Menstrual cycle + bleeding Flashcards
Which hormone is responsible for ovulation?
What day does ovulation occur at? Which hormone is responsible?
day 14. Released about 36h after surge in LH
What stimulates maturation of only one follicle?
Increase in FSH –> maturation follicle –> production oestrogen –> suppress FHS –> stops maturation of any other follicles
What happens once the corpus luteum is formed?
It releases inhibit, progesterone and oestrogen.
Progesterone –> inhibits GnRH + induces secretory changes in endometrium
First line Tx in HMB?
levonorgestrel-releasing IUS (coil) - persevere for at least 6 cycles. If trying for baby - 1st line = NSAIDs or tranexamic acid
First line Tx for IMB?
Potential causes of postcoital bleeding?
Cervical polyps = most common >40y, Tx –> avulsion
Cervical ectropion –> Tx cryotherapy
Dx criteria for PCOS?
At least 2 of..
- PCO on USS (12+ follicles size 2-9mm on an enlarged ovary with volume >10ml)
- Irregular periods - olig/amen
- Hirsuitism
What is the main SE of HRT?
Weight gain
What are the main risks associated with HRT?
Increased risk endometrial cancer - only if women with a uterus take oestrogen only HRT
Risk of breast cancer - if take combined HRT
Risk VTE 2x. Also gallbladder disease
Risk ovarian cancer if taken long term (>5y)
When is HRT contraindicated?
If previous Hx of breast cancer, VTE, or recent MI/Stroke/angina