Media Language- Online Flashcards



  • 2 blacks vs the world-
    -Presents himself as AUTHENTIC- banter with his brother Deji, crude humor is unpolished + natural lighting + low production value.
    -PARASOCIAL RELATIONSHIP, humor borders on racist/homophobic- unpolished feel + constant two shot, in his bedroom.
    -STEREOTYPICAL OLDER BROTHER- audio codes criticises his brother – “you are so weird” qith direct mode of adress to camera= seeks approval.
  • “My Funniest stream” - typical codes and cons of vlogs.
  • Direct MOA, Bedroom setting, Cheap production, Language (street slang, gaming terms), Guests (Daniel Gudjon), “welcome lads”= parasocoal relationship with fans.
  • ‘New KSI reacting to ‘Old KSI’
    OLD VIDEOS= growth, unfiltered and honest baout his mistakes, reminds veiwers that even successful people have embarrasing moments, demonstrates self awareness and humility- inspiring, also nostalgic for audineces who may be older fans.
  • KSI’s Image changed-
    -negative public image (controversies and offensive content) –> positive image (serious artist and athlete gaining respect)
    -VALUES- Hard working and persevering, confident in his capabilities, growth across multiple industries = self improvement.
    -ROLE MODEL- actively worked on improving his image by promoting positivity, mental health awareness and personal growth to audience.
    -promotes positive messages such as unity and sportasmanship via organising a acharity football match, openly discussed his personal struggles with mental health on his channels- destigmatizing the topic- his growth shows the effects of hard work.
    -CHALLENGES- faced a lot of cyberbullying and hate comments, Balancing fame and personal life as a popular figure, Overcoming stereotypes and societal expectations being a black British YouTuber,
  • Not Over Yet (2022) MV
    -CONVENTIONS OF HIP HOP- numerous long shots of urban settings and luxurious cars, conventions of hip-hop but it also shows KSI’s rise from working class to prosperity + close ups of designer clothes, jewellery
    -PERSONAL TOUCH- YouTubers have to be authentic, relatable and someone to identify with, KSI’s personality is evident in the music video makes KSI more relatable and authentic.
    -STORYTELLING- style, personality demonstrated in the music video makes KSI more relatable and authentic. Seems that his business ventures and sporting quests are limitless tying in perfectly with the song title – Not Over Yet
    -CULTURAL REF- ref to neighbourhoods, slang, or traditions add layers of authenticity and connection to the artist’s background.
    INTERTEXTUALITY- Like many YouTubers – especially ‘esports’ players their own product exists adjacent to the main text (the videogame), but ksi subverts this by using the popularity he gained from his VG videos to venture into other industries like music. The MV draws on cinmeatic reps of sport deom rocky/creed franchise.
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KSI- ML Theory

  • Post Modernist- Baudrillard
    -UG content blurs the line between real and artificial.
    -YouTubers build a strong relationship with their audiences by appearing ‘authentic’ their career depend on appearing relatable.
    -However authenticity is feigned, static computer camera, domestic mise-en-scène and edgy banter are designed by KSI to create the impression of ‘reality’ and construct his persona as the ‘cocky, cool older brother’.
  • Infuencers struggle to reamin authentic when delving into business ventures but KSI tackles this by remaining the cool older brothher, albeit more mature- delving into boxing, rapping, entrepaneurship,
  • HIs beefs are admitted to be “some is real, some isn’t” - evidence of simulacra
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Attitude- ML

  • Masthead- bold serif-font saturated in black, ‘Attitude’, convey ideologies of a manner of positive thinking, direct response to often negative stereotype of being gay, where it is unfortunately still common where the gay community receive prejudism.
  • Gok Wan article-
    -IMAGES- close up selfie of Gok Wan = happy facial expressionjuxtaposing the headline “homophobic abuse”.
    connotes that he is defiant in the face of prejudism.
    -HEADLINE- “Gok Wan hits back after suffering homophobic abuse from a group of ‘lads’”.
    -hyperbolic language, which evokes a negative tone. ‘Suffering’ links to the emotional and physical feelingv relating not only to GW but also others who can relate.
    -‘lads’, connotes ignorant, anti-social yobs, who are stereotyped at being unwilling to accept anything outside of heterosexuality
    -LANGUAGE- profanity from the group of homophobic lads, referring to Gok as a ‘queer faggot’.
    -personalisation to the story but also heightens the shocking nature of the event.
    -Defiant response of assertions rather than aggression= role model- bravery
    -DIRECT MOA- direct quotes from Gok’s Instagram page, speaking to his abusers suggesting a direct message to anybody else who has abused homosexuals. Channels unity amongst the LGBTQ+ community, to stay brave and stand up in the face of adversity.
    -HYPERLINK- could be shared for ‘awareness’.
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Attitude ML Theory

  • Structuralism- Levi Strauss
    -Brazilian pop singer and activist Yann collaborated with over 25 other artists including Britney Spears, Céline Dion for a charity single and music video.
    -song, entitled ‘Igual’, will act as the theme song for Rio Pride and proceeds donated to the NGO to help towards Brazil’s LGBT community
    -Homosexuality v Homophobia, therefore, conveying the ideological significance that homophobia and oppression of being gay will not be tolerated.
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