Meeting or Event Design Part 1 Flashcards
6-by-6 Rule
Audiovisual guidelines by which a presentation slide should contain no more than six words per line of text and no more than six lines of text.
1) Written summaries of speeches or papers, generally between 200-500 words. 2) A brief statement of content.
Abstract Board
Freestanding or rolling boards, typically 4’ X 8’ used for attaching copies of research papers for authors to discuss with participants.
1) Any seat, berth, room, or service provided and/or sold to a guest, attendee, or passenger. 2) Action taken to allow a person with a disability to participate in an event.
Official authorization or approval to 1) provide with credentials. 2) recognize or verify the act of conforming with a standard. 3) recognize a post-secondary institution or degree bearing programme as satisfying and maintaining academic standards.
Action Station
Chefs prepare foods to order and serve them fresh to guests. Also called Performance Stations, Carving Stations, or Exhibition Cooking.
Ad Hoc Committee
Committee formed to deal with a specific issue or task; the committee is dissolved upon making its final report to the organization that created it.
Adjoining Rooms
Rooms with common walls, but without connecting doors.
Adult Learner
An adult who is usually pursuing education to attain a specific and practical goal.
Advance Registration
Booking before an event takes place. Allows attendees to register for an event before it takes place.
Advisory Board
A group that offers advice or counsel to event organizer, event management, or other organization on strategic options such as education content, exhibitor matters, contracting policies or other issues.
Affinity Group
Group sharing common interest, usually people who are members of the same organization.
A list or plan of items to be considered, decided, undertaken, or accomplished at a meeting or event. Agendas are generally formal, structured lists and may include a time schedule.
Air Wall
Movable, track-mounted barrier that partitions a large area such as a ballroom or exhibition hall into smaller sections. May be sound resistant, but not necessarily soundproof. Also known as a PARTITION
Complimentary items provided by a hotel in sleeping rooms such as toiletries, writing supplies, bathrobes, fruit baskets, and shoeshine mitts.
American Service
Food is plated in the kitchen and placed before the guest. Side dishes are used for bread and butter and salad. Food is served from the left, beverages from the right, and all items are removed from the right. This is generally the service used for banquets.
American Plan
A type of hotel rate that includes the price of the room and all meals. Also called FULL AMERICAN PLAN (FAP).
American Breakfast
A meal of fruits and/or juices, cereal, eggs, meat, bakery goods and hot or cold beverages.
Alternate Media
Alternatives to print materials (e.g. Braille, large print, etc.), telecommunications, computers, and other electronic media provided to assist people with disabilities in achieving full participation.
1) Area between a booths/stands for attendee traffic movement. 2) Space between tables or chairs to allow passage of an audience.
Ambient Light
1) Level of illumination from natural lighting sources already existing in an environment. 2) Uncontrolled and unintended illumination.
American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP)
A membership organization that represents individuals who hold the copyrights to music written in the United States. ASCAP grants licensing agreements for the performance of that music.
Asynchronous Learning
Student-centered teaching method that uses on-line learning resources to facilitate information sharing among a network of people outside the constraints of time and place. Typically, this is on-demand and can be video-on-demand (VoD), audio-OnDemand (AoD), correspondence courses, e-mail messages, bulletin boards, etc.
Asymmetric Bandwidth
A term describing an Internet Service Provider (ISP) technology where the download and upload bandwidth are not equal.
1) A general or formal meeting of an organization attended by representatives of its members for the purpose of deciding legislative direction, policy matters, holding elections, or conducting governance business of the organization. Consequently, an assembly usually observes certain rules of procedure for its meetings; generally prescribed in its Articles & By-laws. 2) The process of erecting display component parts into a complete exhibit.
Aspect Ratio
The ratio of image width to height; pertaining to video and slides.
Arrival/Departure Pattern
A description of arrival and departure activities of an event’s attendees. This information should be included in the specifications guide for an event.
A device used to increase the sound levels of a signal to be sent to the loudspeakers for sound reproduction.
Part of a stage in front of the main curtain.
A method of conveying audio or video data electronically by varying its signal frequency or amplitude.
The art and science of helping adults learn, as opposed to pedagogy, which is the science of helping children learn.
Audience Left and Right
Stage directions from the audience’s perspective. This is the opposite of stage left and right.
A meeting using only voice transmissions between two or more sites.
Audiovisual (AV)
AV includes equipment, materials, and teaching aids used in sound and visual presentations, such as video projection, monitors, sound equipment, etc.
Audiovisual (AV)
Contractor Supplier of technical staff and audiovisual equipment (e.g. projectors, screens, sound systems, video, and staging).
Audiovisual (AV) Technician
An audiovisual professional who is responsible for the set-up, configuration or operation of lighting, sound, video, staging or other similar elements of an event function.
Auditorium Set-Up
Seating arrangement where chairs are arranged in rows facing head table, stage, or speaker. Variations are semicircular and V-shaped.
Back Drape
A drape, curtain or fabric panel that provides a soft, colorful background for a speaker or stage presentation. recording.
Back Light
1) A light source that illuminates any transparent or translucent material from behind. 2) A lighting instrument used behind and above a presenter to give more depth and better image to video projection or
A permanently installed series of copper wire or fiber optic cabling that provides the main infrastructure for transmitting voice, data, and video signals within a facility.
Drapes, curtain, or fabric panels at the back of a stage, speaker’s table, or exhibit booth/stand.
Audience Reaction Team
Four or five attendees query the main speaker from the stage with questions from the audience and follow-up questions.
Audience Response System
Interactive computer or mobile device application that enables voting or polling and then collects and displays the results.
Backline Equipment
Equipment such as amplifiers and sound equipment required by musicians to perform at an engagement, often rented by the event organizer.
Bare Booth/Stand
Booth/stand with no services or facilities. All must be hired at an additional cost.
