Meetings and Event Planning Flashcards
What are the responsibilities of the chairperson before the meeting?
To make sure that the meeting is set up and run according to the rules of the organisation- the chairperson must be completely familiar with the organisation’s standing orders in case there is a dispute about procedure.
To ensure that the previous minutes are a correct record- the chairperson must liaise with the administrative assistant before the meeting to ensure that the minutes of the previous meeting have been prepared and checked.
What are the responsibilities of the chairperson during a meeting?
To start the meeting punctually.
To sign the previous minutes as a correct record once all members of the committee present at the meeting have agreed- this happens towards the start of the meeting.
To work consistently through the agenda explaining clearly the item being discussed.
To try to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to speak and that discussion is kept to the point- the chairperson needs to prevent over-talkative members from holding the floor and encourage quieter members to have a say.
To ensure that all who speak address the chair- it would be very difficult to keep order if several different conversations were going on at once.
To decide when discussion has gone on long enough and sum up conclusions reached in an unbiased manner.
Ensure the meeting is quorate, according to the constitution- otherwise the meeting should be postponed.
To put matters to the vote, declare the results of voting and summarise decisions so that they can be recorded properly- no one should be left in any doubt as to what has been agreed.
To close or adjourn a meeting formally.
What are the responsibilities of the chairperson after the meeting?
To take any appropriate follow up action required, as agreed.
To liaise with the administrative assistant regarding the preparation of the draft minutes and the next agenda.
What are the responsibilities of the admin assistant before the meeting?
Book a suitable venue/accommodation for the meeting- this will be determined by the type of meeting and whether it is to be held internally (on business premises) or externally (e.g. in a hotel).
Note in your diary the date, time, place and nature of the meeting.
Open a file for the meeting into which can be placed papers or notes of items in connection with the meeting.
Draft a notice of meeting and agenda and present it to the chairperson for approval .
Prepare and distribute the approved notice of meeting and agenda to those members entitled to attend.
Make extra copies of the agenda, any additional papers and the minutes of the last meeting for back-up at the actual meeting.
Carefully note any apologies for absence that are received.
Arrange for name cards if the people present are not known to each other and organise a seating plan as necessary.
Arrange, as appropriate, refreshments, audio visual aids, car parking spaces and special needs requirements such as wheelchair access.
Prepare the chairpersons agenda.
Place a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting in the minute book ready for the chairpersons signature during the meeting.
Have an attendance register or sheet prepared for completion at the meeting- this is particularly important if a large attendance is expected.
Make sure that there are stocks of pencils, paper and notebooks.
Notify the press if the meeting is a public one, or if it is appropriate that a report should appear in the newspaper.
What are the duties of the admin assistant on the day of the meeting before it starts?
Ensure that reception is aware of the meeting and provide reception with a list of those attending- this is particularly useful if guests are attending.
Put up direction signs to the meeting room.
Place a meeting in progress notice on the door.
Check the room before the meeting to ensure that it is organised the way you want it and that there is suitable heating, lighting and ventilation.
Check that water jugs, glasses, stationary and audio visual aids are in position and that refreshments will be served at an appropriate time.
Confirm the parking arrangements.
Arrange with the switchboard to re-route calls or take messages whilst the meeting is in progress.
Collect all necessary files and documents which may be called upon during the meeting, including the attendance register, and spare copies of the agenda and minutes of the previous meeting.
What are the duties of the admin assistant on the day of the during the meeting?
Read the minutes of the previous meeting, letters of apology and any other correspondence.
Ensure that the chairperson signs the previous minutes and signs any alterations.
Assist the chairperson throughout the meeting with files, papers, agenda etc.
Take notes summarising all the proceedings at the meeting so that the minutes can be drafted after the meeting or write down the action to be taken, by whom and what date if only action minutes required.
Make a separate note of any action to be taken by you and/or the chairperson.
Check that all those present have signed the attendance register.
What are the duties of the admin assistant after the meeting?
Remove the ‘meeting in progress’ sign and direction signs.
Clear the room and leave it tidy. Check that no one has left anything behind.
If necessary, notify the catering staff that they may collect the unused refreshments.
Notify the switchboard that the meeting has finished.
