MedU Case 25 Flashcards
hold arm adducted and internally rotated
posterior dislocation of shoulder
Poor posture with scapulae protracted
Impingement syndrome
Bony deformity in the area of the clavicle or AC joint
Fracture of the clavicle or sprain of the acromioclavicular (AC) joint
Fullness of the anterior shoulder with a large dimple in the posterior shoulder
Anterior dislocation of shoulder
Atrophy of the larger muscles of the shoulder girdle, like the deltoid or pectoralis major
Immobilization or lack of use of the joint
Atrophy of smaller muscles such as the supraspinatus or infraspinatus
Torn rotator cuff or nerve impingement
loss of both active and passive range of motion
joint disease
loss of just active range of motion
muscle damage
adhesive capsulitis is common in people with what diseases
empty can sign tests for what muscle
differential for positive Apley scratch test
rotator cuff tendinopathy
impingement syndrome w/ bursitis
indications for sling immobilization
shoulder dislocation
proximal humerus fracture
indications for x ray
acute injury involving fracture or dislocation
swelling, bruising, and tenderness of AC joint after fall of adducted arm
AC joint sprain
risk factors for adhesive capsulitis
decr mobility - stroke - mastectomy - injury recovery diabetes
MRI is good for looking for
rotator cuff tears