Banquet Set-Up
1) Seating arrangement where typically a grouping of rounds is set in such a way as to facilitate the serving of food, most often a hexagonal or square pattern. 2) Function room set up and tear down.
Banquet Round
Round table used for meal service; depending on the diameter, can comfortably seat up to 12 persons. A round for 8 is usually 60-inches in diameter, and a round for 10 is usually 72-inches in diameter. Rounds that are 66 inches in diameter may also be found in use for tables of 8-10.
Banquet Manager
A person with overall responsibility for food and beverage delivery with direct (servers, banquet captains) and indirect (hotel kitchens and engineering) staff.
Banquet Event Order (BEO)
A form most often used by hotels to provide details to personnel concerned with a specific food and beverage function or event room set-up.
An elaborate, and often ceremonial, dinner for numerous people, often in honor of a person or persons.
Banquet Captain
Person in charge of banquet service at food functions. For small functions, may serve as maître d’. For larger functions, may be responsible for a specific area of the dining room. Primarily used in North America
1) The back wall (either hard wall or draped) of a perimeter or inline booth/stand/exhibit. 2) Panel arrangement at rear of booth/stand area.
The amount of data that can be transmitted (upload) or received (download) per second.
These are participant-led conferences where everyone who attends contributes a demonstration or session, or otherwise volunteers in a way to contribute to the event.
Barn Door
Movable hinged flap used on stage lights to control light spill.
Lengths of pipe from which scenery, curtains, and lights can be hung.
Beaded Screen
Type of screen with highly reflective surface used for front projection.
_LCD PROJECTOR. Primarily used in Europe
Bell Captain
A hotel employee who supervises the work of staff whose primary responsibility is to carry luggage, run errands, etc.
Black Light
Ultraviolet lighting that when applied causes phosphorescent paints to glow.
Black Tie
Required dress: dinner jacket, bow tie and cummerbund for the men and formal evening dress for the women. May include national dress. In the U.S. and Canada, Black Tie indicates Tuxedo. “Black tie optional” indicates that formal dress is preferred but not required.
A room set permanently in a conference style. Generally, with a fixed table & executive seating.
Boardroom Set-Up
Seating arrangement in which rectangle or oval shaped tables are set up with chairs on both sides and ends. Often confused with HOLLOW SQUARE SET-UP.
Area where equipment is stored during an exhibition. This area may be located within the exhibition hall in an unused portion of the floor.
Specific exhibit display area assigned by show management to an exhibitor under contractual agreement.
Group sessions in which all participants contribute creative ideas which are not initially judged for merit.
Short interval between sessions at which time coffee, tea and/or other refreshments are served.
Base Plate
Plate used under bowl, glass, condiments, and so forth.
Break-Out Rooms
Function rooms set up for a group within an event as opposed to a plenary or general session spaces. Also known as SYNDICATE ROOMS.
Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI)
A music licensing organization that represents individuals who hold the copyrights to music written in the United States. It grants licensing agreements for the performance of music.
Broadcast Producer
Person who oversees the production and broadcast of a virtual or hybrid event.
Assortment of foods, offered on a table, self-served.
Butler Service
1) Servers offer a variety of both hot and cold hors d’oeuvres on platters to guests at receptions. 2) A style of table service where guests serve themselves from platters presented by the server. 3) Specialized in-room service offered by a hotel, resort, or cruise ship.
Buzz Session
Method to increase audience participation by dividing all participants into discussion groups, each of which reports the group’s findings and opinions during a following plenary session.
By the Bottle
Liquor served and charged for by the full bottle.
By the Person/Per Person.
A fixed price per attendee; covers all consumption of food and beverage at a function, within a given time frame.
By the Piece
Food purchased by the individual piece, usually for a reception.
Cabaret Table
Small round table, 15-30 inches in diameter (38-76 centimeters) used for cocktail type parties.
Cafeteria Service
A food service operation in which customers carry their own trays and select food from a display counter or counters. Payment is sometimes made at a cashier station.
Break-Out Sessions
Small group sessions, panels, workshops, or presentations offered concurrently within an event. Break-Out Sessions occur apart from the general session.
Call Brand
Brand of liquor, distinguished from HOUSE BRAND, selected by a customer according to personal preference. Usually a higher quality than house brands. Primarily used in North America
Call for Papers
An invitation to submit topic ideas for the conference programme. Document containing detailed instructions for submission of papers for assessment and selection by a review committee; often referred to as “Abstract Forms.” Also known as “Call for Presentations”.
Campfire Session
An informal, highly interactive, small group discussion format typically led by a subject matter expert and typically using comfortable seating set in a circle.
Campus Housing
Dormitory or other university/college sleeping accommodations.
Cancellation/No-Show Percentage
The number or percentage of contracted rooms that do not actualize into occupied rooms due to guest cancellations or no-shows.
Cash Bar
Private room bar set up where guests pay for drinks individually.
Category Cable
(Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable or UTP) Usually referred to as Cat followed by a numeral between and 1 and 7. Cat 5 or Cat 5e cabling, required for Fast Ethernet, is the most commonly available. RELATED TERMS: BACKBONE.
Catering Sales Manager
Staff person responsible for selling & servicing group & local F&B functions.
Centre Speakers
Loudspeakers that are used to cover assignments out of the range of the main loudspeakers’ projection area.
1) Exclusive use of all or some space on an airplane, bus, ship, or other vehicle for a specific period and for a specific itinerary. 2) To create a new association, organization or chapter of an association or organization.
Check-In Time
Time at which hotel guests may check in and occupy sleeping rooms.
Check-Out Time
Time by which hotel guests are required to vacate sleeping rooms.
Cherry Picker
Equipment capable of lifting a person or persons to a given height.
Chevron Set-Up
Seating arrangement in which chairs /or chairs or tables are arranged in rows slanted in a V shape and separated by a centre aisle. They face the head table or speaker.
