Medications (Clinical Rotation) Flashcards
Generic: Clonazepam
Brand: Klonopin
- Drug Class: Benzodiazepine; anticonvulsants
- Route(s): PO
- High Alert: Yes. Schedule IV
- MOA: Produces sedative effects in the CNS, probably by stimulating inhibitory GABA receptors
- Indications: Lennox-Gastaut, akinetic, or myoclonic seizures; Panic disorder w/ or w/o agoraphobia
- Therapeutic Uses: Prevention of seizures; decreased manifestations of panic disorder
Generic: Clonazepam
Brand: Klonopin
Side Effects/Adverse Effects:
- CV: palpitations
- Derm: rash
- EENT: diplopia, nystagmus
- GI: constipation, diarrhea, hepatitis
- GU: dysuria, nocturia, urinary retention
- Hemat: anemia, eosinophilia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia
- Metabolic: weight gain
- Neuro: ataxia, behavioral changes, drowsiness, fatigue, hypotonia, sedation, slurred speech, suicidal thoughts
- Resp: Increased secretions
- Misc. fever, physical dependence, psychological dependence, tolerance
Generic: Clonazepam
Brand: Klonopin
- Contraindications: hypersensitivity to clonazepam or other benzodiazepines; severe hepatic impairment
- Considerations: Monitor closely for notable changes in behavior that could indicate emergence or worsening suicidal thoughts or behavior
- Nursing Interventions: Administer w/ food to minimize gastric irritation.
- Notes:
Generic: Clonazepam
Brand: Klonopin
- Drug Class:
- Route(s):
- High Alert:
- MOA:
- Indications:
- Therapeutic Uses:
- Contraindications:
- Considerations:
- Nursing Interventions:
- Notes:
Generic: Clonazepam
Brand: Klonopin
- Drug Class:
- Route(s):
- High Alert:
- MOA:
- Indications:
- Therapeutic Uses:
- Contraindications:
- Considerations:
- Nursing Interventions:
- Notes:
Generic: Clonazepam
Brand: Klonopin
- Drug Class:
- Route(s):
- High Alert:
- MOA:
- Indications:
- Therapeutic Uses:
Generic: Clonazepam
Brand: Klonopin
- Drug Class:
- Route(s):
- High Alert:
- MOA:
- Indications:
- Therapeutic Uses:
- Contraindications:
- Considerations:
- Nursing Interventions:
- Notes:
- Contraindications:
- Considerations:
- Nursing Interventions:
- Notes:
Generic: Clonazepam
Brand: Klonopin
- Drug Class:
- Route(s):
- High Alert:
- MOA:
- Indications:
- Therapeutic Uses:
- Contraindications:
- Considerations:
- Nursing Interventions:
- Notes:
Generic: Clonazepam
Brand: Klonopin
- Drug Class:
- Route(s):
- High Alert:
- MOA:
- Indications:
- Therapeutic Uses:
- Contraindications:
- Considerations:
- Nursing Interventions:
- Notes: