Mediar Flashcards
Mediate, Intervene - To be halfway thru:
It was halfway through 2015 when we moved overseas.
To average out, to be half way thru
Mediar - Mediaba el año 2015 cuando nos fuimos al extranjero
Promediar - Al promediar la mañana escuchamos disparos. — It was halfway through the morning when we heard gunshots.
In case it rains
No vaya a ser que llueva
A no ser qué
(For) As incredible as it seems
As difficult as it ca be…
Por increíble que parezca
Por difícil que pueda ser
How’d it seem (what’d you think) if we did it
Cómo te parecía si lo hiciéramos
On the (TO) CONDITION that he has money
A condición DE que tenga plata
Depending if he goes o not
as appropriate
Según vaya o no
según proceda
He did add to avoid breaking it
Lo hizo para evitar que lo rompiera
He is afraid that he is not doing it
Tiene miedo DE que no lo haga
The fog impides you from seeing it
La niebla impide que lo veas
It makes me sad that You did not have a good time
Me pone triste (de) que no lo hayas pasado bien.
Either the lack of time or desire
YA SEA la falta de tiempo O deseo
Train(se), prepare, qualify for
Recapacitar, reflect on