Classroom Set-Up
Seating arrangement in which rows of tables with chairs face the front of a room and each person has a space for writing. Also called SCHOOLROOM SET-UP.
Classroom Table
Rectangular table, often narrower than regular tables and 30-inches high. Can be 6’ or 8’ long and 18- or 24-inches wide.
Workshop-type educational experience where participants learn by doing.
Closed-Ended Incentive Programme
The number of winners is limited by a predetermined amount to be spent on the incentive programme.
Closing Ceremony
Final activities at an event which occur during the closing or last session.
Closing Session
The final session of an event in which the subjects which have been discussed are summarized and possible conclusions reached and announced.
Cocktail Table
Small round table, 15-30 inches in diameter (38-76 centimeters) and 30 inches in height (76 centimeters) used for cocktail parties. Also called CABARET TABLE.
An informal meeting for the purpose of discussion, usually of an academic or research nature and to ascertain areas of mutual interest through exchange of ideas. Conducted as and when convenient, but with little regularity.
To hold two or more related events at the same time and in the same place.
A group of people appointed for a specific function, consisting of members of a larger group.
Complete Meeting Package (CMP)
An all-inclusive plan offered by some conference centres and hotels, including lodging, all meals and support services.
Complimentary Ratio
The number of rooms provided at no cost based on the number of occupied rooms. Often expressed numerically, for example 1/50, 1:50 or 1-per-50.
1) Participatory meeting designed for discussion, fact-finding, problem solving and consultation. 2) An event used by any organization to meet and exchange views, convey a message, open a debate, or give publicity to some area of opinion on a specific issue. No tradition, continuity or timing is required to convene a conference. Conferences are usually of short duration with specific objectives and are generally on a smaller scale than congresses or conventions.
Concurrent Sessions
Multiple sessions scheduled at the same time. Programmes on different themes or subjects offered simultaneously. Outside North America, PARALLEL SESSIONS is used.
Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
Software used to design and manufacture products.
Gathering of a group with shared or special interests. Traditionally refers to meetings of a confidential or secret nature with restricted or limited participation. From the Latin for “with key”, referring to a historical practice of sequestering participants.
Compression/Decompression or Coder/Decoder (CODEC)
Videoconferencing standard, included in hardware and/or software, used to compress or code video, audio, and data signals for transmission and decompress or decode the signal at the other end of the transmission.
Conference Officer/Organizer
Title generally conferred upon the chief administrator of the entire event. RELATED TERMS: PROFESSIONAL CONGRESS ORGANISER (PCO).
Conference Services Manager (CSM)
Primary contact person assigned to an event in a hotel or convention centre. Also referred to as CONVENTION SERVICES MANAGER.
Conference Set-Up
Seating in which rectangular or oval tables are set up with chairs placed around all sides.
1) The regular coming together of large groups of individuals, generally to discuss a subject. A congress will often last several days and have several simultaneous sessions. The length of time between congresses is usually annual, although some are on a less frequent basis. Most international or world congresses are latter type; national congresses are more frequently held annually. 2) European term for convention.
Connecting Rooms
In a hotel, a configuration of two or more guest rooms with private connecting doors permitting access between rooms without exiting into a public corridor.
Consumer Show
Exhibition that is open to the public, usually requiring an entrance fee.
Continental Breakfast
Light morning meal consisting of pastries, juices, and hot beverages. May also include fruit. Usually served buffet style.
Continental Plan
A room rate that includes a continental breakfast.
Continuing Education
Structured educational and training experiences for personal or professional development.
Continuing Education Credit (CEC)
Requirement of many professional groups by which members must certify participation in formal educational programmes designed to maintain their level of ability beyond their original certification date.
Continuing Education Unit (CEU)
Non-academic credit unit conferred by professional organizations for formal educational programmes for members who must maintain their level of professional education.
Controversy Panel
To stimulate interest and debate, two or three views of a controversial issue are presented.
Member of committee in charge of convening participants.
Gathering of delegates, representatives, and members of a membership or industry organization convened for a common purpose. Common features include educational sessions, committee meetings, social functions, and meetings to conduct the governance business of the organization. Conventions are typically recurring events with specific, established timing.
Convention & Visitors Authority (CVA)
Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB)
An organization defined and recognized by its status as an incorporated, non-profit agency or local government entity, which promotes economic development of the community through travel and tourism. CVBs assist planners by providing information on local resources and services, site selection, and other pre-conference and post-convention services.
Convention Services Manager (CSM)
Professional at a hotel, convention centre or convention bureau who is responsible for event operations management on all levels.
Laws that allow for the ownership of intellectual property (such as writings, art, music). Copy-written material may not be used without the owner’s permission or the payment of royalty fees.
A charge placed on beer, liquor, and wine brought into a facility but purchased elsewhere.
Corner Booth/Stand
An exhibit space with exposure on at least two aisles, often sold by show managers at a premium rate.
Corporate Rate
Special rate for sleeping rooms or other goods and services that is made available to business travelers. These rates may vary by corporation, depending on the negotiated agreement. The market segment comprised of groups or individuals that work for a given company and are traveling for Corporate Travel business reasons at the company’s expense.
1) Table setting for one person. 2) Actual number of meals, or servings, served at a food function. 3) Dome placed over a plate, used to keep food warm/cold. Also referred to as a CLOCHE.
Actual number of meals served at a catered meal function or in a restaurant.
Credentials Committee
Committee formed to verify that individuals have the necessary qualifications to attend a meeting, cast votes at a meeting, or become a member of an association.
Cross Aisle
A smaller aisle perpendicular to a larger main aisle.
Cut-Off Date
Designated date when a hotel will release any unsold sleeping rooms in a group block and make them available to the public.
Raised platform usually above the floor of a hall or large room.
