Medical Microbiology: Bacterial Pathogens and Diseases II (Endotoxins) Flashcards
Describe the structure of a Gram negative bacterial cell wall
- Outer membrane - Contains lipopolysaccharides (endotoxins) and porins
- Inner membrane
- Inbetween outer and inner membrane is the periplasm which contains peptidoglycans
Describe the structure of a lipopolysaccharide
Lipid A
- Contains phosphorylated glucosamines attached to long chain fatty acids
- No. and type of fatty acid vary by species
- Hydrophobic
Polysaccharide core
- Ketodeoxyoctanoic acid (KDO) and heptose
- Relatively constant between species
- Hydrophilic
O-side chain
- Repeat units of tri, tetra or pentasaccharide sugars.
- Highly variable between species and straisn of same species
- Hydrophilic
What are some of the characteristics of endotoxins?
- Endotoxin is lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
- Lipid A is the active component – not immunogenic (vaccine can’t be produced against it)
- O-side chain/O-antigen is highly immunogenic and immune specific
- Found only in gram negative bacteria
- Heat stable
- Can’t be converted into toxoids
- Major initiator of the sepsis pathway
What is sepsis?
- Life threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection
What immune system cells are involved in sepsis?
- Macrophages
- Monocytes
- Granulocytes
- Natural killer cells
- Dendritic cells - Antigen presenting cells
What do the cells involved in sepsis detect and what is this detetction mediated by?
- These cells detect 2 things:
- Pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMP’s) such as endotoxin
- Damage associated molecular patterns (DAMP’s) from damaged host cells
- The detection of PAMPs and DAMPs are mediated via
- Cell membrane receptors – toll-like receptors (TLR) and C-type lectin receptors
- Cytosol receptors - NOD-like receptors and RIG-I-like receptors
What is the effect of the immune system cells involved in sepsis detecting PAMPs and DAMPs?
- Production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as: TNFα, IL-1, IL-6
- Activation of inflammasomes to produce IL-1β and IL-18 that cause rapid programmed cell death
How do endotoxins cause the production of inflammatory cytokines?
- Lipid A component of exotoxin (LPS) is recognised by the protein MD-2
- LPS-bound MD-2 binds to toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) molceule on cell surface of macrophage
- Co-receptor binding protein CD14 also binds to TLR4
- This leads to dimerization of TLR4 which leads to intracellular signalling
- Activation of NF-kB
- Leads to production of TNF-α and other pro-inflammatory cytokines
What are the effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines?
- Increase number, lifespan and activation state of innate immune cells
- Increase adhesion molecule and chemokine expression by endothelial cells - This focuses immune response to area of infection
- Increase acute phase protein such as complement, fibrinogen and CRP release from liver
- Cause fever
- Causes neutrophils to release extra-cellular traps (NETs) made of DNA and antimicrobial proteins that forms a scaffold for platelet activation
- Cause release of microparticles by activated platelets
- Increase tissue factor expression by blood monocytes
* Last 3 effects cause formation of a thrombus (immunothrombosis) - traps microbes which attracts and activates further leucocytes
What are some of the effects of sepsis on the body?
- Increased vascular permeability
- Hypotension leading to hypovolaemic shock
- Fever
- Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
- Multiple organ failure
What happens when a endotoxin causes disregulation of the inflammatory immune response?
- Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), e.g. Hydroxyl and nitric oxides - These damage cellular proteins, DNA and lipids and impairs mitochondria
- Complement activation (esp. C5a) – increase ROS, granulocyte enzyme release, endothelial permeability and tissue factor expression
- Widespread immunothrombosis leading to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) with impaired microvasculature function and organ dysfunction
- As a reult of all these you get mitochondrial damage - This leads to decreased intracellular ATP and cells enter state of hibernation – exacerbates organ dysfunction
How can sepsis be resolved?
- Process of sepsis resolution is active not passive
- Anti-inflammatory cytokines (e.g. IL-10) produced early in process
- This suppresses production of IL-6 and γ-interferon
- Also stimulates production of soluble TNF receptor and IL-1 receptor antagonist
- This results in TNF binding to recptor and not cells and IL-1 not having receptor to bind to
- Autophagy of PAMP’s and DAMP’s – removal by macrophages
- Damaged cells – undergo apoptosis and engulfment by macrophages
What is Meningococcal Sepsis?
- Caused by Neisseria meningitidis which is a Gram negative diplococcus bacteria
- There are multiple strain types/serotypes - e.g. A,B,C,Y, W135
- Neisseria meningitidis can cause disease ranging from meningitis to life threatening meningococcal sepsis
What makes meningococcus (Neisseria meningitidis) so effective in sepsis?
- Has a lipooligosaccharide instead of lipooligsaccharide - has a very short O-side chain
- This means terminal part of structure is similar to human erythrocyte antigen
- This makes it hard to detect compared to erythrocytes
- Constantly sheds blebs when inside body (large chunks of outer cell membrane) which produces large amounts of LOS
Explain how all these symptoms are called by Meningococcal sepsis