Medical and Diagnostic Procedures for Respiratory Flashcards
Aerosol Therapy
Lung treatment using various techniques to deliver medication in mist form directly to lungs or air passageways
Antral Lavage
Washing or irrigating of the paranasal sinuses to remove mucopurulent material in an immunosuppressed patient
Pulse Oximetry
NONINVASIVE method of monitoring the percentage of Hb saturated with oxygen
Test of sleep cycles and stages using continuous recordings of brain waves, electrical activity or muscles, eye movement, respiratory rate, BP using a video camera (direct observation)
Postural Drainage
Method of positioning a patient so that gravity aids in the drainage of secretions from the bronchi and lobes of the lungs
Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs)
Variety of tests used to evaluate respiratory function, ability of the lungs to take in and expel air as well as perform gas exchange across the alveolocapillary membrant
PFT that measures the breathing capacity of the lungs, including time necessary for exhaling the total volume of inhaled air
Endotracheal Intubation
Procedure in which a plastic tube is inserted into the trachea to maintain an open airway
Excision of part of the pleura, usually the parietal pleura
Excision of a lung or a portion of the lung, commonly for treatment of cancer
Surgical repair of a deviated nasap septum usually performed when the septum is encroaching on the breathing passages or nasal structures
Surgical puncture and drainage of the pleural cavity
Surgical procedure in which an opening is made in the neck and into the trachea into which a breathing tube may be inserted
Mantoux Test
Intradermal test to determine tuberculin sensitivity based on a positive reaction where the area around test site becomes red and swollen
Visual examination of the bronchi using an endoscope through the mouth and trachea for direct viewing of structures or for projection on a monitor
Visual examination of the larynx to detect tumors, foreign bodies, nerves or structural injury
Visual examination of the mediastinal sturctures, including heart, trachea, esophagus, bronchus, thymus and lymp nodes
Arterial Blood Gas (ABG)
Test that measures dissolved oxygen and CO2 in arterial blood
Sputum Culture
Microbial test used to identify disease-causing organisms of the lower respiratory tracts, especially those that cause pneumonias
Sweat Test
Measurement of the amount of salt in sweat
Throat Culture
Test used to identify pathogens, especially group A streptocci
Computed Tomography PUlmonary Angiography
Minimally invasive imaging that combines computed tomography scanning and angiography to produce images in the pulmonary arteries
Ventilation Perfusion (VQ) scan
Nuclear test scan that evaluates both airflow (ventilation) and blood flow (perfusion) in the lungs for evidence of a blood clot in the lungs