memory- working memory model Flashcards
strength- research support for multiple WMM stores (4)
-researchers supported existence of visuospatial sketchpad
-p’s did visual+verbal task simultaneously and performance wasnt affects
-p’s did 2 similar tasks (both visual/verbal) and performance declined substantially
-similar tasks compete for same slave system- must be separate subsystems for visual and verbal info
strength: research support- clinical evidence (3)
-KF study supports existence of separate visual+acoustic stores
-KF had amnesia- STM recall for digits was poor when they were read out to him (auditory) but recall was better when he read them to himself (visual)
-damaged phonological loop but visuospatial sketchpad was intact
criticism- CE isnt well known- questions validity of model (4)
-has limited capacity but it hasnt been quantified experimentally
-EVR study- he had a brain tumour removed. Performed well on reasoning tasks, had problems with decision making
-EVR’s CE was damaged+intact
-baddeley claims CE is most important but least understood component