memory- multi-store model of memory Flashcards
strength- research support for separate LTM and STM (2)
-baddeleys research showed STM coding is acoustic, LTM coding is semantic
-supports MSM’s view that STM+LTM are separate and independent
strength- research support for separate LTM and STM COUNTERPOINT (2)
-artificial materials in studies that support MSM (jacobs, baddeley, peterson+peterson)
-lacks mundane realism (tasks arent reflective of everyday memory tasks)–>cant be generalised (its not a good explanation of how memory works)
criticism-more than one STM type (2)
-KF study: KF had amnesia- STM recall for digits was poor when they were read out to him (auditory) but recall was better when he read them to himself (visual)
-MSM is inaccurate as there are multiple STM stores and it isnt unitary
criticism- more than one rehearsal- elaborative rehearsal (4)
-prolonged rehearsal not needed to transfer to LTM
-researchers found type of rehearsal is more important than amount
-elaborative rehearsal= link info to existing knowledge
-MSM doesnt fully explain how LTM storage is achieved