Memory models Flashcards
Central executive
Control centre of the working memory model, it uses three other ‘systems’ to control all the information moving in and out of the memory system
Phonological loop
Temporary storage system for auditory information
- Phonological store
- Articulatory process
Visuospatial sketchpad
Responsible for dealing with spatial and visual information
- Visual cache
- Inner scribe
Episodic buffer
Coordinates the sight, hearing and movement information from the working memory into sequences to be sent to the long-term memory
Is the conversation of information into codes
- Visual
- Verbal
- Semantic
is the retention of this information
Recovery of the stored information
Short Term Sensory Store
- Stimuli enters the brain
- Has large storage capacity
- Can only hold information for
0.25 - 1 seconds - Selective attention is used to filter through important information
Short-term memory
- Known as working memory-decision making takes place here
- Can hold approx 7 items
- Only information sent through the STSS
- To extend the length of the
STM you must repeat information- verbal repetition and chunking - Rehersed information is passed info into LTM
- If not reversed it is forgotten or lost
Long term memory
- Has a unlimited capacity
- Stores information for long periods of time
- Encoded information means it has been stored with meaning-
LTM - Skills/ motor programmes are stored in your LTM as they have been rehersed many times
- Autonomous performer- motor programmes are ‘over-learnt’ making sports actions automatic
- LTM only stores information
Working memory
- Picks up relevant information from the sporting environment
- Uses selective attention to filter irrelevant information
- Links to LTM, sending coded information for future storage and use
- From the relevant information, a memory trace is produced and sent LTM
What are the features and functions of the memory system?
- Action is initiated by the WM sending a memory trace to the
LTM - WM limited capacity ( 7 items)
- Information overload means that some information is lost or ignored by the performer
- Working memory lasts for around 30s
- Important information is stored as a motor programme
- LTM has a large capacity
How to store information
Mental practice
(Mr Francis Regularly Cheers At Rugby Competitions)