Lactation / postpartum Flashcards
What is a normal vs breech baby?
Normally, the foetus settles into a head- down (cephalic) position within the pelvis around the 34th-36th week of pregnancy.
o Chin is tucked down towards the chest, the occiput has an anterior presentation to the pelvic outlet and spine is aligned outwards towards the mother’s abdomen.
o At 32 weeks, approximately 7% of foetuses are breech. The majority of these revert to a cephalic presentation (head down) spontaneously, and only 3% - 4% are breech at term.
What are the types of breech presentation?
In a breech presentation, the foetus presents ‘bottom down’.
There are three main types, depending on the position of the legs:
* A) Complete (flexed) breech – both legs are flexed at the hips and knees (foetus appears to be sitting ‘crossed-legged’).
* B) Frank (extended) breech – both legs are flexed at the hip and extended at the knee. This is the most common type of breech presentation.
* C) Footling breech – one or both legs extended at the hip, so that the foot is the presenting part.
What is the moxibustion protocol for breech baby?
Apply moxibustion to BL67
* 15 minutes x each toe
* Daily x 2 weeks (teach client to
* If no changes are observed,
add acupuncture points: BL65 & SI1
* Other lifestyle advice? (eg. Postural exercises, yoga)
What are the contradictions of moxibustion?
- Placenta previa (placenta on top of cervix)
- History of antepartum bleeding (or bleeding later in pregnancy)
- Multiple pregnancy
- Known abnormality of the uterus or pelvis
- History of premature labour or premature rupture of membranes
- Previous Caesarean section (if more recent than 2 years)
- Oligohydramnios (too little amniotic fluid around the baby)
- Known hydrocephalic baby with enlarged head
- Presence of Rhesus antibodies
What is the differential diagnosis of breech presentation?
Qi stagnation > blocks movement of foetus
Qi deficiency > inadequate Qi to move the foetus
What is the postpartum CM diagnosis?
deficiency: * Labour exertion > qi deficiency
* Blood loss during labour > blood and yin deficiency
excess: * Retained lochia > blood stagnation
What postpartum treatments should be avoided?
Sweating > damages Qi
Moving downwards > damages Spleen
Promoting urination > damages body fluids
What is the CM diagnosis of postpartum depression?
Heart blood xu
Heart yin xu
Heart blood xu
What is breast feeding?
- Breast feeding is the most beneficial method of providing the newborn baby’s essential needs for growth, development and protection from illness and disease
- The first yellow coloured milk is called colostrum
- Mature milk takes around 60 hours to come in which can sometimes be an uncomfortable process.
What are the mammary glands and their function?
Mammary glands
* Mammary glands are modified sweat glands within the breasts.
* Breasts are the hemispheric projections of variable size, anterior to the pectoralis major and serratus anterior muscles
* Mammary glands synthesise, secrete and eject milk and colostrum collectively known as lactation.
* Milk nourishes offspring and provides them with immune protection in the form of WBC, antibodies and antimicrobial substances.
What substances in TCM are vital for breast feeding?
- Blood volume (yin)
- Qi transformation (yang)
What is breast milk in TCM?
- Breast milk is the product of the transformation of Qi and Blood. Milk cannot be generated without blood, but it cannot be transformed without qi.
What are some insufficient lactation patterns and pathogenesis?
- Long and difficult labour and/or profuse blood loss during labour (watery milk).
- Emotional concerns (such as worry, anger, frustration, resentment).
- Qi and Blood Xu
- Liver Qi stagnation
What is the treatment for Liver Qi Xu in breast feeding?
- Qi and Blood xu: SI1, ST36, SP6, LIV8, GB41, GB21, CV4, CV17, GB20, BL23. Tong Ru Dan, Si Wu Tang.
What is the treatment for Liver Qi stagnation in breast feeding?
- Liver Qi Stagnation: SI1, GB41, GB21, LIV3, SP4, PC6, CV17. Yong Quan San, Tong Gan Sheng Ru Tang.
What are some breast feeding issues to consider?
Breast feeding issues to consider:
* Adequate fluid intake: client may need to increase water consumption.
* Improper lactating issues
* Breast surgery: medical or cosmetic procedures may affect milk production
* Formula milk: introducing formula milk decreases breast milk.
* Oral contraceptives, smoking and some herbal remedies: this may decrease breast milk production
What are lactation PROMS?
- Breast feeding efficiency: breast feeding self-efficacy scale (BSES)
- Latching issues: latch, audible swallowing, type of nipple, comfort, hold (LATCH) scoring system
- Infant malnutrition: neonatal oral motor assessment scale (NOMAS)
What is High blood pressure in pregnant women?
- Three main types of high BP experienced by some pregnant women
- Chronic hypertension
- Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH)
- Pre-eclampsia
What is considered healthy and high BP in pregnancy?
- BP monitoring measures the health of the cardiovascular system
- Top number (systolic) = pressure when heart is pumping
- Bottom number (diastolic) = pressure in between each beat
- Healthy BP in pregnancy 120/80
- High BP 140+/90+
What is chronic hypertension?
