Mechanic Priveleges & Limitations Flashcards
What is the recency of experience requirement for keeping a mechanic certificate valid, and where can this information be found?
FAR Part 65.83;
The holder of the certificate must have used it technically or in a supervisory capacity for at least six months of the preceding 24 months.
Which regulations describe mechanics privileges and limitations?
FAR Part 65.
How soon must the holder of an FAA mechanic certificate notify the FAA of a permanent change in his address, and where can this information be found?
FAR Part 65.21;
Within 30 days of any permanent change in his address.
What type of work can a mechanic complete?
FAR Part 65.81;
A certified mechanic may perform or supervise the maintenance or alteration of an aircraft or appliance, or a part thereof, for which he is rated.
What are mechanic privileges concerning propellers?
FAR Part 65.81-65.87;
A certified mechanic with a power-plant rating may approve and return to service a power-plant or propeller or any related part or appliance, after he has performed, supervised, or inspected its maintenance or alteration.
What are a mechanics privileges concerning instruments?
FAR Part 65.81;
A mechanic may not perform or supervise any repair to, or alteration of, instruments.
What can a mechanic approve for return to service?
FAR Part 43.7;
The holder of a mechanic certificate or an inspection authorization may approve an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part for return to service as provided in FAR Part 65.
What can be used as a guide for classifying work?
FAR Part 43, Appendix A.
What privileges are allowed an airframe mechanic in addition to performing maintenance?
FAR Part 65.85;
He may perform the 100-hour inspection, required by Part 91, on an airframe or any related part or appliance and approve and return it to service.
May an airframe mechanic perform maintenance on engines?
No, unless under the supervision of a certificated power-plant mechanic.
What are the privileges and limitations of an airframe and powerplant rated mechanic regarding major repairs and alterations?
FAR Parts 65.81, 65.85, and 65.87;
A certificated mechanic with airframe and powerplant ratings may perform major repairs or alterations but may not approve the work done for return to service.
For how long is a mechanic certificate valid?
FAR Part 65.15;
Effective until surrendered, suspended, or revoked.
For how long is a temporary mechanic certificate valid?
FAR Part 65.13;
120 days.
How long can certifications be withheld after revocation?
FAR Part 65.11;
One year.
What must a mechanic do if a temporary certificate is older then 120 days?
FAR Part 65.13
Certificate expired, report to an FAA office for further instructions.
What privileges are allowed a power plant mechanic in addition to performing maintenance?
FAR Part 65.87;
He may perform the 100-hour inspection, required by Part 91, on a power plant or propeller, or any part thereof, and approve and return it to service.
Where can you find a pilots privilege to perform maintenance?
FAR Part 43.3 and 43.7
Who is authorized to conduct an annual inspection on an FAA certificated aircraft?
FAR Part 65.95;
An A&P mechanic who holds an Inspection Authorization.
What are the two ratings that can be issued to a mechanic certificate?
FAR Part 65.73;
Airframe and Powerplant.
What part of the Federal Aviation Regulations gives the requirements for the issuance of a mechanic certificate?
FAR Part 65.
Is it legal for a certificated aircraft mechanic to make a minor repair to an aircraft instrument?
No, not unless he is operating under the authority of a Certificated Repair Station approved for this operation.
FAR Part 65.81;
A mechanic may not perform or supervise any repair to, or alteration of, instruments.
Who is authorized to approve an aircraft for return to service after a major repair has been made to its basic structure?
An A&P mechanic holding an Inspection Authorization.
Is it legal for a certificated powerplant mechanic to make a major repair to a propeller?
No, not unless he is operating under the authority of a Certificated Repair Station approved for this operation.
FAR Part 65.87.
In what part of the Federal Aviation Regulations can a mechanic find a list of operations that are considered to be major airframe repairs?
FAR Part 43, Appendix A.
In what part of the Federal Aviation Regulations can a mechanic find a list of items that should be inspected on a 100-hour inspection?
FAR Part 43, Appendix D.
Is it legal for a certificated mechanic to supervise an uncertificated person while the uncertificated person performs a 100-hour on an FAA-certificated aircraft?
No, only a certificated mechanic can perform a 100-hour inspection.
Under what conditions can a mechanic with only a powerplant rating perform maintenance on the airframe of a FAA-certificated aircraft?
He can perform maintenance (not the required inspections) under the supervision of a mechanic who holds an airframe rating.
Who is responsible for ensuring that all of the aircraft maintenance records are kept up to date?
The registered owner or operator of the aircraft.
Who is authorized to perform the inspection on an altimeter that is required under FAR Part 91.411?
An FAA-certificated repair station approved for this particular function.
What is the minimum age for a mechanic certificate?
18 years.
How many months of practical experience is needed to qualify for the mechanic rating with both Airframe and Powerplant ratings?
30 months.
What can be used in place of the 30 months of experience to qualify to take the mechanic tests?
A certificate of completion from a certificated aviation maintenance technician school.
What type of experience is required to take the tests for mechanic certification?
Practical experience with the procedures, practices, materials, tools, machine tools, and equipment generally used in constructing, maintaining, or altering airframes, or powerplants appropriate to the rating sought.
What tests are used to demonstrate that a mechanic applicant has the proper knowledge?
The written knowledge tests.
What tests are used to demonstrate that a mechanic applicant meets the minimum skill requirements?
The oral and practical tests.
What certificate and ratings are required for a mechanic to conduct a 100-hour inspection and approve the aircraft for return to service?
A mechanic certificate with both airframe and powerplant ratings.
What certificate and ratings are required for a mechanic to conduct an annual inspection and approve the aircraft for return to service?
A mechanic certificate with an Inspection Authorization.
How many months of experience with a 24-month period must a mechanic have to exercise the privileges of his or her certificate?
At least 6 months.