Medieval Flashcards
What did Pope Gregory the Great do that helped with the evolution of music?
He codified liturgical music, creating the Gregorian melodies (over 3,000).
Who composed the Gregorian melodies?
They are marked as anonymous because the belief was that all music came from God, which meant no man could take credit.
What is liturgy?
The set order of the church service.
What are numes?
The notes in plainchant. Squares are long notes. Diamonds are short notes. The staff also has 4 lines and 3 spaces
What is the structure of plainchant?
- Single-line melodies.
- Free flowing and non-metric.
- Follows the inflection of Latin text.
- Gentle contours.
- Contained the predecessor of the major and minor scale.
What does syllabic mean?
1 note per syllable.
What does neumatic mean?
2-3 notes per syllable.
What does melismatic mean?
4+ notes per syllable.
How is the mass of a church structured?
- A reenactment of The Last Supper (The most solemn ritual in the Catholic Church).
- Mass liturgy-Divided into the ordinary and proper.
- Gregorian melodies.
What is the ordinary?
The fixed portions of the service.
What is the proper?
The variable portions that change by the seasons in the church.
What is Kyrie?
- The first chant in the ordinary that is a Greek prayer for mercy.
- In three parts to represent The Trinity.
- Sung a capella.
- Conjunct and wave-like.
- Starts neumatic but becomes melismatic.
Where did most of the music come from during the Medieval period?
Who was Hildegard of Bingen?
A poet-prophet who wrote music similar to Gregorian chants but that had expressive leaps. Her music was melismatic and her poetry contained brilliant imagery and creative language. Wrote Alleluia, O virga mediatrix.
What is Alleluia, O virga mediatrix?
A song written by Hildegard of Bingen as a prayer to the Virgin Mary to be used on special occasions. Three-part structure. Responsorial in nature (leader-group-leader-group). Expressive leaps and melisma.