Membership practice MCQs Flashcards
- A 22-year-old woman is seen at 10 weeks gestation in her second pregnancy, her first child being born with a closed spina bifida.
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The risk of a neural tube defect in this pregnancy is 10%
B. Amniocentesis is indicated at 15-16 weeks
C. She should start on a folate supplement now
D. An ultrasound examination is indicated at 11-12 weeks
- The primary group of lymph nodes that drain the vulva is the
A. deep inguinal.
B. deep femoral.
C. obturator.
D. superficial inguinal.
- One hundred high-risk patients undergo a fetal biophysical profile (FBPP). Ten patients have a positive test. Two stillbirths result, both of which are from among the patients with a positive FBPP. The sensitivity of the FBPP in this population is
A. 0%.
B. 20%.
C. 80%.
D. 100%.
- Intraoperative findings that are indications for abandoning radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer include all of the following EXCEPT
A. Stage IIA disease with a unilateral 30 mm diameter ovarian cyst.
B. intraperitoneal metastasis.
C. extra-nodal parametrial/pelvic sidewall disease.
D. extensive, unresectable pelvic lymph node disease.
- Of the following, what is the SMALLEST fetal pole size in which a competent ultrasonologist would be confident diagnosing a missed abortion on transvaginal ultrasound because of the absence of fetal heart activity?
A. 7 mm
B. 9 mm
C. 11 mm
D. 13 mm
- Which of the following genetic conditions is NOT associated with a particular ethnic group or groups?
A. Tay-Sachs disease
B. von Willebrand disease
C. Sickle cell disease
D. alpha thalassaemia
- An epileptic patient on phenytoin (Dilantin) requests contraception. You recommend the
A. combination pill with 35 μg of ethinyloestradiol.
B. combination pill with 30 μg of ethinyloestradiol.
C. Mirena IUD.
D. progestagen only pill with 35 μg of levo-norgestrel.
- Which one of the following statements concerning twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTS) is
A. In stage I TTS there is polyhydramnios, stage II empty bladder of the donor twin, stage III absent or reversed umbilical arterial doppler waveform, stage IV fetal hydrops, stage V fetal death of one or both twins
B. The presence of increased arterial-arterial anastamoses on the surface of the placenta is associated with an increased risk of TTS
C. Survival in twin-twin transfusion syndrome is approximately 30% untreated, 50% if treatment is available
D. Serious disability still occurs in approximately 10% of TTS survivors treated with laser coagulation (where both twins are survivors)
- Thyroid hormone
A. must be present for the fetus to grow normally.
B. is active in the fetus in the form of reverse T3.
C. is necessary for shivering, but not non-shivering thermogenesis in the fetus.
D. has increased concentrations in the fetus after birth because of a surge in TSH concentrations.
- The failure rate among typical users of which of the following methods of contraception is LESS THAN 1%?
A. Combined oral contraceptives
B. Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate
C. Progestogen only contraceptive pills
D. Condoms
- Regarding the current status of therapy for mild or moderate endometriosis, which of the following statements is LEAST correct?
A. monthly fecundity over the first 36 weeks is significantly increased after laparoscopic treatment of mild or moderate endometriosis
B. there is a tendency for fertility to plateau at the same level with either surgical therapy or expectant management of mild or moderate endometriosis
C. danazol reduces both pain and disease progression with endometriosis
D. after a course of GnRH analogue therapy, fecundity is transiently improved in comparison to expectant management
- An 18 year old, 63 kg nullipara, with a history of two terminations of pregnancy, presents at 21 weeks’ gestation with pain and bleeding. Limbs are palpable through an 8 cm dilated cervix. Ultrasound reveals the fetus in a transverse lie with its back uppermost and the arms and legs occupying the lower uterine segment. Which of the following is the MOST APPROPRIATE form of management?
