Meiosis Flashcards
Anaphase I
Phase in meiosis in which chromosomes are pulled apart
Anaphase ii
phase in meiosis in which chromatids are pulled apart
The presence of an extra chromosome or absence of one chromosome in gametes due to non-disjunction
A pair of homologous chromosomes involved in crossing over
structures that form spindle threads during meiosis
structures that split to form 2 centrioles in animals cells during meiosis
point of overlap of chromatids during crossing over
the 2 strands that make up a chromosome
crossing over
the exchange of genetic materials between chromatids of homologous chromosomes
chromosome condition describing the presence of 2 sets of chromosomes in each cell
DNA replication
Process by which a single stranded chromosome becomes double stranded
Down syndrome
genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21
Chromosome conditions describing the presence of a single set of chromosomes in each cell
chromosomes that are identical in shape and appearance that code for the same set characteristics
Phase during which DNA replication takes place
the number and type of chromosomes possessed by an individual
- The type of cell division that results in a halving of the chromosome number.
- cell division producing daughter cells that are dissimilar
Metaphase i
phase in meiosis in which chromosome line up at the equator in pairs
metaphase ii
phase in meiosis in which chromosomes arranged singly at the equator
cell division producing identical cells
non-seperation of chromosomes or chromatids during meiosis
the presence of an extra set of chromosomes or absence of chromosomes in gametes due to non-disjunction
prophase i
phase in meiosis in which crossing over occurs
spindle threads
structures to which chromosomes are attached during metaphase i and metaphase ii
telophase i
phase in meiosis in which 2 cells are formed having half the chromosome complement as the original
telophase ii
phase in meiosis in which four cells are formed having half the chromosome complement as the original cell