Medical Microbiology: Viral Pathogens: Classification, Biology, Diseases - II Flashcards
Why might a virus infect a host cell?
- Host cell contains factors required for the virus to replicate
- Infection of host cell allows for the viral transmission and pathogenesis
Describe the typical course of HIV-1 infection
- As the course of HIV goes on you get FEWER CD4+ T-cells and you get MORE viral RNA - this means that the virus is replicating
- Infectious process of HIV is quite quick - 6 weeks after initial infection there’s a massive peak of HIV RNA copies accompanied by a large decrease in CD4+ T-cells
- After initial large drop in CD4+ T-cells over the next 10 years you see a more gradual decrease in the no. of CD4+ T-cells
10 years after infection there’s undetectable levels of CD4+ T-cells and large numbers of HIV RNA copies
- At this “end point” is where you begin to see onset of HIV symptoms e.g. fatigue and organ failure
- This leads to increase in opportunistic infection which leads to death
Why doesn’t HIV-1 deplete all CD4+ T-cells during the first phase of infection?
- Because if HIV-1 depleted all CD4+ T-cells rather quickly it would decrease its ability to transmit itself as it wouldn’t have a host cell to use in order to replicate itself
What is the advantage of HIV-1 replicating within CD4+ T-cells?
- Viruses must evade immune responses.
- Some immune responses are mediated by specific cells of the immune system, e.g. CD4+ T-cells
- These immune cells recognize and kill cells infected by virus so by replicating within, and decreasing the no. of T-cells, HIV-1 is decreasing the chance of it being killed by the immune system
How do HIV-1 cells evade immune responses?
- HIV-1 replicates in the immune cells whose function is to recognize and kill infected cells (CD4+ T-cells)
- Replication in immune cells hides the virus from immune cells and inhibits immune cell function
- Inhibition of immune cell function allows other pathogens to replicate in virus infected hosts and, thus, disease occurs
What are Non-permissive and permissive T-cells?
- Non-permissive T-cells (5% of cells): T-cells in which HIV-1 can’t fully replicate
- Permissive T-cells (95% of cells): T-cells in which HIV-1 can replicate
What effect does HIV-1 have on permissive T-cells?
- HIV-1 fuses with T-cell membrane and allows it to enter T-cell
- HIV-1 uses reverse transcription to produce dsDNA from its dsRNA genome
- dsDNA from HIV-1 enters nucleus but because nucleus has protection mechanisms in place dsDNA is recognised as foreign
- This results in activation of T-cell enzyme Caspase-3
- Caspase-3 is a mediator of apoptosis and so its activation results in cell death of the T-cell
- NOTE: HIV-1 is mostly able to shut down this immune response in permissive T-cell
- This is due to presence of viral proteins such as: Vpr, Vif and Nef
What effect does HIV-1 have on Non-permissive T-cells?
- HIV-1 fuses with T-cell membrane and allows it to enter T-cell
- Incomplete reverse transcription occurs so only some dsDNA produced from RNA genome
- Incomplete reverse transcripts are detected by the IFI16 DNA sensor
- This results in activation of the innate antiviral response and the inflammatory response
- This leads to assembly of the IFI16 inflammasome which activates Caspase-1
- Caspase-1 causes pyroptosis causing cell death and excretion of immune factors which acts as a warning to cells around it that infection is occuring
Explain why there’s such a large loss of CD4+ T-cells during HIV-1 infection
- Release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and cellular contents from non-permissible T-cells due to pyroptosis causes inflammation
- This results in the recruitment of healthy CD4+ T-cells to area of inflammation which allows for HIV-1 particles to infect more CD4+ T-cells (psoitive feedback loop)
- Inflammation also results in the migration of neutrophils and monocytes to the area of inflammation (supercharging of the immune system)
- Neutrophils and monocytes act on CD4+ T-cells which results in release of more pro-inflammatory cytokines leading to even more inflammation
- As already mentioned more inflammation allows for HIV-1 to infect more healthy CD4+ T-cells as they migrate to area of inflammation
What are some of the HIV ssociated pathogens?
- Herpes simplex virus (HSV)
- Kaposi’s sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV)
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Salmonella
- Candida
- Cryptococcus neoformans
- Cryptosporidium
- Toxoplasma gondii
A large number of unchecked HIV infections allow other viruses to colonise and replicate. What are the 2 possible routes of infection for these other virsuses?
Primary infection - Never been exposed to pathogen before so exposure allows virus to replicate
- Can be resolved (typically by immune suppression)
- However, Infection then moves to sites in the host that the immune system does not access
- In these sites virus doesn’t replicate: latency
- Reactivation from latency - Occurs due to immunodeficiency as immune system unable to suppress virus
Explain how the Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is reactivated from latency due to HIV-1 infection
- HSV infection occurs via infection of epithelial cells (via skin)
- HSV moves into nervous system
- Nervous system doesn’t have good immune system surveillance because most immune cells can’t pass through blood-brain barrier
- HSV then gets into neurons and can move along neurins to access PNS and eventually CNS
- HSV then sits within PNS/CNS and doesn’t replicate (latency)
- Normally because of constant immune system surveillance signals are sent to latent HSV patricles so they know immune system is working
- However, due to immunodeficiency there’s a lack of these signals so latent HSV begins to reactive
- This leads to HSV travelling back to site of infection and replicates
Explain how reactivation from latency of KSHV leads to KSHV infection
- KSHV enters and produces KS progenitor cells
- This leads to de novo infection (primary infection)
- De novo infection leads to latent infection of cells in the immune system (B cells)
- KSHV doesn’t replicate or replicates very slowly within B cells
- Normally there’s constant B and T cell interaction but due to HIV depletion of T -cells this interaction doesn’t happen
- This results in KSHV reactiving with B cells
- Reactivation results in lytic and cytopathic effects
Explain how reactivation from latency of KSHV leads to Kaposi’s sarcoma
- KSHV enters and produces KS progenitor cells
- This leads to de novo infection (primary infection)
- De novo infection leads to latent infection of cells in the immune system (Non-permissive B cells)
- KSHV remains latent within B cells until specific cue occurs (inflammatory signal from cytokines causes reactivation)
- Once reactivated for some reason some of the cells become oncogenic which leads to uncontrolled cell division of B cells
- These Oncogenic B cells also produce an inflammatory response resulting in KS lesions (Cancer)
What treatments are there for Kaposi’s sarcoma?
- Antiretroviral therapy (ART) - Stops HIV replication which stops inflammatory response that leads to reactivation of latent KSHV-infected B cells
- Gancyclovir ART - Prevents repliaction of KSHV within B cells