memory- types of LTM Flashcards
strength: case study support- clinical evidence (4)
-HM and clive wearing
-both had severe brain damage and difficulties with episodic memories
-unaffected semantic + procedural memories
-supports view of multiple LTM stores- if one is damaged, other can still work
strength: case study support- clinical evidence COUNTERPOINT (2)
-case studies ungeneralisable- reduced validity
-lack of control over variables (personality, what happened before/during injury)
strength: real world application (3)
-psychologists can target certain memory types to improve lives
-researcher found episodic memories can be improved in the elderly with intervention
-trained p’s performed better on an episodic memory test than control group
strength: brain scan research (4)
-researcher made p’s perform different tasks during PET scan
-episodic memories= right side of prefrontal cortex, semantic memories= left
-shows physical reality via scanning for multiple LTM stores
-has been supported by other research- increased validity of LTM types being associated with specific brain areas