A discussion which takes place within a meeting, a public or private sitting or in one of the various types of assembly or meeting.
Props, lighting, or other decorative elements used to create a theme, ambiance or mood at a function or special event.
An individual or company providing installation & dismantle and booth/stand and hall dressing services for a trade show and/or its exhibitors. Decorator services may be provided by carpenters, sign painters or others depending upon union jurisdiction. Term applies to both contractor and skilled craftsperson.
Definite Booking
Space reservations confirmed in writing.
Dedicated Bandwidth
A set amount of BANDWIDTH that is exclusively available to the end user or group.
Delay Speakers
Loudspeakers that are used to cover assignments out of the range of the main loudspeakers’ projection area.
Outside of North America, a general term for registered meeting participant. In some instances, a voting representative at a meeting.
Crescent-Round Set-Up
Seating at round tables with chairs placed at two thirds to three quarters of the table and no seating with backs to the speaker. Used for banquet-to-meeting or meeting-to banquet quick set.
A rate inclusive of breakfast and dinner, in addition to the room. In the U.S. and Canada, it is called MODIFIED AMERICAN PLAN (MAP), which means breakfast and one other meal (usually dinner). In Europe it is also called HALF-PENSION.
Destination Management Company (DMC)
A professional services company possessing extensive local knowledge, expertise, and resources, specializing in the design and implementation of events, activities, tours, transportation, and program logistics. s.
Destination Marketing Organization (DMO)
An organization defined and recognized by its status as an incorporated, non-profit agency or local government entity which promotes economic development of the community through travel and tourism. DMOs assist planners by providing information on local resources and services, site selection, and other pre-conference and postconvention service
Dine Around
Use of several restaurants in a destination with reservations and billing arrangements to one client. .
Discussion Group
A group of participants assigned to debate or explore a topic within some types of meetings. Similar to a working group, but typically without an expectation for formal reports or papers
Display Rules & Regulations
A set of specifications for exhibit construction endorsed by all major exhibit industry associations. Also refers to the individual additional rules which may be adopted by event management. Guidelines are provided by the International Association of Exhibition Executives.
Distance Learning
Education delivered through a variety of technological and communication methods, including, but not limited to e-mail, e-learning platforms, web conferencing, mobile apps, and podcasts. Also known as Virtual Learning.
DMC Consortium
National and/or international alliances of destination management companies that form select communities for the purpose of sharing collective efforts for business sharing, education, ethics, and destination management industry monitoring
Double Booking
1) Reserving space for two groups to use the same space at the same time and neither can be fully accommodated as contracted. 2) An organization reserving space in more than one venue for the same event. 3) Two or more reservations made for the same traveler for the same dates.
Double Room Rate
The price per person for a double-occupancy hotel guest room.
-Double Room A hotel guest room with two double beds.
Front of the stage, closest to the audience.
Dram Shop Laws
in the United States, a term for laws covering the liability of people serving alcoholic beverages. Under dram shop laws, a party injured by an intoxicated person can sue establishments contributing to that person’s intoxication. U.S. specific
Draped Booth/Stand
A booth/stand where the back and side walls are constructed using pipe and drape.
Dress Code
A set of standards to provide guidance about what is appropriate to wear for an occasion, event, or place of employment.
Dressing the Exhibit
Placing graphics, plants, literature and applying any finishing touches to the display.
Early Arrival
1) Reaching a destination before the appointed date or time. 2) When a hotel guest with a confirmed reservation requests to check in to his/her room prior to the scheduled date and/or check-in time. 3) Arrival prior to arrival of the majority of the group.
Early Registration
Registration received before a pre-defined date, usually offering a lower fee, referred to as an early bird rate.
Double Cloth
Use of two tablecloths on a banquet table for decorative purposes, to muffle sound, or to attach to skirting. Usually two different colors are used.
Double Occupancy
A hotel guest room that may be occupied by two persons.
Early Out
A guest who checks out of a hotel one or more days earlier than the scheduled departure date. Also called early departure, under-stay.
Ellipsoidal Spotlight
A spotlight that can be shaped and controlled to light lecterns, signs and areas that need a tightly focused light pool; can be used with a gobo to project images such as a logo.
End Cap
An exhibit space with aisles on three sides.
English Breakfast A
large, hearty breakfast that includes juice, fruit, hot and cold cereal, eggs, meat (often fish), pastries with jellies and preserves, and made to order foods such as omelets and crepes, and hot beverages.
English Service
Food is brought to the table on a tray, presented to the host, who either cuts the food him/herself or chooses to have it done by the server away from the table. Vegetables are placed in bowls on the table for guests to serve themselves
Activity performed for the amusement and enjoyment of others.
E-Poster System
A system that uses a large monitor and computer to display multimedia versions of a poster; typically used at scientific and medical conferences.
Escorted Tour
1) A prearranged travel programme, usually for a group. In a fully conducted tour, escort and/or guide service is provided throughout. 2) A sightseeing programme conducted by a guide (e.g. a city tour).
European Plan (EP)
A room rate that does not include meals.
An organized occasion such as a meeting, convention, exhibition, special event, gala dinner, etc. An event is often composed of several different yet related FUNCTIONS.
Event Design
The intentional shaping of an event’s form and content to satisfy specific and purposeful goals
Event Organizer
Person whose job it is to oversee and arrange every aspect of an event. Person can be an employee or hired ad hoc to plan, organize, implement, and control meetings, conventions, and other events.
Event Technology
Any technical and technology needs to support meeting or events. Includes items such as audio-visual, computers, software, power, networking, and connectivity.
Exhibit Booth/Stand
Individual display area constructed to showcase products or convey a message, or to sell products or services.
Exhibit House
Company that fabricates and manages display properties for trade show exhibitors.