- Chronic / long-standing hypertension is high BP that was present before pregnancy or HBP that is diagnosed in the first half of the pregnancy (before 20 weeks).
- This type of hypertension continues after the birth of the baby.
What is pregnancy induced hypertension? (PIH)
- Women who develop HBP in the second half of pregnancy without any effects on their kidneys or other organs have ‘pregnancy-induced hypertension.’ This condition requires monitoring in case there is a worsening of BP or progression to pre-eclampsia
What is pre-eclampsia?
- Is a potentially dangerous medical condition with life threatening complications if left untreated. Begins 20 weeks after gestation and usually takes the form of HBP and abnormal kidney function.
- Symptoms: HBP (160/110), proteinuria, rapid swelling of hands and feet, persistent headaches and/or dizziness and visual disturbances such as blurring, flashing lights or spots.
- Risk factors: HBP, pre-eclampsia previously, history of HBP, diabetes, over 40+, overweight, IVF conception, expecting multiple births
What is oedema in pregnancy?
Oedema pattern and pathogenesis
Oedema is expected during pregnancy, as women generally increase their ECF by 2500ml during pregnancy
What is Kidney yang xu in pregnancy oedema?
Kidney Yang Xu
* Swelling of ankles and legs due to overwork (standing too long)
* Treatment: BL23, GV4, KID7, KI3, ST36, CV9 + MOXA. Zhen Wu Tang.
What is Spleen Yang Xu in pregnancy oedema?
Spleen Yang Xu
* Swelling of face and whole body due to excessive consumption of greasy foods or dairy (damp forming)
* Treatment: BL20, CV12, ST36, SP3, KID7, CV9 + MOXA. Bai Zhu Tang
What is retained placenta?
- Normal placental delivery after vaginal birth requires adequate uterine contractions during the third stage of labour.
- Retained placenta after vaginal delivery occurs when the placenta does not spontaneously separate (with 60 minutes) from the uterine wall during the third stage of labour.
What empirical point is used for retained placenta?
- GB21 is an empirical point used to expel retained placenta
What is uterus involution?
- Uterus involution takes 6-8 weeks for the uterus to shrink from approximately the size of watermelon to approximately the size of an orange.
What is lochia?
LOCHIA: lochia refers to the retained products of conception.
* Post-partum vaginal discharge includes a mixture of blood, mucus and endometrial lining, which change colour as the days progress in the post-partum period.
* Days 1 – 4: dark red coloured lochia, mostly consists of blood
* Days 5 – 9: yellowy brown coloured lochia, mostly consists of blood cells and endometrial lining
* Days 10 – 14: whitish coloured lochia, mostly consists of mucus.
What herbal properties assist with the explosion of lochia?
- warm, sweet, tonify qi and blood, move blood.
- Sheng hua tang: famous Chinese herbal formula used during the post-partum recovery period. Formulated to invigorate blood and eliminate stagnation after childbirth.
- Sheng Hua tang is a perfect balance of warm, sweet, qi tonic, blood tonic and blood moving herbs.
What is postpartum (puerperal) fever?
- Post-partum women are quite susceptible to infection and it’s important to understand the risk factors involved in treating these women, referring them in the appropriate post-natal care if required.
- Post-partum fever occurs in 5-7% of women, with higher rates for those undergoing C-sections.
What are the signs of postpartum (puerperal) fever?
- Signs: elevated temperature (above 38 degrees for 24+ hrs)
- Leg pain or swelling
- Severe stomach pain
- Vaginal bleeding (soaks a pad within one hour)
- Pain, redness, swelling, bleeding or pus at the incision site (post-caesarean).
- Causes: Surgical site infection, endo, urinary tract infection and mastitis.
- Treatment: oral antibiotics.
What is post-natal depression pattern and pathogenesis?
Post-natal depression pattern and pathogenesis:
* Heart Blood Xu: severe blood loss during childbirth (leading to mild anxiety)
* Heart Yin Xu: Blood xu gives rise to yin xu and empty heat (leading to depression)
* Heart Blood stasis: pre-existing blood stasis rebels upwards in the penetrating vessel which disturbs the shen (leading to confusion, paranoia or even suicidal thoughts).
What is the treatment of heart blood xu in postpartum depression?
- Heart Blood Xu: HT5, HT7, CV4, CV14, CV15, BL15, LIV8, GB20, ST36, PC6, SP6. Fu Shen San and Gui Pi Tang
What is the treatment of Heart yin xu in postpartum depression?
- Heart Yin Xu: HT5, HT7, PC7, CV4, CV14, CV15, LIV8, SP6, GV24. Ren Shen Dang Gui Tang, Tian Wang Bu Xin Dang, An Xin Tang
What is the treatment of Heart blood stasis in postpartum depression?
PC7, GB17, GB18, GV24, CV14, BL15, SP4, PC6, KID1, LIV3, SP10. Xiao Tiao Jing Tang, Sha Xiang San