meningitis and CSF leak Flashcards
workshop 3
what are the sympotoms of meningitis?
Inflammation of the meninges, neck stiffness, fever, confusion or altered mental status, headaches, nausea and vomiting. seizures, coma, neurological deficits, sepsis.
Life threatening
Can cause sepsis
what is the main test for meningitis?
spinal tap
Positive result = cloudy CSF
Needle that releases the CSF.
what are the causes of meningitis?
○ Bacterial meningitis rarer but more serious than viral (85% of cases) meningitis.
○ Also caused by fungi and parasitic infections.
Fungal and parasites= equally as bad as the bacterial meningitis.
how do you prevent meningitis?
Vaccination, antibiotics, social distancing
○ Helps build up immune system to meningitis.
Virus spreads through the air and respiratory systems (easy to inhale)
what are the treatemnets of meningitis?
Antibiotics, antiviral/fungal medications
○ Depends on the type of meningitis.
Viral meningitis= acute symptoms
Bacterial meningitis= harder to get rid of it.
what are the 4 main causes of meningitis?
- Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus)
- Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus)
- Haemophilus influenzae
- Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococcus)
who is at risk of getting meningitis?
young children most at risk- newborn babies.
individuals living in sub-saharan africa are at high risk
people living in close proximity to eachother
how does meningitis spread?
from person to person by respiratory droplets or throat secretions.
Group B streptococcus is often carried in the human gut or vagina and can spread from mother to child around the time of birth.
what are the signs and symptoms of bacterial meningitis?
- cold hands and feet
- joint and muscle pains
- breathing faster than usual
- diarrhoea
- dark purple or red rash.
what are the symptoms that babies sometimes suffer with?
- being less active and difficult to wake
- being irritable or inconsolable
- poor feeding
- stiff or floppy body
- swelling in the soft spot in their head (fontanelle).
what are the fatalities of meningitis?
1 in 6 people die
1 in 5 experience long-lasting after effects.
which types of meningitis do vaccines help prevent?
haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib).
what is the diagnosis for meningitis?
- Initial diagnosis of meningitis can be made by clinical examination followed by a lumbar puncture.
- The diagnosis is supported or confirmed by growing the bacteria from specimens of cerebrospinal fluid or blood,
- usually cannot be safely cared for at home.
what are the main objectives of surveillance for meningitis?
- detect and confirm outbreaks;
- monitor the incidence trends, including the distribution and evolution of serogroups and serotypes;
- estimate the disease burden;
- monitor the antibiotic resistance profile;
- monitor the circulation, distribution, and evolution of specific strains (clones)
- estimate the impact of meningitis control strategies, particularly preventive vaccination programmes.
what are the symptoms of CSF leaks?
intracranial hypotension (lower tension), postural headache (when standing up, brain isn’t as buoyant), loss of smell, blurred vision, hearing loss, pulsatile tinnitus (hear heartbeat), seizures, dizziness, neck pain, nausea, vomiting, balance or gait problems, runny nose (CSF).
what are the tests for CSF leaks?
CT scan, MRI scan, cisternogram
Can see where the radioactive substance is leaking out= cisternogram
what are the causes of CSF leaks?
90% due to injury, 10% spontaneous (Ehlers Danlos and Marfan
* Problems with connective tissue that stretch and tear causing a leak
* Genetic influence may lead to leaks
what is the prevention for CSF leaks?
Non-preventable and unpredictable
Cant determine whether the leaks are going to occur
what is the treatment for CSF leaks?
Mostly non-direct conservative treatment of rest and time. In some cases, surgery and ‘blood patches.
* Can live with it but need to lie down a lot to alleviate the headaches immediately- soon as stand up may start again.
what is meningitis caused by?
bacteria, virus, fungi
what is the bacterial treatment for meningitis?
What is the name of the fluid between the meninges and the brain or spinal cord?
Cerebrospinal fluid
True or false: Meningitis is contagious:
What are the typical symptoms of meningitis?
Headache, stiff neck, confusion
who is most vulnerable to bacterial meningitis?
a new-born baby
The stiff and painful neck symptom of meningitis is associated with what process?
Stretching of inflamed meninges
What is typically used to confirm a diagnosis of meningitis?
Spinal tap
Where in the world is meningitis most common?
Sub-Saharan Africa
What is NOT a World Health Organisation target for meningitis?
Elimination of viral meningitis epidemics
What percentage of CSF leaks are spontaneous leaks without injury?
The pain from a CSF leak can be alleviated by:
lying down
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ASL) is usually fatal because of:
respiratory failure
what is the cure for ASL?
there is no cure
muscle weakness from ASL results in complications such as:
Breathing problems, speaking problems and eating problems