An event at which products, services or promotional materials are displayed to attendees visiting exhibits on the show floor. These events focus primarily on business to-business (B2B) relationships.
Exhibition Manager
Preferred term for the specific person responsible for all aspects of planning, promoting, and producing an exhibition. Also called EXHIBIT MANAGER, SHOW MANAGER, SHOW ORGANISER. RELATED TERMS: EXHIBIT MANAGER, SHOW MANAGER, SHOW ORGANISER.
1) Person or firm that displays its products or services at an event. 2) Event attendee whose primary purpose for attending the event is to staff a booth/stand.
Exhibitor Advisory Committee
Representatives of an event’s exhibiting companies who act as advisors to show management on procedures, the needs of exhibitors, and provide feedback for marketing and growing the show.
Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC)
Any company other than the designated “official” contractor providing a service to an exhibitor. Can refer to an Install & Dismantle Company (I&D House), photographer, florist, or any other type of contractor.
Exhibitor Move-In/Move-out
The time period allowed for exhibitors to prepare their exhibit space for show opening. The time allowed for exhibitors to dismantle and remove their exhibit following show closing.
1) Event principally devoted to the exhibition of agricultural products or industrial products. Fairs may also provide entertainment activities. 2) Exhibition of products or services in a specific area of activity held with the objective of promoting business
Family-Style Service
Platters and bowls of foods are set on the dining tables, from which guests serve themselves. Usually involves guests passing the containers to each other.
Fast Fold Screen
Brand name for a large screen with a frame which folds down into a small case for storage. The legs of this screen are attached at the sides of the screen, or the screen may be flown from above.
Fill-Type Speakers
Loudspeakers that are used to cover assignments out of the range of the main loudspeakers’ projection area.
Final Programme
Document containing the definitive conference and social programme, circulated immediately prior to an event or distributed at the commencement of the event.
An interchange between an inner circle debating an issue and an outer circle of observers. Individuals occasionally move from one circle to the other.
Holder with microphone often used in Q & A (question and answer) sessions.
Flash Box
Smoke-producing device for special effects.
Floor Manager
Person retained by event management to supervise the installation, dismantling and operation of the exhibit area.
A large public show, exhibit, or trade show; also referred to as an EXHIBITION.
An individual who guides discussion and/or decision making.
Facility Manager
The manager of a convention centre, exhibition hall, arena, auditorium or other venue or assembly.
Floor Marking
The process of marking the floor of an empty exhibit hall to indicate the locations where individual booths/stands will be set.
Floor Plan
1) Scale drawing indicating the placement of exhibit booths and all other features in an exhibit hall. 2) Scale drawing of the floor area of a hotel’s event space. 3) Scale drawing of a function room with specific set-up requirements (tables, chairs, etc.) drawn to scale.
Follow Spot
Movable spotlight (a brilliant light projected onto an area).
Open discussion with audience, panel, and moderator. A meeting or part of a meeting set aside for an open discussion by recognized participants on subjects of public interest.
Four-Hour Call
Minimum work period for which union labor must be paid (generally, a minimum call is one hour). Not to be confused with minimum charges to exhibitors applied by contractors who service events. Primarily used in North America
French Service-Banquet Style
A style of food service. In this pattern of service, platters of food are composed in the kitchen. Each food item is then served from the guest’s left by the server from the platters to individual plates.
A type of soft beam-focusing spotlight.
Fresnel Lens
Lens which produces a soft edged beam of light. Theatrical fixture with adjustable lens 150 W through 1500 W.
Front Projection
Projection of an image onto the front surface of a light reflecting screen from a projector placed above, within or behind the audience.
Front-of-House (FOH) Audio Engineer
A technician who manages audio equipment for an event and typically operates in the middle or back few rows of the seating area.
Full Board
A type of hotel rate that includes the price of the room and all meals. Also called FULL AMERICAN PLAN (FAP). RELATED TERMS: INCLUSIVE RATE, FULL AMERICAN PLAN (FAP), CONTINENTAL PLAN, DEMI-PENSION, MODIFIED AMERICAN PLAN, AMERICAN PLAN. Primarily used outside of North America
Any of a group of related organized occasions that contribute to a larger event.
Ganging Menus
When two or more groups in facility have the same menus.
Gate Show
Exhibition open to the public usually requiring an entrance fee.
Theatrical color filter used in conjunction with theatrical projection fixtures and spotlights.
General Assembly
General and formal meeting of an organization or company attended by a specified proportion at least of its members for the purpose of deciding legislative direction, policy matters, the election of internal committees and approval of financial matters. An assembly generally observes certain fixed rules of procedure.
General Service Contractor (GSC)
An organization that provides event management and exhibitors with a wide range of services, sometimes including, but not limited to, distributing the exhibitor manual, installation and dismantle, creating and hanging signage and banners, laying carpet, material handling, and providing booth/stand furniture. Also called OFFICIAL SERVICE CONTRACTOR.
General Session
A meeting open to all those in attendance at an event.
A system for defining locations, such as an exhibit hall, using global positioning system (GPS) or radio frequency identification (RFID) technology.
Glass Beaded Screen
Screen whose surface is covered with tiny glass beads which reflect a bright image back toward the audience but has a narrow viewing angle.
Application of game mechanics to engage event attendees, often used as a component of training and development via mobile event apps.
Gala Dinner
Primary social function of an event, usually in the evening, including entertainment and/or speeches after a formal meal.
A pre-cut, etched pattern fabricated from metal or glass that fits in a lighting instrument to form projected light into a shape (logo, graphic, scenery, etc.).
Guest Programme
Educational and/or social events or tours planned for spouses and guests of official event participants.
Food prepared according to Islamic dietary laws.
Half Moon Set-Up
A seating arrangement in which 60-, 66- or 72-inch (152-, 168- and 183-centimeter) diameter rounds have seats on two-thirds to three-quarters of the table and no seats with their backs to the speaker. Used for banquet-to-meeting or meeting-to-banquet quick set.
