Medical Flashcards
A: Alert and Awake
V: Verbal Stimuli
P: Painful Stimuli
U: Unresponsive
What are some causes of Altered Mental Status?
- Inadequate Oxygenation
- Inadequate Ventilation
- Overdose of Medication
- Poisoning
- Infection
- Psychological/Psychiatric Condition
- Diabetes
A: Alcohol - note smell of alcohol
E: Endocrine - Consider electrolyte Imbalance
I: Infection - Consider Urinary infection in older adults
O: Opiates/Overdose: note if pupils are constricted
U: Uremia - note generalized edema
T: Trauma - consider head injury, excessive bleeding
I: Insulin - check blood glucose level
P: Poisoning - Observe environment for poisons
S: Stroke - note symptoms of a Stroke
What is the total possible score on the Glasgow Coma Scale?
Lowest: 3
Highest: 15
GCS Eye Opening
- Spontaneous
- To Verbal Stimuli
- To Pain
- No Response
GCS Verbal
- Oriented
- Conversation confused, but can answer questions
- Uses inappropriate words
- Speech incomprehensible
- No Response
GCS Motor
- Moves on Command
- Moves purposefully responding to pain
- Withdraws in response to pain
- decorticate posturing (Flexion) in response to pain
- Decerebrate posturing (Extension) in response to pain
- No Response
Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale
Facial Drooping
Arm Drifting
Speaking Abnormality
Grand Mal/Tonic Clonic Seizures
- Occurs without warning
- Tonic period lasts 10-30 seconds. body stiffens, arms flex.
- Clonic period lasts 30 seconds or longer, violent rhthmic jerking.
Status Epilepticus
Tonic Clonic seizures that are characterized but a series of seizures with the intervening time being too short to regain consciousness. (Life Threatening).
GI Bleed: Hematemesis/Coffee Ground Emesis
Upper GI Bleed
GI Bleed: Melena (Dark, tarry, foul-smelling stool)
Upper GI Bleed
GI Bleed: Hematochezia (bright bloody stool)
Lower GI Bleed or Massive Upper GI Bleed
GI Bleed: Bright Blood about outside of stool
Hemorrhoids, Lower GI Bleed.
Pain from temporary constriction/blockage of blood flow in the coronary arteries.
Heart Attack
Blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle because of a blood clot
True of False: geriatric and female patients may not have chest pain with a heart attack
Common indicators of a Heart Attack
- Radiation of pain to the neck, jaw, arms, back, and/or stomach
- shortness of breath at rest with exertion, or worsening when lying flat
- Cold, Clammy skin is common
- Place in semi-fowlers position
Routes of Poisoning
- Ingestion
- Inhalation
- Injection
- Absorption
Normal low-pitched sound
Medium high-pitched sound heard over the Trachea
Rales (crackles)
High-pitched crackles usually heard at the end of expiration. Usually indicating fluid in the alveoli
Deep rumbling sound. More prenounced on exhalation
high or low-pitched whistling during expiration. signals asthma or foreign body obstruction
crowing sound caused by inflammation and swelling of the larynx and trachea. common finding in croup