Video Standards council
Role play
Online Mulitpler
Computer Role Playing Game
massively multiplayer online role playing game
First person shooter
Open World
character that you are in the game
End of Audience
Clay Shirky
The idea that the Internet and digital technologies have had a profound effect on the relations between media and individuals. The idea that the conceptualisation of audience members (i.e. seeing them…) as passive consumers of mass media content is no longer tenable (relevant/appropriate/correct) in the age of the internet, as media consumers have now become producers who ‘speak back to’ the media in various ways, as well as creating and sharing content with one another.
In a nutshell: - We are now more likely to use the Internet and other technologies to respond to texts, including creating our own.
Fandom and Participatory culture
The idea that fans are active participants in the construction and circulation of textual meanings. The idea that fans appropriate texts and read them in ways that are not fully authorized by the media producers (‘textual poaching’). The idea that fans construct their social and cultural identities through borrowing and inflecting mass culture images, and are part of a participatory culture that has a vital social dimension.
In a nutshell: - The Internet has allowed fans to gather and create their own texts and easily share their work. Instead of just consuming the texts, audiences are also creating them.
Reception Theory
Cultural theorist Stuart Hall describes representation as the process by which meaning is produced and exchanged between members of a culture through the use of language, signs and images which stand for or represent things. Hall developed the idea that communication is a process involving encoding by producers and decoding by audiences. He stated that there are three hypothetical positions from which messages and meanings may be decoded: the preferred reading, the negotiated reading or the oppositional reading. The preferred reading is the producer’s intended message, the negotiated is when the audience understand the message but adapt it to suit their own values and the oppositional is where the audience disagrees with the preferred meaning.
In a nutshell: producers want audiences to respond in a particular way to a text. Some audiences do (preferred reading), some audiences don’t (oppositional reading) and some are in the middle (negotiated reading).