A. internal podalic version and breech extraction
B. external cephalic version under a beta-mimetic infusion
C. take no specific action
D. destructive procedure (embryotomy)
- A 25 year old woman has developed hirsutism, weight gain, and deepening of the voice over the last year. Her menstrual cycles are irregular and infrequent. Examination reveals severe facial hair growth and clitoromegaly. The uterus is slightly enlarged. The patient is obese and the ovaries are very difficult to palpate. Investigation shows a testosterone concentration of 17.3 nmol/L (normal range 0.5 - 2.8) and a DHEAS concentration of 9.8 umol/L (normal range 0.9 - 11.7). The MOST APPROPRIATE next step in this patient’s evaluation is
A. measurement of serum androstenedione.
B. measurement of serum 17-hydroxyprogesterone.
C. CT scan of the adrenals.
D. vaginal ultrasound of the ovaries.
- A major histologic ovarian structural change associated with menopause is proliferation of
A. theca interna cells.
B. granulosa cells.
C. epithelial surface cells.
D. stromal cells.
- In an adolescent, which of the following is a manifestation of a defect in the migration of primordial germ cells?
A. Precocious puberty
B. Pubertal failure
C. Pubertal delay
D. Congenital absence of the vagina
- What is the prevalence of PLA-1 (HPA-1a) negative women in the population?
A. 0.02%
B. 0.1%
C. 0.5%
D. 2%
- Which of the following conditions is associated with the highest risk of thromboembolism in the puerperium?
A. Anti-thrombin III deficiency
B. Factor V Leiden homozygosity
C. Protein S deficiency
D. Hyperhomocysteinaemia
- Obstetric cholestasis is associated with
A. right upper quadrant tenderness.
B. preeclampsia.
C. pruritus without rash.
D. Gilbert’s syndrome.
- Your patient is a 17 year old with short stature and severe oligomenorrhoea. LH 8, FSH 9, 17OHP 11.5, Testosterone 2.9, DHEAS 13.8.
(Normal ranges for assays reported are, LH 4-25, FSH 3-25, 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) nmol/L <5.5, Testosterone 0.5-2.5nmol/l, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS) umol/L 0.9-11.7)
This patient is MOST LIKELY to have the diagnosis of
A. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumour.
B. late onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
C. Adrenal Cortical adenoma.
D. Cushing syndrome
- Which of the following conditions is related to a preventable increased risk of preterm delivery?
A. Periodontal disease
B. Dental caries
C. Endodontal disease
D. Impacted wisdom teeth
- What is the MOST COMMON mode of transmission of Toxoplasma Gondii to women in Australia?
A. Contact with domestic cats.
B. Ingestion of kangaroo meat.
B.C. Ingestion of sheep meat from the Western District of Victoria.
D. Ingestion of undercooked meat.
- Which of the following is the KEY mode of current therapy for fetal alloimmune thrombocytopenia?
A. Maternal immunoglobulin infusion
B. In-utero fetal platelet transfusion
C. Corticosteroid therapy with prednisolone
D. Plasmapheresis
- In the newborn infant, normal circulatory changes associated with neonatal life include an increase in all of the following EXCEPT
A. the flow in the pulmonary veins.
B. the left atrial pressure.
C. pulmonary vascular resistance.
D. renal blood flow.
- A 30 year old woman, gravida 4, para 3, presents with spontaneous rupture of membranes and irregular contractions at 40 weeks gestation. Her current and prior pregnancies were uncomplicated. Full blood count at the time of admission reveals a platelet count of 85x109/L per mm, but is otherwise normal. She is asymptomatic. The management of her labour should include
A. fetal platelet count (by scalp sample).
B. notification of blood bank to have platelet packs available for maternal transfusion.
C. normal labour management and neonatal platelet count.
D. caesarean section rather than midforceps to minimise fetal trauma.
- Which of the following is FALSE?
A. The risk of thromboembolism in a healthy young women is approximately 1 per 10,000 women years.
B. The risk of thromboembolism with Progestagen-only contraception is 10 per 10,000 women years.
C. The risk of thromboembolism on the combined oral contraceptive pill is 4 per 10,000 women years.
D. The risk of thromboembolism in pregnancy is 30 per 10,000 women years.
- Which one of the following is LEAST CORRECT?
A. A finding of no difference between the two arms of a Randomised Controlled Trial may reflect the fact that the study did not have a sufficient sample size to detect a clinically important difference
B. Where a Randomised Controlled Trial that addresses a clinical problem has been performed, this will outweigh all other evidence
C. The incorporation of multiple trial centres facilitates the achievement of a large sample size often required for a Randomised Controlled Trial, but may necessitate flexible trial protocols to accommodate a broad spectrum of clinical opinion
D. Flexible entry criteria facilitate the achievement of a large sample size often required for a Randomised Controlled Trial, but at the cost of a conclusion drawn from a heterogeneous population that may not apply to subgroups within the population
- A rapid diagnostic test for Chlamydia trachomatis has a sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 95%. In a sexually transmitted diseases clinic with a prevalence of chlamydial infection of 30%, the predictive value of a positive test is approximately 90%. In a private practice with chlamydia prevalence of 5%, the predictive value of a positive test would be about
A. 5%.
B. 30%.
C. 50%.
D. 90%.
- Which of the following statements concerning monozygotic twins is NOT TRUE?