Hand Service
One server is assigned for each two guests. Servers wear white gloves. When serving, they stand behind their guests holding two composed plates. When the signal is given, all guests are served at the same time.
Hard Close
The predetermined time when a bar is closed at an event and the servers are prohibited from dispensing alcoholic beverages. Primarily used in North America
Head Count A
ctual number of people attending a function.
Herringbone Set-Up
Seating arrangement in which chairs are arranged in rows slanted in a V shape and separated by a centre aisle. They face the head table or speaker.
Hollow Circle Set-Up
Seating arrangement of tables and/or chairs all facing each other in a single circle.
Gooseneck Light
Small (75 to 150 watt) spotlight with flexible stem.
Gross Square Feet/Meters (GSF/GSM)
1) Total amount of available function space in exhibit hall or other facility. 2) Total amount of space used for a specific show or event.
Guaranteed Reservation
Pre-paid reservation held until agreed arrival time, or check-out time the next day, whichever occurs first. Guest is responsible for payment if reservation is not cancelled.
Hollow Square Set-Up
Seating arrangement of tables set in a square (or rectangle) with chairs placed around the outside of the table. Centre space is hollow.
Horseshoe Set-Up
Tables set up in rounded U shape with chairs placed outside. Chairs inside if needed.
Hospitality Suite
1) Room or suite of rooms used to entertain guests for business purposes. 2) An event in which refreshments are served and exhibitor personnel and visitors socialize.
Host Bar
Private room bar set up where guests do not pay for drinks.
Host Committee
A group of people bringing specific expertise of the locality and facilities of a given area to the Organizing Committee in planning the event program
Hotel Accommodation
Sleeping room(s) at a hotel and rooming arrangements; usually specifying the hotel classification in terms of its amenities, facilities, level of service and cost.
Hotel Reservation
An agreement between the hotel to provide a guest room on certain dates and rate and the guest who agrees to use the hotel on the specified dates at the agreed upon rate (and any other terms). Normally, a deposit of one night’s stay is required to hold the reservation.
House Brand
Brand of wine or distilled spirits selected by a hotel or restaurant as their standard when no specific brand is specified.
House Count
Number of guests or sleeping rooms occupied on a particular night.
House Lights
Lighting of room separate from stage lighting.
Housing Bureau
Organization that provides reservation services for a group and its attendees.
Housing Report
Document detailing housing utilization (reservations, pickup, etc.).
Horizontal exhibition
An exhibition that appeals to representatives of one or more industries through many types of products and services on display.
Hybrid Meeting
A meeting that combines face to face and virtual aspects.
Image Magnification (I-MAG)
Technology by which presenter’s image is projected onto a large screen, allowing large audiences to see details from the stage. Also called I-Mag.
In Conjunction With (ICW)
An event or function that occurs because of, or at the same time/same facility as, another event.
Expenses other than room and tax, billed to a guest’s account (e.g. phone, room service, etc.).
Price charged to clients that includes all applicable gratuities, service charges/fees and taxes.
Inclusive Rate
1) For lodging and accommodations, the amount charged for a room, usually including breakfast (or other meals), taxes and service charge. 2) For food and beverage or catering, a rate that includes taxes, gratuities and/or service charges.
Independent Show Management Company
A contractor hired by an exhibitor to perform event services independent of event management-appointed contractors.
Informal Meeting
Informal gathering, not necessarily social.
Use of floor space outside exclusive booth/stand area.
An adjective used to define services which are performed within the company or organization, rather than being subcontracted.
In-House Contractor
Contractor retained by a facility to be on-site and provide services as needed, sometimes on an exclusive basis. In some cases, planners are not required to use their services, but may be charged a surcharge or facility fee for bringing in an outside contractor for the same service.
In-House System
1) A sound system that is built into a venue. 2) A system of handling attendee registration by the event host organization. 3) Handling lodging reservations within the contracted room block at a hotel.
Inline Booth/Stand
Exhibit space with exhibit booths on either side and back.
In-depth instructional meeting providing intensive education on a subject.
Intelligent Lighting
Lighting instruments that can be computer controlled to move light around the room, and project color and patterns on screens, scenery, walls, or floor.
Interactive Exhibits
Exhibits that engage visitors through direct interaction with display components, working models, simulations, or multi-sensory or multi-media elements.
Interactive Learning
Learning activities that involve hands-on, direct experience activity by the learners, and interaction between learners
Interactive Response
A system which enables the audience to respond to prepared questions by means of a multifunction keypad, text messaging or other electronic systems. Responses are collected and tabulated by software and can be shared or displayed graphically.
Interactive Video
Video which allows the viewer to be involved in an active way with the information to be presented.
International Event
1) An event that draws a national and international audience, typically 15% or more of attendees reside outside of the host country. 2) An event that draws an audience from 3 or more countries.
Internet Protocol (IP) Address
A numeric value unique to an individual computer or electronic device that identifies it on a network. The IP address is assigned by a network administrator, Internet Service Provider (ISP), or other network hardware.
Internet Service Provider (ISP)
A service that provides access to the Internet.
Interpreter’s Booth/Stand
A soundproof cubicle in which the interpreter works.
A moderator, on behalf of the audience, asks the presenter questions
Invited Paper
Paper or speech on a specific subject submitted or presented at the request of an event’s organizers, typically for an academic conference.
Invited Speaker
A person who is invited to deliver a speech during the conference. Costs of travel, housing and appropriate appearance fees may be provided for in the conference budget. May be issued a letter of invitation to assist with international travel.
Island Booth/Stand
Booth/stand space with aisles on all four sides.
Island Exhibit
A display space that is exposed to aisles on all sides.
Junction Box
A distribution point for electrical power.
