Memory Flashcards
Cognitive interview evaluation
- ci is time consuming - police may be reluctant to use the ci as it takes much more time than the standard polio interview
Such as more time is needed to establish rapport with the witness and allow them to relax
Ci also requires special training and many police forces haven’t been able to provide more than a few hours
Means it’s unlikely that the proper version of ci is actually used, as there’s lack of time for training
Some elements may be more valuable than others
Milne and bull found that each individual element was equally valuable
However Milne and Bull found that using combination of report everything and context reinstatement produce better recall than any other condition
Means that even if police forces do not have enough time to train entire force for all 4 steps involved in CI, just use these 2 elements to improve police interviews of eyewitness
The Cl does not only increase the recall of correct information by 81%, but also increases the recall of incorrect information by 61%, as suggested by Kohnken et al (1999). This appears counterintuitive when considering that the chief aim of the Cl was to improve the accuracy of recall of correct information and so increase the reliability of eyewitness testimonies as a whole.
(2) Point: Support for the role of cognitive comes from the Encoding Specificity Principle and research carried out by Baddeley. Evidence: Baddeley found that divers were much better at recalling words when their recall took place in the same context in which they had learned the information in comparison to recall words in a different context to which learning took place. Evaluation: This is positive because it is further support for the role of context in improving recall and therefore support for the cognitive interview in improving the accuracy of EWT.
Coding, capacity duration of memory evaluation
- artificial stimuli- no personal meaning- we should be cautious of generalizing
-Jacob-lacking validity- conducted a long time ago
Millers- may have over estimated capacity
Cowan et al.
Peterson and Peterson
- stimulus was artificial
High external validity
Shepard - when studies in LTM have been controlled with meaningless pictures to be remembered, recall rates where lower
- Confounding variables not controlled
Explanation of forgetting : retrieval failure
- range of research support retrieval failure as an explanation of forgetting
EYSENCK- on prominent memory researcher
-finding from study of retrieval failure may lack of ecological values
- Baddley argued it’s difficult to find an environment as different from land and under water
Although context related cues appear not to have a very strong effect on forgetting, Baddely still suggest they are worth paying attention to
Problem with ESP= not testable
- weapon focus effect may not be relevant
Real life studies- lack control did away with yuille and cutshall-
Ethical issues in yuille and cutshall
Inverted u too simplistic
Consistently demonstrated in lab experiments
- many lab experiment such as Mcgrouch and McDonald= show both types of interfered likely to be common ways we forget info in LTM
- increases validly of theory= due to highly controlled in lab experiments= standardized procedures
-artificial stimuli used in these task
Conducted in a short period of time.- recalling their word 1 or 2 hours after they have learnt it
- clinical evidence
- ## practical application
- ethical issues with HM
- use of case studies - it’s highly detailed but are isolated cases of 1 individuals LTM damage
- useful real world application- it’s important in criminal justice system
- EWT and the lied on
A artifical task_ used by Lottie and palmer
- watching film clip
Lab experiment = prone to demand characteristics
Social desirability
Biasing result= reduce reliability of findings
Methodical criticism-
Coding capapcity duration
Artificial stimuli- limited application
Lacking validity (Jacob) conducted in 1887
Lacked adequate control
Some pa may have been distracted while being tested= they didn’t perform well
Overestimated capacity
Cowan record other research concluded capacity i about 4 chunks
Suggest that lower end of miller estimate more appropriate
Stimuli artifical
However we do sometime remember fairly meaningless things things such as phone number = not entirely irrelevant
-high external validity in barhick
Real life meaningful memores
Sheperd meaningless pictures
Cv not controlled= fact that bahick ps may have looked at their yearbook
Retrieval failure
Eysenck- one prominent memory researcher
May lack ecological value
Baddley still suggest still paying attention to
Gives Ilya strategies to use
Problems with ESP- not testable- circular reasoning
If experiment where cues produces the successful recall of worlds= assume cues must be encoded at time of learning
However based on assumption