Mendel and Inheritance Flashcards
What can variation be caused by?
Variation can be caused by:
* environmental factors
* genetic factors
* a combination of the two.
Traits which are caused by genetic
factors can be inherited by …
The “characteristic” that we see is called the …
The phenotype of eyes may be…
…blue, green, brown
Some phenotypes are not…
…observed visually
Some phenotypes are not observed visually. They can include
properties such as…
…activity of enzymes. e.g. some people may have a highly active form and some may have a form with low activity.
The phenotype is dependent on…
…genes which code for particular
Most phenotypes are affected by…
…multiple genes but some are controlled by single genes.
Each individual has ___ copies of every gene.
Each individual has two copies of every gene.
Each individual has two copies of every gene. These may be the
form or different forms.
slide 5
slide 6
The alleles have a particulate nature. WHat does this mean?
they do not mix and blend together in
the progeny but remain separate
He explained that the reason that the white colour disappeared during the F1
generation was that the allele for purple was…
…‘dominant’ and the allele for white
was ‘recessive’
In genetics we allocate an upper case letter to the…
…dominant trait.
Since the dominant trait is purple, we call the gene responsible for it …
The recessive trait is given the same letter but in…
…lower case
The gene for the recessive trait, white is called…
For the true breeding parent plants, they will have two copies of the …
… same
Organisms which have two identical alleles, such as these, are said to be…
…homozygous plants (or homozygotes )
Organisms which have two different alleles are said to be …
…heterozygous plants or heterozygotes
Organisms which use sexual reproduction produce…
… gametes which come together
to make the offspring, (sperm and eggs in mammals, pollen and egg cells in
Gametes are produced by…
… meiosis (two cell divisions, four daughter cells)
Gametes are produced by meiosis (two cell divisions, four daughter cells). So each gamete only contains…
…one allele of each gene.
The cells of the pea plant are…
The cells of the pea plant are diploid, which means they have…
…two alternative variations of a trait,
(these may be the same or may be different)
Each organism inherits…
… one variation (allele) of the trait from each parent.
If the alleles differ, then the…
…dominant one determines the characteristic.
The Law of Segregation states that…
… the two alleles for a heritable character segregate during gamete formation.
The Law of Segregation states that the two alleles for a heritable character segregate during gamete formation.
…gametes of the F1 plants (heterozygotes) each have a 50% chance of carrying either allele
In monohybrid crosses Mendel showed that tall was…
…dominant to dwarf. We know
purple is dominant to white
Allele pairs segregate…
…independently during gamete formation
WHat is Mendel’s
Principle of Independent Assortment?
Allele pairs segregate independently during gamete formation
We can explain independent assortment on the basis that …
…chromosomes segregate in meiosis
if the alleles T and t are on one pair of homologous chromosomes and the
alleles P and p are on another pair or homologous chromosomes then we can see that…
… they can segregate during meiosis when gamete cells are produced
Multicellular organisms have…
…many thousands of genes
Multicellular organisms have many thousands of genes. Therefore, …
…there is a high chance that T/t and P/p could have been on the same
Genes situated in close proximity on the same chromosome are said to be…
In biology we use the probability of 0.05. This means that…
…there is a 5% likelihood
that the results could have occurred by chance, so a 95% likelihood that our hypothesis is correct.
Remember that during prophase I of meiosis, homologous chromosomes line up adjacent to each other at the equator of the cell and …
…exchange genetic material
Remember that during prophase I of meiosis, homologous chromosomes line up adjacent to each other at the equator of the cell and exchange genetic material.
These events are called …
…crossovers or chiasmata
Slide 38 - 45.