Junior Suite
A hotel room that features a separate living-sitting area (although not a separate room), in addition to the bedroom. Also called a MINI-SUITE.
1) The jobs that may be performed by a specific labour union. 2) The locality where a contractual dispute is decided. 3) In law, the ability of a court to hear and decide a matter brought before it.
Jurisdictional Dispute
Conflict between unions concerning the right to control certain jobs in a particular trade or industry.
Keynote Address
Opening remarks or presentation at a meeting that sets the tone or theme of the event and motivates attendees.
Keynote Session
Keynote sessions are designed to bring everyone together and may include a high-profile speaker or panel presentation.
Keynote Speaker
Speaker whose presentation establishes the theme or tone of the event.
Keystone Effect
Distortion of a projected image whereby the image is wider on top and narrower on bottom. Keystone effect is caused when an image source is not perpendicular to the centre point of the screen or projection surface.
1) Free-standing pavilion or light structure, often inside a facility, where printed or electronic information is available. 2) A small enclosure for ticket sales, information, etc.
Food prepared according to Jewish dietary laws and restrictions.
Learning Environment
The physiological, psychological, social/cultural, industry, nutritional, technological, physical, service, personnel, and evaluation factors surrounding the learning experience.
A stand upon which a speaker may rest notes or books. May be “standing,” which rests on the floor, or “table-top” which is placed on a table. Often confused with PODIUM.
Informative and educational presentation to an audience.
Type of adjustable spotlight used to light lecterns, signs and areas that need a tightly focused pool of light.
Lenticular Screen
Screen finish with a characteristic silver-colored finish which has brighter reflective characteristics than a matte screen but with a wider viewing angle than a beaded screen.
Light Bar
A bar with a light that hangs behind a header.
Light Box
Enclosure with lighting and translucent face of plastic or glass.
1) Service offered by electrical contractor for illumination. 2) Booth/stand or hall illumination. 3) Existing light provided by the venue for functionality and safety. 4) Controlled application of the art of lighting to impact sales, achieve atmosphere and otherwise enhance the experience of the event.
Lighting Control Console
Desk-type housing, used to contain the controls required for adjusting production lighting.
Lighting Director
Person who designs the lighting, directs placement of lighting equipment, and calls lighting cues on-site.
Lighting Grid
Structures used to support lights and electrical outlets.
Lighting Plot
A print showing the location and type of all lights used in a booth/stand, or in a meeting environment.
Lighting Truss
A construction of tubular steel or aluminum alloy onto which lighting instruments are hung and which is in turn suspended above the stage or exhibit.
Linear Display
Exhibit space that shares one or more borders with neighboring exhibits. Also known as lin-line display.
Line-Array Speaker System
A loudspeaker system that consists of multiple, usually identical, loudspeaker elements that are mounted in a vertical line to create a directional sound beam.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
Display composed of mobile crystals in liquid suspension which align themselves and polarize light in response to a small electric charge. The crystals are manufactured in pockets within the display which correspond to areas of dark on light background.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Projector
A self-contained unit with a liquid crystal display (LCD) panel, light source and lens that works with computers for displaying video, images or data on a screen or other flat surface without any need for special software or complex setting up.
1) Closed electric circuit. 2) A continuously repeated segment of music, dialogue, or images.
Low Voltage
Term applied to currents of 24 volts or less. Must be transformed from normal 110-volt input. Useful in animation, lighted model, etc.
Low-Key Lighting
Lighting in which picture intensity produces limited bright areas.
Magnetic Key Systems
Means by which doors in hotels or other facilities are locked or unlocked. Usually, these are cards as opposed to actual keys. The system permits security staff members to know what key was used to enter the room and at what time.
Mag-Stripe Magnetic Stripe.
A lead retrieval system using a magnetic strip on either the back of a paper badge or on plastic badges similar to credit cards.
Manager on Duty(MOD)
Person at a facility in charge of operations and/or guest relations for a certain period of time.
Final official listing of all passengers and/or cargo aboard a transportation vehicle or vessel.
Taped or chalked symbol on studio or stage floors designating exact placement of props, actors or exhibits.
1) Scenic drape used to obscure undesirable view from the audience or to protect or cover. 2) An item used or worn to hide the face. 3) Covering an item with masking tape.
1) Scenic draping to obscure undesirable items, such as equipment storage, or unused areas from view. Also used for security purposes. 2) Sound applied to an environment to provide privacy in open areas. The term “masking” refers to the so-called “cocktail party effect” where certain conversations are hard to pick out because similar sounds mask them. The ear-brain can be fooled into not hearing certain sounds if other sounds at lower volume, but sufficient complexity are simultaneously present. Pink noise is most often used to cause intentional masking; its spectrum is shaped or filtered and fed to loudspeakers hidden above an acoustical tile ceiling.
Masking Drapes
Drapes used to cover storage and other unsightly areas, unused areas or for security.
Original copy of something, such as an audio or video recording or filmed production.
Master Monitor
Video monitor which shows only the picture being aired.
Master of Ceremonies (MC)
Person who presides over the program. Also called emcee.
Lusterless surface.
Matte Screen
Screen having a flat or matte white finish which does not reflect as effectively as a glass-bead screen but can be viewed from virtually all front angles.
Matte White
Type of non-shiny screen surface used for front projection. It is the least expensive type of screen.
Mbps Megabits (millions of bits) per second.
A rate of data transmission over a computer network.
Meet and Greet
1) A function that has been arranged so that a celebrity/dignitary can be introduced to attendees. 2) Service for meeting and greeting persons upon arrival in a city, usually at the airport, pier or rail station and assisting them with entrance formalities, collecting baggage and obtaining transportation. 3) A social function that allows attendees to network in an informal setting.
