Medical Conditions Affecting Pregnancy Outcomes (Pregestational Conditions) Flashcards
Responsible for the 5% of death during pregnancy
Cardiovascular Conditions
Damage in the heart’s valve/valves, aorta or pacemakers
Cardiovascular Conditions
The most dangerous time for Cardiovascular conditions:
28 to 32 weeks
Cardiovascular Conditions
- Congenital heart anomaly (ASD, uncorrected coarctation
of the aorta) - Rheumatic heart disease
- Kawasaki disease
- Marfan syndrome
- Left-sided Heart Failure
- Right-sided Heart Failure
No symptoms of cardiac insufficiency and no angina pain with ordinary activity.
Class I: uncompromised
Ordinary activities causes excessive fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea, or angina pain.
Class II. Slightly compromised
Cardiac system is most compromised during the first 48 hrs after delivery
Class II. Slightly compromised
Implication of Class II. Slightly compromised
Patient can experience normal pregnancy and birth.
Implication of Class III. Markedly compromised
Patient can complete pregnancy through complete bedrest. To facilitate delivery, the physician will use forceps.
Implication of Class IV. Severely compromised
Patient is poor candidate of pregnancy because of cardiac failure. But a woman with a pacemaker implant can also expect to complete the pregnancy.
No limitation of physical activity
Class 1
Ordinary physical acitivity does not cause symptoms
Class 1
Slight limitation of physical activity
Class II
comfortable at rest, ordinary physical activity causes symptoms
Class II
marked limitation of physical activity
Class III
comfortable at rest, but less than ordinary activity causes symptoms
Class III
severe limitation and discomfort with any physical activity
Class IV
symptoms present even at rest
Class IV
NURSING ASSESSMENT for Cardiovascular Conditions
F- atigue
R- ales
E- dema of face
E- dema of extremities
P- alpitations; P- ulmonary edema
H- eart murmors; hemoptysis,
O- rthopnea (discomfort on breathing
which is relieved by sitting or standing.
N- eck vein distention
E- dema of eyelids
C- ardiomegaly; crackles at base of lungs
D- yspnea (SOB)
MATERNAL AND FETAL EFFECTS of Cardiovascular Conditions
▶ Fetus may die during labor because fetus may receive inadequate oxygen and blood supply.
▶ Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)
▶ Miscarriage
▶ Anemia on the mother
▶ Preterm labor and birth
▶ Maternal cardiac decompensation, including myocardial failure and cardiomyopathy
▶ Severe fetal distress due to poor tissue perfusion or inadequate blood flow for carbon dioxide exchange.
DIAGNOSTIC TESTS for Cardiovascular Conditions
A- uscultation of heart sounds
C- hest X-Ray
C- ardiac catheterization
E- lectrocardiogram
E- chocardiogram