transforms into tian gui > tian gui fills reservoirs CV + PV