Industry- Online Flashcards


KSI Industry (economics)

  • Impact of tech change: has allowed the audience to become prosumers, tthere Isow a large variety of options to choose to engage with. Also can be problematic as content can be offensive or inaccurate.
  • Economics: lucrative as income depends on the amount of web traffic, so MCN orgs target hihigh-volumeontent creators for (marketing, sponsorships a,nd momonetization-MONETISATION: the process by which content is converted to commercial revenue, Youtube resrestrictsis as monetisation requires 4000 hour watchtime in the last 12 months and 1000 subs.
    -ADVERTISING: ads can be displayed as banners on top or side and overlays can be clicked off, or video ads during videos can be skipped. Relevant advertising to target the audience specifically- browsing history.
    -SPONSORSHIPS: KSI is ideal to sponsor as he has mass digital influence and reaches a global audience- paid by companies to endorse products. (eg foot asylum)
  • Merchandising and diversification: Prime, Best Cereal, The Online Takeover record label, King Clothing.
    -Branded merchandise makes KSI brand tangible, walking advertisement when used, creates a community- -fan base.
    -ONLINE TAKEOVER = attempt to enter the lucrative music industry- build an identity as a music producer and compete with other labels and producers.
    -SIDEMEN: avid gamers and often collaborate to create content- maximises the audience into ppl who watch other members of sidemen and gaming videos.
  • Partnerships: Partnering with different influencers with varying personalities allows a maximization of audiences.
    -PRIME: KSI + Logan Paul- targets a young adult/teen demographic. who are typically obsessed with energy drinks, KSIs high energy matches with the brand, marketed via social media, and influencer partnerships, created a massive buzz.
    -PATRICK MAHOMES: professional American football quarterback (NFL- Chiefs)- extremely recognisable, led 3 separate Super Bowl victories. affiliated with Prime so tagets the NLF audience.
    -SPORTS TEAMS: LA Lakers, Arsenal FC- enters sports industry
    -WWE: 1 of the only 10 brands with over 100mill subscribers, - diverse and extensive target audience.
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KSI Industry (Regulation)


Hard to regulate: prosumerism means theres thousands of hours of content posted to yoituve everyday so impossible to regulate.
- CAP (Committee of Advertising Practice) responsible for wriying and maintaining advertising codes. Adverts that appear on Ksi’s videos must adhere to CAP to avoid misleading audiences through inaccurate info. By law KSI has to declare if a video is a sponsorship.
- Community Guidelines: various restrictions to prevent offensive/ inappropriate content (NO sexual content, violence, hate speech, spam etc.)
-these make yotube a user friendly environment
-breaches to this can make them inelligible for monetisation affecting commercial gain.
- KSI controversies-
-earlier he faced critisicm for offensive content, inapproproiate language, leading to bvacklash from veiwers,
-recently faced backlash and took a social media break for using a racial slur, offending south asian communities ina sidemen video playing countdown.

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Attitude Industry (economics)

    -Northern and Shell faced financial difficulty so started selling assets (adult TV channels, channel 5, and print mags and newspapers)
    -Attitude bought by Stream Publishing (small independent company- less than 30 employees)
    -Darren Styles is gay and felt there was a gap in the gay magazine market, also owns Winq magazine which is a main competitor for Attitude but doesnt pose a problem due to horizontal integration
    -Cultural ind- various editions (belgian, netherlands, vietnam)
    -Horizontal integration allows stream to merge winq and attitude to create a gay superbrand publishing in 6 countries with 5 languages.
    -streams commercial growth- also has other ownership over magazines for mcolls, p&o cruises and spar.
    -maintain creativity via vertical integration so can write design and produe their products. DS said that he liked that attitude was maverick magazine unafraid to push boundaries.
  • DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES: available on ipad, iPhone, kindle- 11000 digital copis sold per month.
    -Web traffic = 1.7 mil new users a month and a total of 1.2 mil folowers across all socials.
  • Advertising space on print and website to get larger revenue (banners/side ads)
  • Sold worldwide digitally including USA and 73 countries where homosexulaity is illegal.
    -global presence via covering global lgbtq issues and stories.
  • Star Power: High use of globablly recognisabe stars to address the global audience and acts as star appeal
    -famous for securing exclusive interviews with people like previous prime ministers, Daniel Radcliffe, Lady Gaga and even Prince William did an interview and was on their front cover, first time Royal Family had a appeared in gay lifestyle magazine so maintains the brand’s identity profits.
    -Global audience via social media: informs about global issues and tags people from abroad so broadens beyond a british audience- each social post redirects to the website, increasing revenue
  • Power and media industry- rejcted as they aim to give back, evidenced =via free online pride held during the pandemic, ‘pride at home’ 25.9 million impressions- all digital and free.
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Attitude regulation

  • Needs regulation because- many scarcely dressed male models use age restrictions on social media- need to sign in to access materials, digital tech makes it difficult to regulate material.
  • issues around attitude- comments on their social posts that might be seen as hateful and offensive. SM platforms are supposed to be helping to tackle this via regulation but because of the sheer mass volume of social media interaction so its difficult.
  • Regulate by: little options on their website for audiences to actually share particular articles, attempting to protect its readers and to protect the people who are the subjects of their articles by not allowing this shareability on their website, prevents fateful behaviour.
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