Memory - Working Memory Model Flashcards
Who developed it?
Baddeley & Hitch
Why is it needed?
To provide an improved understanding of STM
- evidence that STM is not a unitary store
- STM is not just a passive store of information
What is it?
What are the subsystems of the Visuo-spatial sketch pad & what are they for?
- Inner-scribe
= - visual-cache
Evidence for the VSSP
Baddeley (dual task)
- 2 conditions (light tracking + letter & locating squares, light + verbal
task) - more errors when both tasks were visual than when one visual + one verbal
- separate system for storing & processing information
Evidence for the Phonological loop
Baddeley (Word length effect)
- more words recalled if words shorter
- words rehearsed using inner-voice
- ability of inner voice limited by the length of time taken to βsayβ words
- short term verbal memory uses an articulatory system
Evidence for separate stores?
- capacity for recalling numbers reduced
- capacity for recalling shapes remained normal
- visual & verbal information stored separately
Evidence for separate inner-voice (articulatory) & inner-ear (acoustic) within Phonological loop
Paulesu (brain scanning)
- Brain scan whilst storing letters (π+π) or judging rhyming (π)
- when using both, two separate areas of brain active
- when using articulatory only, only one area of brain active
- different areas of brain involved in different components of the
phonological loop > separate stores
Strengths of Working Memory Model
β more complex than multi-store
- more detail - explains K.F
β Considerable research support (Bad, Paul, K.F.)
β K.F. Case study (detailed)
Practical applications
- children with reading problems
- weaker memory for auditory information may be helped with a
more visual approach
Weaknesses of the Working Memory Model
β Not enough information or evidence regarding central
- most important element as it decides where information is stored
and how it is used
β Some evidence that VSSP may need to be split into visual & spatial
β No detailed information regarding LTM
- why do we forget things? - not all memories last for the same amount of time
βEvidence is flawed