Medical colic Flashcards
reasons for abdominal pain
distention wtih fluid, gas, ingesta pulling on mesneteric root ischemia and infarction deep ulcers in stomach or intestine peritoneal pain
Clinical signs of equine gastric ulcer syndrome
Clinical Signs Acute colic Recurring colic Excessive recumbency • Poor body conditbn • Partial anorexia Poor performance Attitude changes Frequent stretching to unnate • Chronic diarrhea
Reasons for medical colis in stomach
reasons for colic in the SI
duo-prox jejunitis
Reasons for colic in the LI
Risk factors for EGUS
Stress transport high grain stall confine intermittent feeding intense exercise racing illness NSAIDs
Duo-prox jejunitis is also called
anterio enteritis
proximal enteritis
how do you differential DPJ from obtruction?
the obstruction(torsion) is usually worse
peritoneal fluid analysis - indicators of ischemic inflammation and visceral peritonitis
high protein high WBC mainly neutrophils particles of ingesta exudative
peritoneal fluid analysis - acute vsacular injury
protien first,
then RBC
then WBC
How is peritoneal fluid helpful in the visceral iscemia setting?
peritoneal lactate goes up before blood’s
Abnormal US findings for colic include
free fluid distension increased diameter of lumina increase wall thickness hypomotility LI - see NSL entrap, colon torsion, coliits
What is abnormal diameter of SI lumen and wall thickness on ultrasound?
Diamete - > 5cm
thickness - >4 mm
When do we go to surgery with a colic?
refractory pain consitent HR elevation NG reflux distended loops on Rectal tight bands on rectal abdominocentesis is messed up
What is typical DH fluids with ongoing losses
twice maintenance - 5 ml/kg/hr
Tx of gastric ulcers?
prevention of gastric ulcers
good alfalfa
preventative omeprazole
constant access to feed
Tx of DPJ
fluids - maintenance and losses analgesics and AInflamms decompress stomach anti-endotoxin - polymixin B nutritional support lidocaine (prokin, anti-inflamm) AM SUrgery
Tx of impactions
control pain
give oral laxatives
oral or IV fluids
Oral fluids is treating —— not ——-
DH, not hypovolemia