An event where the primary activity of the participants is to attend educational and/or business sessions, participate in discussions, social functions, or attend other organized events. There is no exhibit component. Compare with CONVENTION, EXHIBITION, TRADE SHOW, CONSUMER SHOW. RELATED TERMS: CONVENTION, EXHIBITION, TRADE SHOW, CONSUMER SHOW.
Meeting Design
The intentional shaping of a meeting or event’s form and content to satisfy specific and purposeful goals.
Meeting Management Company
A company, representing another organization, handling site selection, negotiations, and turnkey support for an event.
Microphone (MIC)
Instrument which converts sound into electrical signals for transmitting or recording. Commonly abbreviated as MIC.
Microphone, Omnidirectional
MICROPHONE that picks up sound from all directions.
Unidirectional MICROPHONE that picks up sound primarily from the direction it’s pointed.
1) Visual repetitive and/or alternating projection of two different slides on the screen used to add emphasis. 2) (Sound) adjustment of each microphone for volume and sound quality.
1) Audio unit by which sound signals from all sources feed into one system; allows for dissimilar inputs (microphone and line) to be combined and controlled into one output. 2) An informal get together to give members of a group an opportunity to meet one another.
Combining audio or audio sources.
Modulator-demodulator. Computer component that enables a computer to send and receive data over telephone or cable lines.
Person who presides over panel discussions and forums.
Modified American Plan (MAP)
A type of room rate that includes breakfast and one other meal (usually dinner).
Modular Exhibit
An exhibit that uses standardized components (e.g., panels, frames) that can be assembled and reassembled in different configurations for different needs.
Modular Panels
Partition units (walls, doorframes, etc.) in standard sizes, used for building booths/stands in the sizes desired in that context. or.
1) Video or audio device used to maintain a reference on the sound or video that is being sent out to the audience. Audio feeds given to performers are also referred to as monitors but do not necessarily represent the sound sent to the audience. 2) Event staff who observe sessions, report on problems and count attendance. Also called session monit
Images reproduced in black and white or in varying shades of a single color.
Monophonic (Mono)
Sound from one source, such as a single loudspeaker or earphone. In most concert performances, this is the type of sound provided to the audience.
Mobile event app
A programme that is operated on mobile phones or tablets and includes event information such as the schedule, speaker bios and may contain other features including social media integration and audience response systems and data analytics.
1) Composite made by combining several separate videos or still images. 2) Rapid succession of images to illustrate an association of ideas.
Formal proposal to be discussed and voted on in a meeting.
With two or more communication bands (receivers).
Use of two or more audiovisual media in one presentation.
The use of two or more screens at the same time. Also called MULTIVISION.
Multi-Track Conference
A conference with parallel program sessions where participants have the choice to follow one or the other track or to jump from one track to the other during the duration of the event.
Music License
Control of the performance of musical compositions by the composers and authors through granting of a license to perform. Controlled by the copyright laws.
Music Licensing
The right granted by one party to let another party use live or recorded music through special agreements and fee structures, often conducted with organizations that represent artists.
Near Field Communication
Protocols that enable data transfer between wireless devices that are within very close proximity (less than 10 cm).
1) Reservation made, but not kept. 2) Any person, group or exhibitor who fails to appear to claim a meal reservation, exhibit space or ordered service. 3) Participant did not attend, nor cancel according to cancellation guidelines – an exhibitor a hotel guest, a meeting attendee, or a speaker/entertainer.
Occupancy Rate
1) In hotel/motel industry, the percentage of total number of available sleeping rooms actually occupied. Derived by dividing the total number of rooms occupied during a given time period (night, week, year) by the total number of rooms available for occupancy during that same period. 2) Measurement of building use usually expressed as an annual percentage rate comparing potential facility capacity to actual usage.
Off Premise Catering
Foods usually prepared in a central kitchen and transported for service to an off-site location.
Official Contractor
Organization appointed by show management to provide services such as set-up and tear-down of exhibit booths and to oversee labor, material handling and loading dock procedures.
1) Non-route airline ticketing service. 2) Computer application performed while not connected to a computer network.
A term that describes any function or activity that occurs away from the primary event facility. Examples of its use include “Off-Site Food & Beverage,” “Off-Site Venue,” etc.
On Consumption
A term used in food and beverage that refers to the purchasing option based on the amount utilized by the group. The organization pays for the food and beverage based on the actual food and beverage served and consumed.
1) The opposite of real-time. 2) Audio and/or video programming available on a Web site after the completion of an event, providing this content so Web site visitors can listen or view at their discretion.
One Ten/Sixty
Common term describing normally available current in North American Continent. The full expression is 110 volt/60 cycle. Many European and South American areas have 220 volt/50 cycle power.
On-Line Registration
Registration made via the Web.
On-Site Registration
Process of signing up for an event on the day of, or at the site of, the event.
Open Bar
Private room bar set up where guests do not pay for drinks.
Open Hours
Hours during which an exhibition, event registration or business is open.
Open Seating
1) Guests can sit anywhere. 2) Extra banquet tables are placed, but not fully set; these can be prepared quickly if there are more guests than expected.
Open Space Technology Session
Meeting format where the agenda is set by the participants upon arrival. A facilitator helps participants organize into conversation groups.
Open-Ended Incentive Programme
Incentive program where the possible number of winners are not predetermined.
Opening Address
Formal speech given at the commencement of a meeting to welcome participants; usually given by an eminent person.
Opening Ceremony
The formal general session at the beginning of a congress or convention.
Opening Session
Meeting which begins a congress or convention and in which the principal agenda items are introduced. Typically includes a KEYNOTE SPEAKER or OPENING ADDRESS.
Operations Manager
Individual in charge of performing the practical and detailed work of a programme.
Optical Sound
Sound that is recorded by photographic means on film. Sound recorded on and subsequently played back from an optical or photographic soundtrack, as opposed to a magnetic soundtrack