Medical Microbiology: Bacterial Pathogens and Diseases I (Exotoxins) Flashcards
What is a pathogen?
- A microorganism capable of causing disease.
What is meant by the term “pathogenicity?”
- The ability of an infectious agent to cause disease
What is meant by the term “virulence?”
- The quantitative ability of an infectious agent to cause disease
What is meant by the term “Toxigenicity?”
- The ability of a microorganism to produce a toxin that contributes to the development of disease.
What are the different mechanisms of virulence?
- Adherence factors - Allows bacteria to adhere to host cell
- Biofilms - Group of microorganisms that stick to each other and to a surface and become embedded within an extracellulr matrix
- Invasion of host cells and tissues
- Toxins - Endotoxins and Exotoxins
What are exotoxins?
- Heterogeneous group of proteins produced and secreted by living bacterial cells
- Produced by both gram negative and gram positive bacteria
- Cause disease symptoms in host cell during disease
- Act via a variety of diverse mechanisms
What are the advantages to the bacteria of producing exotoxins?
- Evade immune response
- Enable biofilm formation
- Enable attachment to host cells
- Escape from phagosomes
- All of these allow for colonisation, niche establishment and carriage
What are some of the exotoxins produced by Staphylococcus aureus and why does it produce them?
Haemolytic toxins
- Cause mainly blood cells to lyse by forming pores
- Important cause of features of S. aureus disease
Phenol soluble modulins (PSM)
- Aggregate the lipid bilayer of host cells leading to lysis
Describe the actions of Staphylococcus aureus on the human body
- Staphylococcus aureus is a gram positive bacteria and usually sits within the nose and doesn’t cause disease - It’s a commensal organism
1. Alpha haemolytic toxin and phenol-soluble modulin (PSM) toxins inhibit fusion of phagosome to lysosome. This enables bacteria to escape from phagosome into the cytoplasm, allowing intracellular niche establishment and replication
2. PSM toxins target cohabiting bacterial species giving Staphylococcus aureus an advantage in this particular niche
3. PSM toxins allow Staphylococcus aureus to slide across surfaces
4. Exotoxins allow for Staphylococcus aureus to produce biofilm - involved in each step - Alpha-toxin involved in initial attachment phase
- Beta-toxin covalently links to itself allowing for formation of complex biofilm
- PSM toxins involved in detachment of mature biofilm allowing for dispersal to new sites of infection
Describe the genetics of exotoxins
- Some exotoxins can be encoded by chromosomal genes e.g.
- Shiga toxin in Shigella dysenteriae
- TcdA & TcdB in C. difficile
- Many exotoxins are encoded by extrachromosomal genes
- Plasmids – Bacillus anthracis toxin, tetanus toxin
- Lysogenic bacteriophage – e.g. streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxins in Scarlet Fever
What are the different classes of exotoxins?
- Membrane Acting Toxins – Type I
- Membrane Damaging Toxins – Type II
- Intracellular Toxins – Type III
What is the problem with the classification of exotoxins?
- Many exotoxins may have more than one type activity
Briefly describe the activity of the membrane acting exotoxins (type I)
- They act either on the outiside of cells or on cell membranes
- They interfere with host cell signalling by causing inappropriate activation of host cell receptors
- Target receptors include:
- Guanylyl cyclase - Increases intracellular cGMP
- Adenylyl cyclase - Increases intracellular cAMP
- Rho proteins
- Ras proteins
Give an example of a membrane acting exotoxin and explain its mechanism of action
- Example: E. coli Stable Heat Toxin
- This binds to guanylyl cyclase receptor which casues an increase in intracellular cGMP
- This leads to increased release of Cl- and HCO3<strong>- </strong> from the cell via the CFTR channel
- This also leads to increased release of H+ and increased uptake of Na+ via the NHE3 channel
- Increased release of Cl- from cell causes water to follow osmotically resulting in diarrhoea
Briefly describe the activity of membrane damaging exotoxins (type II)
- They cause damage to the host cell membrane
- There are two types:
Receptor mediated - Insert channels or pores into host cell membrane
- β sheet toxins e.g. S.aureus α – toxin
- α helix toxins – e.g. diphtheria toxin
Receptor independent - Enzymatical damage (attaches to membrane causing it to breakdown)
- S. aureus β - haemolysin
Describe in more detail how the different types of membrane-damaging exotoxins exert their effects
- Receptor mediated
- Exotoxin binds to a specific receptor on the cell membrane
- When enough exotoxins are bound to toxin-specific receptor they form hexa, hepta or octametic defined pores through the membrane
- Receptor independent
- Exotoxin binds/attaches to membrane
- Binding causes membrane disintergration
- This allows exotoxin to form short-lived pores within membrane
Breifely describe the activity of the intracellular exotoxins (Type III)
- Active within the cell – must gain access to the cell
- Usually 2 components - AB toxins
- Receptor binding and translocation function - B
- Toxigenic (enzymatic) activity - A
- AB toxins may have single or multiple B units e.g. Cholera toxin AB5