Meniere’s Disease Flashcards
What are the other names of Ménière’s disease ?
Endolymphatic hydrops ( since the endolymphatic system is dilated with endolymph )
Has two variants
Cochlear hydrops - main feature hearing loss
Vestibular hydrops - main feature is vertigo
What is the main pathology of meniere’s?
Distension of endolymphatic sac and bulging of Reissner membrane which many herniate through the helicotremma into the apical part of scala tympani
Most common gender and age group affected?
35-60 years ; usually unilateral but other ear is affected after few years
What is the main aetiology?
Either increased production ( due to Na and water retention ) or decreased absorption
Production and absorption of endolymph?
Production - stria vascularis
Absorption - endolymphatic sac
Cardinal symptoms of Ménière’s disease
Episodic vertigo
Fluctuating hearing loss ( SNHL)
Tinnitus ( ringing sensation in the ear without any external stimuli )
Fullness of the involved ear
Intolerance to loud sounds called as?
Recruitment phenomenon ( feature of all cochlear pathologies )
Single auditory stimulus is heard as different pitch in both the ears
Tullio’s phenomenon
Loud sounds or noise stimulates vertigo since saccule is distended and is easily stimulated
Investigations for Ménière’s disease
Tuning fork tests
Special audiometry tests
Caloric test
Glycerol test
Explain glycerol test
Glycerol is a dehydrating agent . When given orally it reduces endolymph pressure and thus improves hearing
Amount of glycerol given=1.5ml/kg with equal amount of water and little flavouring agent or lemon juice
What is lermoyez syndrome ?
Symptoms of Ménière’s disease appear in reverse order
First hearing loss followed by vertiginous episode
What is tumarkin otolith crisis / drop attack ?
Patient develop sudden drop attack without loss of consciousness
Due to destruction of macula found in vestibule which is responsible for linear acceleration as a result of pressure exerted towards inside
PTA in Ménière’s disease
Early stages - curve is of rising type ( since low frequencies affected )
Late stages - flat curve ( low + high frequencies affected )
Short increment sensitivity index test (SISI TEST)
Score > 70% indicates Ménière’s disease
Normal - 15%
What is confirmatory test for Ménière’s disease ?
Normal summating potential/action potential = 30%
> 30% suggests Ménière’s
45% confirms Ménière’s
MRI in Ménière’s
MRI with contrast ( gadolinium )
Injected into scala tympani ( peri lymph ) and it mixes with endolymph then contrast can be seen
What is Donaldsons line?
An imaginary line from the lateral semicircular canal bisecting the posterior semicircular canal below which is the endolymphatic sac
What is hennebert sign?
Vertigo is caused due to pressure changes since enlarged saccule is stimulated by the foot plate of stapes easily