Draft the minutes of the meeting as soon after the meeting as possible when the discussion is still fresh in your mind and then check the draft minutes with the chairperson.
Send out the agreed minutes before the next meeting or keep the minutes aside to be sent out with the next notice of meeting and agenda for next meeting.
Prepare a note of any issues to be dealt with by the chairperson and pass it to the chairperson.
Remind any members who have agreed to take any action following on form the meeting.
Record the date and any other important information about the next meeting in the chairpersons diary and your diary.
Make a note in your diary to remind you when the next notice of meeting and agenda should be sent out for the next meeting.
Begin to draft the agenda for the next meeting.
Attend to any necessary correspondence and prepare thank you letters, as appropriate, for the chairpersons signature.
What is a notice of meeting and agenda?
This informs the relevant people about the meeting (who, when and where) and the items to be discussed at the meeting.
The notice of meeting section explains what meeting is to be held, where it is to be held and when it is to be held.
The agenda gives the meeting structure. It outlines what is to be discussed at the meeting and gives those attending the meeting an opportunity to prepare for the meeting.
What are minutes?
These are a written record of what was discussed and decided during a meeting- they should be brief, accurate and clear. The admin assistant is responsible for taking notes during the meeting from which the minutes are prepared.
What are action minutes?
These show the action required, who is to carry out each task and the target date for the tasks to be completed.
What are the benefits of minutes or action minutes?
Proof is provided of what was discussed.
Decisions made are recorded.
Any action required by members is highlighted- the minutes can be a useful reminder.
They inform absentees, or interested non-members, about what took place at the meeting.
More concise and easier to follow than traditional meetings.
What are the consequences of inadequate preparation for a meeting?
If all those entitled to attend did not receive the notice of meeting and agenda the numbers at the meeting would be affected- possibly the quorum would not be reached and the meeting would have to be postponed- additional costs incurred e.g. booking venue for postponed meeting.
If the agenda was not carefully planned the meeting might not cover important topics, or might overrun.
If the chairperson was not well briefed, this would show during the discussion and might lead to poor decisions being taken.
If the venue booked was not suitable this could create problems- the room might be too small, or not set up as desired; it could even be double booked.
Employees may feel that their time has been wasted and may be annoyed.
Inadequate parking around the venue could lead to employees being late to the meeting.
How is e-diary used to prepare meetings?
These are electronic diaries which can be used to send automatic invites to those attending a meeting.
An instant accept or decline can be given.
A meeting reminder can be set.
Important documents can also be attached.
They’re easily accessible from phones which makes them useful in the planning of events and meetings
An e-diary will alert users to any appointments that could result in a double booking.
How is database used to prepare meetings?
May be used to search/query for the appropriate attendees to invite to a meeting e.g. all suppliers.
May also be used to store details on venues.
How is word used to prepare meetings?
Used to create minutes and action minutes. The use of tables, formatting options such as bold and underline and spell check can ensure the document looks professional.
How is presentation software used to prepare meetings?
Powerpoint and google slides can be used to help display information in a more interesting way at a meeting.
Slides can be animated and music added.
Speaker notes can also be added to help the meeting stay on track and flow.
Action buttons can be used for ease of movement between slides.
Slides can be printed in different formats for use during the meeting.
How is e-mail used to prepare meetings?
Electronic mail sent to invitees may include the notice of meeting and agenda.
Important documents for the meeting can be attached.
A delivery receipt and read receipt can be requested and issued so the sender knows that the e-mail has been received and read.
Following the meeting the minutes can be sent to all attendees as long as their e-mail addresses are known.
E-mail can be used 24/7 and so is useful when working over different time zones.
How is video/audio conferencing used to prepare meetings?
Can be used to hold remote meetings.
No travel costs to pay.
Productivity is increased due to less absences from office.
Immediate decisions can be made even across large geographic areas.
Body language is more difficult to read.
Sensitive information may be more difficult to pass on especially if meeting is being recorded.
Attendees may be completing other tasks whilst appearing to be on the meeting.
How is cloud based software used to prepare meetings?
Cloud based software and storage means that attendees of the meeting can access the documents they need from a remote server meaning they can be prepared for the meeting.