A. Approximately 30% of monozygotic twins are diamniotic dichorionic
B. Approximately 25% of twins are monozygotic
C. Placental vascular anastamoses are present in approximately 95% of monochorionic twins
D. Splitting of the embryo before day 8 post-conception will result in dichorionic twins, splitting after day 8 results in monochorionic twins
- Which of the following is MOST TYPICAL of cord blood gas measurements after normal labour and vaginal delivery at term?
A. Arterial cord pH 7.27 and venous 7.34
B. Arterial cord pH 7.30 and venous 7.37
C. Arterial cord pH 7.37 and venous 7.30
D. Arterial cord pH 7.37 and venous 7.34
- A 22-year-old woman has infrequent (three times yearly) heavy menses which last10 to
12 days and increased facial hair growth. She is normotensive and moderately obese. Her last menstrual period started 25 days ago and ended 12 days later. A biopsy specimen from the endometrium would MOST LIKELY show
A. supranuclear vacuoles.
B. stromal oedema with perivascular decidualisation.
C. haemorrhagic stroma and collapsed endometrial glands.
D. crowding of straight tubular glands.
- Which one of the following statements concerning pseudo myxoma peritonei is CORRECT? Pseudo myxoma peritonei
A. requires leakage from a parent cyst for the development of the condition.
B. responds to treatment with alkylating agents.
C. is characteristically associated with intestinal obstruction.
D. responds to treatment with total abdominal irradiation.
- A 35 year old primigravid woman is referred from a general practitioner at about 30 weeks gestation. Ultrasound examination is performed to check fetal growth. This shows that the largest pocket of amniotic fluid measures 15 cm and the amniotic fluid index is 35. Which of the following congenital anomalies is LEAST LIKELY to be associated with this finding?
A. Duchenne muscular dystrophy
B. Myotonic dystrophy
C. Congenital Diaphragmatic hernia
D. Hydrocephaly
- Ovulation CANNOT be induced with FSH in individuals with which of the following causes of amenorrhoea?
A. Galactosaemia
B. Polycystic ovary syndrome
C. Hypothalamic hypogonadism (Kallmann’s syndrome)
D. Hyperprolactinaemia
- All of the following statements concerning Treponema pallidum infection are correct
A. syphilis can be transmitted from the skin lesions of secondary syphilis.
B. lesions of tertiary syphilis largely result from an immune response to Treponema pallidum and its products.
C. the VDRL (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory) test is specific for Treponema pallidum infection.
D. secondary syphilis may cause loss of scalp hair and eyebrows.
- Which of the diagnoses below is MOST LIKELY to be associated with pruritus and bullae in pregnancy?
A. Drug Eruption
B. Pruritic Urticarial Papules of Pregnancy (PUPP)
C. Bullous Pemphigoid
D. Pemphigoid Gestationis
- Randomised controlled trials have shown that maternal indomethacin therapy is significantly associated in the fetus with
A. renal insufficiency.
B. constriction of the ductus arteriosus.
C. necrotising enterocolitis.
D. deafness.
- Signet ring cells are characteristic findings in which of the following tumours of the ovary?
A. Brenner tumour
B. Krukenberg tumour
C. Dermoid cyst
D. Dysgerminoma
- In Syndrome X, the mechanism by which insulin resistance occurs is through
A. abnormalities associated with the insulin receptor.
B. obesity-related changes in ovarian function.
C. alterations in ovarian steroidogenic enzymes.
D. underlying diabetes mellitus.
- Chromosome mosaicism is detected at CVS performed for advanced maternal age. As a NEXT STEP you would recommend
A. a repeat of the CVS.
B. an amniocentesis.
C. consideration of termination of pregnancy.
D. no further action.
- Which of the conditions below, if treated during pregnancy, may have thrombocytopenia and/or osteoporosis induced by the treatment?
A. asthma
B. pulmonary tuberculosis
C. Graves’ disease
D. antiphospholipid syndrome